Sweet Almond Massage Oil

Sensual Massage Oil by Kama Sutra assists in giving a wonderful massage. The texture and scent are wonderful! I highly recommend this product.
Not too oily, smells great, goes on smooth, moisturizes skin.
Not edible
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I love giving and receiving massages. Over the years I’ve tried a multitude of different products and this is one of my favorites. Kama Sutra Sensual Massage Oil is the most sensuous massage oil I’ve ever found. The aroma creates a very calming and romantic atmosphere. It sets the mood during foreplay, but can also be used for regular massages.

This is a very gentle formula. I have rather sensitive skin and I have never had a problem with this product causing any irritation. Even after getting some of the oil on my face, it didn't cause my skin to breakout.
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Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Many of the oils I have come across before are oily and sticky, Sensual Massage Oil is not. It is perfect. The oil is very light. It slides right on and is easy to move around. The oil is very smooth and feels great. The oil moisturizes the skin and leaves it feeling very soft the next day.

I've found skin absorbs the product very nicely. I have washed this product off with soap and water after and left it on all night, with the same results. It doesn't leave me feeling sticky or dirty. My favorite part is that I can put a shirt on afterward, without the shirt sticking to me.

Taste / Aroma

The scent is very nice. Sweet Almond has a light aroma of almonds that is wonderful. The smell of Sweet Almond soothes me and causes me to relax. The scent lingers on my skin hours after a massage.

This product is not edible and has no taste. This is the one thing I would change about the product.


Kama Sutra's Massage Oil is very easy to work with. It warms nicely and feels great on the skin. The oil reduces friction, making it much easier to work out knots. I usually use a dime to nickel size amount and add more if it necessary. When other people use it on me they tend to use more, say a nickel to quarter size amount. The amount that is used will depend on how long it takes to run out of the bottle. The amount that is in the bottle makes it a bargain for the price.


Kama Sutra’s Massage Oil comes in a 8 oz clear bottle, with the Kama Sutra logo about 1/3 of the way down. The packaging is rather discrete and since it clearly points out on the bottle that it is Massage Oil, I don’t feel the need to hide it. The slender bottle fits easily in my hand, making it easy to add additional oil even with product on my hands. I have had a problem with similar products leaking, the lid on Kama Sutra’s Massage Oil is tightly fastened and I’ve never experienced any leaking.
Follow-up commentary
Sensual massage oil is still one of my favorite massage oils of all time. It is easy to use and feels wonderful on my skin. The scent is very relaxing and makes having a massage even more wonderful. I will be purchasing more of this product as soon as my bottle runs out.
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  • Contributor: removedacnt
    The sweet almond scent sounds very nice! Good review, thanks!
  • Contributor: Sammi
    This does sound good Smile
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: Luvasaurus
  • Contributor: xSARAHx
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Jenny Smith
    Nice review, thanks
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