My coochy LOVES Coochy!

I recommend this product for anyone who shaves any part of their body, seriously. This stuff is amazing. It gives a close shave without any irritation.
Super close shave with no burn or bumps, a little bit goes a long way
Can clog the razor quicker than other shave products
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I first heard about Coochy shave cream at a sex toy party, and everyone there who had used it could not stop raving about it. I thought- Oh come on, it can’t be THAT great. Though after one of my roommates bought some, I got curious and tried hers. The next day, I bought my own.

Coochy has a very smooth, creamy consistency. When you apply it, it just glides right onto your skin. I bought the Pear Berry scent|Coochy shave creme (Pear berry scent) which is very nice and sweet but not overbearingly so. My roommate has the Green Tea scent which is fresh smelling, like something you might find in a spa.

A little bit of this stuff goes a pretty long way. So even though it might seem expensive, it’s really a good value. I bought a 16 oz. bottle with a pump top (from somewhere besides Eden. I’m sorry, I cheated) last spring and I expect that it will last me at least until this spring. I use just a tiny bit for my underarms, a quarter-sized dollop for my *ahem* coochy, and about two pumps for each of my legs. (Just a side note: The bottle has probably lasted longer than it might for others. I’m not exactly religious about shaving.) If it’s been a while since you last shaved your pubic hair, then I would recommend giving it a quick trim before shaving. It’ll go a lot easier. I’d also recommend using a new, sharp razor for the best results. You might find yourself used to bearing down a little to get a really close shave, but don’t do that with Coochy or you’ll probably get a little rash. (I only made that mistake once, though.) With Coochy just very light pressure, if any pressure at all, will get the job done. Also, unlike other shave gels and foams, Coochy won’t wash off the second water touches it, do you don’t have to worry about it washing away on you.

The only downside I can think of is that because it is so thick, I find that I have to rinse my razor more often than with other shave products. However, this is pretty easy to overlook and really doesn’t take much away from the overall value of the product. I tried to think of more cons so I don’t sound too much like an infomercial, but I honestly couldn’t.

Before I started using Coochy I completely dreaded shaving my pubic hair. I got razor burn every single time. Now I never get razor burn and I always get a close shave. I highly recommend it for anyone and everyone.
I realized this morning in my shower that I had forgotten to write about using Coochy as hair conditioner. I had actually never used it that way so I gave it a whirl right then and there. Now, my hair is about shoulder length but curly and very thick, so I had to use quite a bit, about two and a half pumps. That much still didn’t go as far as I thought it would. I guess a little bit goes a long way on your skin but not in your hair. It felt nice in my hair, but no different than the conditioner I usually use. (Granted, I do you super moisturizing conditioner anyway.) I finished up my routine as I normally do, and right now I don’t see or feel anything different about my hair. I would recommend buying a moisturizing conditioner for much cheaper and saving Coochy for its true purpose.
Follow-up commentary
It has been about 15 months since I opened and started using my first 16 oz. bottle of Coochy Creme, and just the other day I opened and started using me second. The bottle lasted over a year! Granted, I'm probably middle of the road as far as shaving frequency goes. I have blonde leg hair and don't get to see my partner on a regular basis, so the only body part I have to shave a lot is my arm pits (every other day). I remember back to the days when I used other shave gels and foams and such, and they never lasted this long. Quick note though - You are viewing the 4 oz. bottle of Coochy Creme, so it will not last 15 months, but probably about a quarter of that time.

This time around I went for the Original scent. It's pretty plain though there's a very light lotion-y scent to it. I don't like it as much as the Pearberry, and I'll be returning to Pearberry with my next bottle.

Updated Follow-up, 2/7/2010:
I realized recently that Coochy Cream is just a novelty hair conditioner. I actually realized it when I noticed that my hair conditioner was actually thicker and creamier than Coochy and does a better job as a shave cream than Coochy. (It's not expensive conditioner either.)

So I wouldn't necessarily say I don't like it anymore, I just don't like it as much. I'd take it from 5 stars down to 3.5, 'cause it's still amazing at what it does and smells amazing (the pearberry); it's just not the best and maybe not worth the price.
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  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    I guess it makes sense that good shaving cream would double as conditioner... nice review.
  • Contributor: LikeSunshineDust
    Thanks for the comment. It sometimes goes the other way too.. If you have good conditioner you can use it as shaving cream in a pinch.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Great review!
  • Contributor: LikeSunshineDust
    Thanks Lauren Smile
  • Contributor: Raven Quince
    It's just a hair conditioner? wow. So which one is the best, then? Or should I just use my regular ol' hair conditioner?
  • Contributor: Splendwhore
    Oh my GOD! I've heard of this product before. I was so surprised to see this here on EF!! This looks fabulous. It's definitely going on my Wishlist now! Can't wait to try some. =)

    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Cat Enderly
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