Large liquid latex review

We will absolutely be getting creative with liquid latex again - probably at a play party, so as to show it off to all the other kinksters.  Especially as, after a whole afternoon's play, there was still 9/10ths of the pot left!
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useful review
Liquid latex was one of those products I had seen used once at a play party and really wanted to try out for myself.  So when I received a great big pot of the stuff, I couldn't wait to get myself painted!  And painted I got, with the assistance of the laudable Adonis and the lustrous Medea.

I did my research prior: putting moisturizer on my skin just before applying the latex makes it easier to remove afterwards. Spot testing prevents a big allergic reaction. Opening the pot and letting it air reduces the aroma. And if there are hairs on the skin when the latex is applied, it takes them with it when it is removed (ouch!).

I also knew that I needed to get some supplies to help this product to work best: a great big tarpaulin (to ensure that the lounge carpet wouldn't permanently sport bright blue spots), and some brushes in various sizes to apply the latex with. I bought silicone basting brushes - foam brushes would have given a smoother result, but we quite liked the effect we got!

The three of us spent most of an afternoon playing with the latex.  And it really was play. We set out the tarpaulin, opened the pot to air (it smelled quite strongly initially, but faded quickly). Everyone stripped down to knickers, and my nipple hairs were judiciously tweezed by Medea and Adonis - wince-worthy, but not as bad as if the latex had ripped them out.

The initial tester was on the back of my hand, and it was fascinating watching the latex dry from bright turquoise to a darker blue. Once we moved onto my torso, it was funky feeling the latex pooling in my dips and furrows, feeling it tighten and grip on my skin, and seeing the swirly patterns made by the silicone brushes as it dried.

If I'd wanted to keep it on as a latex corset-top (for staying in and getting raunchy, or going out and getting social), I could have, although the latex doesn't get that lovely slippery sheen unless you spray it with Ultra Shine (which you can get with the Liquid Latex Kit). Instead, we decided that taking it off was the way to go, and the most fun part of the whole experience was pulling it all off! It was very much like a balloon, funnily enough - it tended to slowly come loose but remain connected in a big sheet, and could be pulled and teased and have fingers pressed through it to make funny shapes. The swirly patterns that the silicone brushes made showed up really well as the light shone through it.

We will absolutely be getting creative with liquid latex again - probably at a play party, so as to show it off to all the other kinksters.  Especially as, after a whole afternoon's play, there was still 9/10ths of the pot left!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: saunders1971
  • Contributor: Bignuf
    Thanks for the good, helpful review.
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