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Mr. Pleasure Clean

This is the multi-pack version of the Cum-Kleen single wipes. Even though the solution on this wipe doesn't saturate it as much as the single use, it is still enough to clean up the thickest of cum and the slickest of silicone lubricants. Use them before sex, after sex, or even on your toys. The ingredients are safe and non-irritating.
Easy to use, doesn't irritate, cleans up and absorbs well, even works on silicone lubricants!
Container isn't air tight, doesn't always stay closed
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I loved the Cum-Kleen wipes so much, I decided to get a tub for my partner and a tub for myself. I got tired of buying them by the single packs at $1 a pop. While this tub is the same product and does the same thing as the singles, it isn't as great for travel.

These wipes are awesome for cleaning up after sex lubricant, juices, and cum. They are also good for a pre-play freshening. The fragrances are great, and the ingredients are not irritating. You can even sue these after shave without fear of rash. They leave the skin feeling smooth and clean. They are also super absorbent so you will save a lot of laundry time, towels, or toliet paper (whichever your prior preferred method of clean up was).
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • After sex
    • Before sex prep
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The wipes are smaller than those in the individual packets and slightly thinner (but still much thicker than a moist towelette-think baby wipe. They are just as soft and smooth feeling. They leave your skin feeling that way too because of the simple ingredients of water, vitamin E, aloe vera, body safe preservatives, and the wonderful fragrance. Because they contain no oils or alcohol, the wipes can be used on all toys and are specifically designed to be able to handle lubricants of many different types.

Taste / Aroma

The vanilla smells wonderful. It is my boyfriend's favorite and this is the tub I got him. I hate vanilla, but even I like the smell! My favorite is the mango, but funny enough it doesn't really smell like mango. It smells more like a tropical coconut fragrance. It reminds me of some of my tanning lotions. The smell from both does linger on the skin. My boyfriend used one before play and I could smell it 15 minutes later. It also didn't have any taste which was nice. The bummer was that the smell was not as strong as the single packs.
    • Light smell
    • No taste
    • Smells good


I love these! This is seriously going to be a product that I buy over and over again. I love how clean I feel before and after sex with just one simple quick to use wipe. Neither my partner nor I has ever had a bad reaction to these. I have even used them after having razor burn, or irritation from sex and the wipes didn't aggravate it any further. The liquid in them dries on the skin quickly after use and leaves it feeling smooth and extra clean. In terms of absorption, these wipes do the job just fine, but since they are not as big or saturated as the individually packaged ones, we need to use two. With the single packaged ones, we sometimes were able to use one for the both of us. Even using two per sex session makes buying the tub worth the money.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Performance


The tub that these wipes come in is fairly discreet. It is white and about half the size of today baby wipe container. There is an oval on the top that flips open. This is where you can just pull the wipes out, one by one. The problem is that the tub sometimes doesn't stay closed and there is no air tight seal. This may be why the wipes are not as wet as the individually packed ones. For couple who do not have sex often (a few times a week, you may find that some wipes will be wasted because of drying out. I have taped the top so it stays closed, but it is still not air tight. This really is the only down side to this product. But if you use them often enough, this won't be an issue for you. Keep in mind they can also be used on toys!
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Easy to use / dispense
Follow-up commentary
These have totally become a must have and not simply a luxury. You don't know what you are missing if you have not tried these. They quickly became part of the after sex clean up routine. It's something that we have ordered over and over and always have on hand.

The box doesn't close nicely all the time so we just use a piece of tape to keep it closed and if we are away, a freezer sized ziplock bag to keep them fresh and moist.
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  • Contributor: AnotherPrettyFace
    Great review. Thanks for all the helpful info.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Contributor: CalebC
    Thank you for your contribution to the site.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
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