-Steamy Sexcapades-

Cosmo's steamy sex games is a great way to spice up a romantic night with new couples, or couples that have been together for a very long time. You can use your imagination to come up with some fun ideas for your partner. I can't count how many times that we had to stop playing early, because it had us so aroused. Try it today!
-For any couple
-No dice are included for the dice games.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

Purpose / Audience

Cosmo's steamy sex games is a game designed for couples to play. This game would be best for any gendered couple, be it male/female, female/female, or male/male.
There are 12 games included that you can play weekly, daily, monthly, or when you have some time alone with your partner. This game is perfect for any relationship. You can be in a new relationship, and this will help you get to know your partner a little more.
If you've been in a relationship for a while, this will help you add some spice to your relationship.
If you're married, it will help you take a new spin on things you you may have already done in the past.
The 12 sex games would also be ideal for any age group.

There are 12 games included with the box. They are all different, and they take different a very different approach on foreplay, sex, fantasys, tarot card reading, truth or dare and so many more. This games can get really steamy.

The objective of each game, is to put the cards in order , and then pick one form the top of the stack. Once you complete the task from card one, you can go to card two and go from there. Each card has a completely different task than the last one. Once you've completed that card, place is at the bottom of the deck, or at the bottom of the set. It will all depend on how you play the game. You can play as many as you like in one night. This game is excellent for foreplay. It can get very kinky, if you let it.

    • Couples
    • Exploration

Rules / Content

The games that are in the package are listed below:

Dirty Truth or Dare

Sexy Scavenger Hunt

Call of the Wild

A Night of Naughty Adventure

The Cosmo Carnal Challenge

Finish the Fantasy

Dicey Discovery

Titillating Trivia

A Week of Passion Prop Play

Get Him Hot Game

Daring Dice

Sexy Tarot Cards

Below are the games and their descriptions:

- Dicey Discovery: "Uncovering new erogenous zones can lead you and your partner to new heights of ecstasy. Ready to explore uncharted erotic territory? Grab your dice and start rolling."

- Call of the Wild: "There's nothing like a little animal passion to fire up your lust life. This playful take on the Kama Sutra will unleash your inner wildcat."

- A night of naughty adventures: "Lock the door, dim the lights, and get ready to play out the theme of the evening: pleasure. All that's required is being a little bold, a little bad, and more than a little hungry for excitement."

- Dirty Truth or Dare: "Want to push your passion to heart-pumpin new heights? Tempt your guy with these titillating turn-on cards and inspire the kind of desire you've only dreamed of."

- Finish the Fantasy: "One way to take your sack session to the next lust level: tap into your erotic fantasies. This game will help you- and your partner- get into a deliciously dirty mind set."

- A week of passion prop play: "These frisk-things-up cards will put you two on a seven day sizzling adventure. So clear your calendars and get set to discover the hidden benefits of some less-than-obvious joy toys."

- Titillating trivia: "Upping the intimacy factor will bring you and your guy closer...and close to ecstasy. Play this game to get clued in to each other's sexiest secrets.

- Get him hot game: "Want to make his head spin, his knees weak, and his toes curl? Then break out these cards and start exploring his body- one erotic inch at a time."

- The Cosmo carnal challenge: "We dare you to pump up the thrill level in your lust life. Prepare to ditch your inhibitions and elevate your tease-please-and-titillate talents to new heights."

- Daring Dice: "This game is for the lucky lady- it's all about her pleasure. All you need is a set of dice, a timer, and a ready-to-get-randy mind-set."

- Sexy tarot cards: "We put a naughty spin on the ancient art of tarot card reading. Deal them out to get a glimpse of his sexual past, tap into his present desires, and foretell his erotic future."

- Sexy Scavenger Hunt: "You already know the bedroom can be a delicious place. This game sends you on a testy version of hide-and-seek that will definitely wet your erotic appetite even more."

You can change up the rules on the game, and change them up to how you like. There aren't any set rules that come with the game. You just do what the card suggests, or you can add some things on. It all ends up in fun. We've played it both ways, and both ways are a blast!

You can take as long as you want on playing the game, or you can make it end quickly. what matters is what you like and prefer. We usually play it for about an hour most times; although, we have played for as little as 15 minutes because the games had us so aroused, we ended up stopping early.

There is no winner or loser in this game. It's more or less to get you aroused and excited, and to also let you know more about your partner. If one partner starts getting all the questions correct, that partner is the one who is rewarded more. It's best if only two play the game, but 3 or more can play as well. It can be used by two sets of couples. It worked great in letting me know what my partner liked more, and what he didn't like so much.

You can also skip between games, or play a few of one set, and then move on to another. You don't have to stick with only one game. This is not a hard game to play. It's more experimenting with each other. It really breaks the ice on new relationships.

There were no actual paper instructions included with the game itself, although, there are instructions on the back of the main card, in each set.
    • Can make your own rules
    • Easy to play


I really like the game, and it brings a lot more into our usual foreplay routine. Considering that I've been in a relationship for a little while with my partner, we were still able to do new things with this game. As for example, the trivia games asked about the kinkiest moment that we've had together. Over the months or years, this may change between you and your partner. It's designed so you can change it up and use it weeks or months down the road. It hasn't gotten old to us, and we've played it about 5 times so far. Answers on some of the cards change every now and then, so it makes it new and refreshing each time when we play it.

I really like the colorful cards, and how they match with each set.

Below, I've listed what theme is on each game:

Dirty Truth or Dare: Pink cards with bubbles

Sexy Scavenger Hunt: Fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, oranges.

Call of the Wild: leopard print cards.

A night of naughty Adventure: Silk or satin sheet look to the cards.

Finish the Fantasys: Flower cards, such as roses, peonies, tiger lilies.

Dicey Discovery: The cards have a pink dice look to them.

Titillating Trivia: These cards are blue, and look like textured glass.

Get Him Hot Game: These cards are pink and orange, and look to be swirled liquid designs.

The Cosmo Carnal Challenge: These cards look like snake skin.

Daring Dice: These cards have a red dice look to them.

Sexy Tarot Cards: These cards remind me of blue clouds.

A week of Passion prop play: These cards look like orange liquid swirling around.

I like the modern design of the cards. These would be perfect for any age group. The cards are thin. They feel just a little thinner than regular playing cards. They are also a little bigger. The cards measure 4" X 3 1/2"

The come in a nice pink box with a male/female couple on the front. The couple are engaged in a deep stare while lying on the bed. The female is on top of the male, with a bra and matching panties. The male is in underwear only. The front of the box has the title of the game, and it also reads 'From the editors of Comsopolitan'.

The back of the box reads:

Are you ready to play?

What's inside: Twelve sizzling, couples-only bedroom games, complete with fun, easy-to-use tear-out cards. Heat up your mattress action with these challenges:

-The sexy scavenger hunt

-Dirty truth or dare

-Finish the fantasy

-Titillating trivia

-Call of the wild

...And more!


The perfect, handy box to store these red-hot games in... so you can play them over and over again.


Hearst Books

A division of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.

New York/London


The box opens up like a flip style book, and has a magnet closure. Once opened, there is a clear window flap, that shows the cards. This flap opens as well, and the cards are in the cardboard holder. These fit in neatly, and are easy to get in and out. Inside the front flap, there is a photo of the front card for each game. This shows the designs on the cards. The little box would be perfect for travel. I've taken it on travel before, and it's great to travel with. It fits into a duffle bag or suitcase perfectly. This would be a great gift for couples on a wedding night, bachelorette party, or anniversary.

I can hold it in my hand with no problem. The box of cards weighs 14.4 ounces. There are 118 cards total. The outer packaging measures 4 3/4" X 4". The outer box has held up well. The cardboard seems durable.

There are no dice included with this game. To play the dice game, you must provide your own. If you don't have any dice, you can print paper dice templates online here.
    • Attractive design
    • Travel friendly

Personal comments

We used our imagination with this game and it was very fun. The more creative you are with the ideas, the funner that the game becomes.
As long as we keep coming up with fun ideas for these games, it will never get old or boring to us. We use our own dice for the dice games, because the game didn't have any included with it. I'm really glad that I purchased the game.

To store the game, I keep it in the box that it arrived in. I keep it on a shelf in the closet, along with my romance books, and sex books.

One of our favorite cards to use is the card listed below:

We really have fun with this game, and it keeps the excitement alive!
Follow-up commentary
This is still a very fun game to play. We like to play this on the weekends when no one is around, except us. It's so fun to play this while sipping on wine.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: AmethystQueen
    Thank you so much for this review! I've seen so many sex games that are just cheesy. I wasn't going to give this one the time of day. I would have liked for you to describe the different games and how you played them in your own words though.
  • Contributor: Big&Bald
    Each game has been played by us about 5 different times. I would have had to describe 60 different games that we played. It's really self explanatory. The cards tell you exactly what to do. I tried to change it up each time that we played. We never played the same game once. if you need to know about a specific games, send me a message and I can tell you the 5 ways we played that particular game.
  • Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX
    Sorry, Big&Bald (My partner) was still logged into his account on his laptop and I replied from the laptop. We tend to do this often, lol. We can give you a guy's point of view and the point of view from a female. I can tell you that his favorite game was 'Call of the Wild' and my favorite was the Tarot card game.
  • Contributor: souviet
  • Contributor: Stinkytofu10
    Great review, thank you!
  • Contributor: CindyH
    sorry to hear there were no dice
  • Contributor: Sangsara
    Let me know when you get your own blog!
  • Contributor: Archery
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: Hazeleyes2012
    Thanks for the review...
  • Contributor: mammas place
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: thegogofiasco
    Thank you for the review. This looks like fun!
  • Contributor: Lovely Jubblies
    Excellent review! It's a shame about the dice though, even if most people have them they should really be included.
  • Contributor: HoneyBear69
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: lovelyzombie
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: A&M
    Thank you for the very informative review.
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