New Puppy? Try Silky Sheets!

Need a quick shot of room freshener? Have a damp area that needs help? Want to freshen those shower curtains...Silky Sheets is a versatile and effective method of dealing with those pesky little issues. While it will not dry wet areas, it will minimize dampness while adding a nice fresh aroma.
Room deodorizer, Pet stain deodorizer, Minimizes dampness
Talc, Possible white areas
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Silky sheets is a nice alternative to Febreeze with the addition of talc for softness and absorbency. My husband and I tried this on the bed and the odor was very pleasant, the wet spots did not dry completely, but were more tolerable and the talc does add a bit of softness to your bedding. Make sure you spray about 12-18 inches away from the target area in order to minimize the whitening of the talc.

We have an incontinent, very old dog (18 years old) and a new puppy, I let the dogs out of the bathroom, sprayed the areas with Silky Sheets, waited about 15 minutes and vacuumed thoroughly. (We put them in there when we are at work to minimize the damage to the rest of the house.) The odor was gone and the spots were dry until I could get the shampooer out the next day. If this is used for pet areas, remove the pets until after vacuuming!

This is a great room deodorizer for spare rooms that are seldom used, adds freshness to the air and removes that stale, unused aroma. I also like to add this to the fabric shower curtain in our bathroom between washes. (I have a plastic inner curtain, but the outer fabric can start to get a bit funky towards the end of the week.)
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Deodorizer
    • Room freshener
    • Shower curtain freshener
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
    • Bedroom
    • Spare room

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The pressurized, aerosol can holds about 4 oz of spray and a little bit goes along ways! The spray comes out clear and fast and can leave a whitish residue from the talc if over sprayed in certain areas or if you spray it too close to your target area. The talc helps to absorb dampness but will not be effective on wet areas.

When sprayed on your hand, for testing, it leaves a silky film from the talc and a slight oiliness from the mineral oil. There is no staining after washing and the residue comes right out, including the fragrance.

The spray allows you to lightly mist a room, target damp areas or bedding and works great for disbursing the aroma throughout the area. I love using this when the pets have an accident, I just quarantine the area, remove the wetness with an old towel, spray and wait for 15 minutes. I make sure I vacuum the residue prior to allowing the dogs back into the area. I will not leave the talc in an area where they can sniff it into their lungs, this creates health problems. I have sprayed it inside, on the bottom of their huge dog beds, but vacuumed the talc out prior to laying them back on the floor. I also have a shampooer that I make sure I use by the next day to wash the area.
    • Slick
    • Smooth
    • Velvety

Taste / Aroma

I refuse to taste this, it is harmful if ingested. The aroma is long lasting, pleasant and fresh. I have Spring Rain and it reminds me of the Clean Linen aroma of Febreeze. It is light and fresh without being too overpowering. Just remember, a little bit goes a long ways.

This is meant as a clover up after sex, a light bedding accent prior to sex or sleep and not as a substitute for washing your bedding. Use this as you would with other deodorizers and perfume products and you will be very happy with the results. I ordered this on a whim and am now making sure I keep it in stock at all times. This is a perfect accompaniment for those of us with pets, spare rooms and shower curtains. I do not use this on our bed so much, I do not like aromas where I sleep, however I have used it to diminish the wet spot if I am too lazy to get up afterwards and change the sheets. It is great until morning when you have the energy to remake your bed.
    • Light smell
    • Long lasting
    • Versatile


The aroma lasts for hours, the talc needs to be removed fairly rapidly for me, I hate the residue and health issues. I am very happy with the performance of this product and it has completely replaced other room fresheners and fabric deodorizers. I have noticed that the aroma lasts longer than other sprays and the drying effect is an added bonus to damp but not wet spots.

To remove the talc residue on washables, just toss in washer, dryer and they are good as new. The aroma and talc is removed completely on washing. For carpets and other items not washer friendly, vacuum thoroughly or wash with damp cloth until residue is gone. I vacuum the area about five minutes to remove the talc and then spray the air with a quick shot for deodorizing.
    • Allergy concerns
    • Long lasting
    • Performance


Silky Sheets is in a metal aerosol can. It claims to have pheromones, but we have not noticed any affects from them and feel that it is just a marketing strategy. The spray nozzle works great, the cap on the top keeps the aroma contained and prevents contaminants from getting onto the nozzle.

I have had no problem with blockage from the talc, but that is probably due to the pressurization from the propane, butane and isobutane. These chemicals are in every aerosol spray for their pressurization, flow and anti clogging properties. They are flammable, however, the flammability is gone after about two minutes which is after the chemicals have evaporated.
    • Does not leak
    • Easy to use / dispense
Follow-up commentary
I absolutely love this product!! I have used it for the pet areas and for your sheets and could not be happier. I did notice if I over spray or get too close, there is a white residue, but just be cautious when using and it is perfect!

I am ordering a few of these for different areas of the house! No more stale spare room aromas, no more bathroom shower curtain funkies and no more puppy aromas prior to shampooing the carpet!

The talc does need to be vacuumed up immediately if using in pet areas, however the aroma does linger after vacuuming.
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  • Contributor: Mylo
  • Contributor: Desirae Alisia Weatherby
    thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Amber Sweet
    thanks for the great review
  • Contributor: Jazyy88
  • Contributor: LoneOokami
  • Contributor: mammas place
    nice review
  • Contributor: HuntingPrincess
    great review
  • Contributor: Akikaze
    Great! Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: dontbackdown02
    Thanks.....everything I consider is out of stock
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Silky Sheets 7
Silky Sheets Scents Out Of Stock 3
Using Silky Sheets to Dry Spot 23
pheramones 9
talc 2
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