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This body paint tastes so good!!

The Shunga Body Paint has its flaws but it is also lots of fun to paint on your partner and lick off.
Tastes very good
Smells sweet
Easy cleanup
Extremely sticky
White paint difficult to see on me
Contains sucrose
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Shunga Body Paint comes in a glass bottle with a black twist off cap. On the front there is a sticker with the Shunga logo and a couple kissing. On the back is a product description in English and French and a list of ingredients. The bottle holds 3 1/2 fluid ounces or 100 milliliters. The bottle has a plastic holder around the bottom of the cap to hold the fancy applicator. The applicator has a wooden handle and foam tip with a tie around to hold the foam piece on the wooden stick. The bottle is only about 4 1/2 inches high and about 3 1/2 inches across. It was smaller than I had imagined.
Body Paint Size

The paint is easy to get out of the glass bottle with the included applicator. I got the Vanilla and Chocolate flavor. It is very liquidy and smells like sweet vanilla. It tastes very sweet and pleasant. I taste the vanilla and the chocolate. It dries pretty quickly in a couple of minutes but it also becomes extremely sticky. The applicator gets more and more difficult to use after it becomes so sticky. This is probably due to all the sugar in it. The Body Paint is a white color and I found it very hard to see the paint on my skin, maybe I should have gone with the chocolate flavor instead.
Body Paint

As I said before it is extremely sticky so you will probably want to lick or wash it off. It doesn't stain and it washes off very easily with just some water. It contains sucrose as the number one ingredient. If you have a sensitivity to that you might want to look else where for body paint. The packaging also says it can be used for skin care and as a face mask. It is really a little too sticky for me to want to put it on my face for any period of time so I have not tried that. Despite it's stickiness I really enjoyed using this body paint mainly because of it's flavor. It is great for tasty licks and has the ability to add a level of fun to your intimate time.
Follow-up commentary
I still really enjoy using this body paint occasionally. It's not something we pull out often, but when we do I definitely enjoy the experience. Looking back, I should have gone with a darker color like chocolate or strawberries & champagne because the white liquid is quite hard to see on lighter skin tones.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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    • Couples
    • Foreplay
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
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    • Breasts
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  • Contributor: ginnyluvspotter
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: sXeVegan90
    Thank you for the review I was wondering how the vanilla/chocolate combo tasted.
Discussion Posts Last Update
Body paint vs body dust 9
Other flavors besides chocolate? 8
Does this product have an expiration date? 5
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