Smells good, feels good

Simply Sensual revitalizing body lotion is a lightly scented lotion that lasts a long time and feels luxurious while it is being applied. It is probably best used as a massage lotion or as a night-time lotion since it will leave a slight oily residue on your skin that will take five or ten minutes to absorb. It does a good job of making rough dry skin feel much better.
Long lasting, smells good, leaves skin well moisturized.
Initially leaves a greasy residue on skin.
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extremely useful review


Simply Sensual Body Lotion is an all purpose moisturizer that you can use on your hands and body too.

It's great for those who want a lotion that is an average thickness that lasts a long time and that doesn't have a strong scent.

The label says it is "intended for adult pleasure" and also that "unique emollients allow for luxurious and moisturizing body massage." This product would make a terrific massage lotion. It takes quite a bit of rubbing before the lotion absorbs into the skin.

At the same time, it would make a nice night cream. It does a good job of moisturizing and softening skin.

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Simply Sensual body lotion has an average thickness for a hand and body lotion. It isn't runny, but isn't particularly thick either.

Once you squeeze some out and begin to rub it in, it will feel a bit greasy. This is no doubt due to the canola oil, which is the second ingredient, as well as the siloxanes. The latter are commonly used in silicone lubes as well as other cosmetics products for their ability to soften, soothe and moisturize skin.

When the lotion has been rubbed in, your skin will have a slight oily residue. If you want to do something with your hands immediately afterward, you may need to rub your palms with a towel to remove the residue. After the lotion has been on your skin for a few minutes however, it will have absorbed in and there will no longer be any lotion residue.

Taste / Aroma

Simply Sensual body lotion has a subtle but very pleasant scent. It does not smell like green tea. Its scent is fresh and clean but isn't reminiscent of anything specific. After the first few uses, you won't even notice the scent. You can smell it if you sniff skin where it has been applied but the scent is not strong enough for others to notice if they aren't trying to smell it.


When applied to chapped, dry skin, it stings slightly on the chapped areas. It feels luxurious and a little greasy at the same time. Once applied, skin is left with a slight oily residue but also feels soft and moisturized. It feels healing to use it repeatedly on dry or chapped skin.

This lotion is probably best used right before bed where it doesn't matter that it leaves a slight residue. In this way, it can stay on your skin and provide protection for you as you sleep.

This lotion will keep your skin feeling moisturized longer than most lotions. It is not like some lotions where you feel you need reapplication minutes after applying the lotion.

Special Features

This lotion contains Copulandrone, Couline-alike and Reconstituted Andronone, which are the pheremones mentioned on the label. It's possible there could be a social response from others after using this lotion.

Simply Sensual body lotion contains no parabens.

The packaging says "green tea aloe" but neither of these items are listed as an ingredient. That must be the fragrance Simply Sensual was trying for although this lotion doesn't smell like green tea.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: voenne
    Canola oil? Really? That's weird. I don't like greasy lotions, so I'll have to pass. What a bummer. Also weird that neither green tea nor aloe is in the ingredient list. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: cbmb716
  • Contributor: ichwillwaffels
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: sunsplash
  • Contributor: angel142stx
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: leelee
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Badass
    Great review, thank you much!
  • Contributor: Peaches2000
    I don't like the idea of a greasy after feel...Thx for the info.
  • Contributor: SimpleTeaser
    Thanks for sharing your review on this product.
  • Contributor: Evol
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: MK434
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Charry
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: ruger7mm420
  • Contributor: Badmew
    Hm strange it takes that long to absorb. Thanks for reviewing!
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