Smells Great, Less Filling?

I enjoy using Intimate Organics Adventure spray, but it doesn't really accomplish much in the way of relaxation. If you have difficulty with anal play, I doubt that this product will do much to make it easier on you. But hey, a placebo works when it works, and if it smells great, so much the better.
Great Smell
Comfortable Warming Sensation
Adds lubrication
Doesn't really relax the sphincter
Odor lingers
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


As the product's name suggests, Adventure Anal Spray is meant to be used during anal play to help relax the sphincter and make anal play easier and more enjoyable. While adventure itself acts as a sort of lubricant, it comes in such a small quantity that you'll probably want to supplement with some other kind of lube. For best results, you should wait 10 minutes after applying the Adventure spray before applying any other lubricants.

To my chagrin, I read in another review that Adventure contains Dimethicone, a type of silicone lubricant, only after I'd used it with my Tantus Slim. On the plus side, it doesn't seem to have done any damage to my beloved Slim. I wrote to Intimate Organics to ask about it, and they've assured me that it is perfectly safe to use with silicone toys as well as latex condoms. If you're looking for something to use in conjunction with silicone toys, it would be best to look elsewhere. So whether you're looking for something to help with traditional anal intercourse (is that an oxymoron?) or with toys, Adventure may be a good choice for you.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The texture of the Adventure spray is a bit thinner than I had expected, but still velvety to the touch. Adventure comes in a tiny 1 oz. spray bottle, which can be awkward to maneuver when using it alone, but is very effective at parsing out a good supply of the substance. Even used in small quantities, I was impressed at how well the spray stayed in place. However, even if its consistency allowed it to perform well as an anal lubricant, the small quantity and high price would make it a poor choice. When paired with my water-based lubes, Adventure still managed to stay in place and get the job done.
    • Slick
    • Smooth

Taste / Aroma

The smell of the Intimate Organics Anal spray is probably its most notable feature. To say the aroma is strong would be like saying that the sun is sort of warm. I knew from reading the product description that the product would have some odor, but I was unprepared for the sheer tenacity of the smell. This is not to say that the smell is unpleasant; far from it. In fact, the smell is reminiscent of cloves and oranges and comes off as some sort of mix between a warm winter Glogg and some sort of Indian desert. Naturally, this comes as quite an improvement to the body's natural odors, and if one is self-conscious about anal play for fear of such smells, the Adventure Spray's ability to mask such an odor might alleviate any such fears. However, the smell lingers, so be mindful of what surfaces or fabrics the spray might come into contact with.
    • Smells good
    • Strong smell


Despite the pleasing smell and texture, I was a bit disappointed in the Adventure spray's ability to perform its primary purpose. As I've noted in other reviews, I have a great deal of difficulty accepting even smaller anal toys, and had high hopes that the Adventure spray would make it easier for me. After several applications and use with both toys and fingers, it simply didn't help me or my girlfriend relax enough to make anal play any easier. However, the spray did create a sort of warming sensation that I found pleasant enough, and it lasted for nearly half an hour. While I don't think that the Adventure spray does a great job of relaxing the sphincter, it did make anal play more pleasant and lasted longer than I had expected.

Cleanup was a bit of a pain. As I mentioned above, my silicone toys did not melt, degrade, or change texture when used with the Adventure spray, but my silicone plug did retain the smell of the Adventure spray through several washes. Eventually I was able to get the smell to dissipate, but I would strongly caution users about getting this product on anything they don't want to wash thoroughly.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Long lasting


Intimate Organics Anal Spray comes in an attractive package bearing a woman's torso on one side and usage instructions and a list of ingredients on another. The Spray itself is packaged in a 1 oz. spray bottle with an image similar to the one on the box. I found it pleasing to look at, but it is anything but discreet. Aside from the potential for a leak inherent in any plastic spray bottle, the size of the product makes it perfectly well suited for travel. While the spray bottle is effective at dispensing the liquid within, it is a bit awkward to apply yourself. The instructions could also be more specific about how much to use, and since the product is sprayed on the external surface of the skin, it would be nice to get some instructions on whether or not it should be massaged in or applied internally somehow.
    • Minimal
    • Not discreet
Follow-up commentary
Having continued to use my Intimate Organics Adventure spray with a variety of toys (and without), I'm simply not convinced that it performs its intended purpose. My primary reason for purchasing the spray was to make anal easier and more comfortable for my partner and me, and it doesn't appear to have helped much in that capacity. While I still find the smell of the product pleasant, the odor still seems to cling to whatever toys it comes into contact with. No amount of cleaning seems to dispel the scent of Adventure spray, particularly from my Tantus Slim. I suppose that, if anything I own has a right to smell like an Indian brothel, it would be my butt plugs. Nevertheless, the lingering scent gives me an uneasy feeling that my toys are not clean, which I don't care for. However, my biggest disappointment in the Adventure spray is that it simply doesn't do what it claims to. Those wary of the rigors of anal play would do well to spend their money on a high quality lubricant instead of this "relaxing spray".
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This review was edited by
  • ZenaidaMacroura Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura
  • Rank:
    5.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 341
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura
    Great review! Too bad this stuff didn't work to well for you.
  • Contributor: Purpleladybug
    Thanks for the review!!
  • Contributor: faust
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: Princess-Kayla ?
    Great review.
  • Contributor: badk1tty
    I laughed at your update about the indian brothel
  • Contributor: Review It
    Thanks for sharing this review with us!
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    nice review
  • Contributor: yarii
  • Contributor: ILikeShinyThings
    great review
  • Contributor: Peres2013
    Nice review
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