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If you want something that works and looks cute to use, then this is for you, plus it's no bigger than a lighter, (folded in half of course) so there is always room for it.
Great style and taste.
None that I've found.
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useful review
I have rather large lips and they often need just a bit of balm and I have tried many different types over the years, but I really like this kind. The container is easy to spot in your purse, and is just cute as all get out. The flavors are good, but I prefer the Summer Fruit. I like the red color and the ball shape to the balm. The ball shape is nice because in winter, sometimes the skin around the lips gets cracked and with the larger application surface, it's easy to get it where you need it in one swoop. The balm itself doesn't clump up during application either, so no worries about walking around with a glob of suspicious gunk on your lips.

The container opens with a slight twist of the cap and has little indentations to guide your fingers to the place to start and to signal when it's properly closed. The surface is smooth and very colorful. The balm itself comes in a round ball inside the container. It tastes sweet and fruity, almost like a mix of orange and strawberry. Very citrus. There is no discernible smell until applied. It glides on smoothly and lasts about as long as any other lip balm, but helps prevent dryness.

Because it is organic, you can also use some of the balm on dry areas of skin like elbows. I wouldn't use much or there won't be any left for your lips. I have somewhat sensitive skin and this balm didn't cause me any issues.

Another little added bounus to this product is that from a distance, it looks like you are rubbing a strawberry on your lips. So it becomes a good conversation starter with whoever's attention you grab. So don't be afraid to whip this out when you're in an elevator next to that cute guy from IT.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: Beneath The Bed
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: deltalima
    Good review.
  • Contributor: hotcherry
    Great thanks
  • Contributor: shortstoke1980
  • Contributor: Bignuf
    Thank you for an honest and helpful review.
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