Light Your Clit On Fire

Wicked Arousal Gel by California Exotic was a surprising winner for me, given the inconsistent reviews of other similar products. I really enjoyed the tingling sensation and it enhanced my orgasm- although it did not set my passion free as described on the package.
Edible; tingly sensation can be modified to suit your liking.
Smelled somewhat medicinal.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I should preface this review by saying that Wicked Arousal Gel by California Exotic is not for everyone. It is a product designed to make your clit hypersensitive and engorged with blood so that you cum harder, longer, stronger, etc. etc. Does it accomplish this? Well, that depends on your pussy chemistry. My clit is hard to find, buried under what I'm told is a thicker hood and gosh darn it, I need A LOT of stim to get me to orgasm. I was interested in arousal gels for this very reason, because it's hard for me to cum (though I can) and I wanted to see if these gels, which are widely toted to be ineffectual, could work on my little man in the boat.

The 0.5 fl oz tube is pretty much scentless, perhaps the faint smell of cinnamon may be noticeable. This is an edible product so it can be nice for partner play.

The product is described as a gel designed to *tingle* the clitoris. Of course, a little cinnamon, which is listed in the ingredients, will absolutely make your clit tingle. I've heard it described as an Altoid for your pussy. They recommend you take a small dab of it and apply to your clit (hood retracted or not, depends on you). The tingling sensation was lovely for me and I would absolutely use this again. Did it give me a significantly more intense orgasm then I've ever had before? No (sorry, guys) BUT it was a great orgasm, qualitatively different from other orgasms before it and I LIKED it. Insert smiley emoticon here. Since this time, I have used this product on multiple occasions. I have used a good 5 dabs of the product but hey, my clit is different from yours. I like a lot of sensation. If you are already sensitive, you should probably stick to just 1 dab (like the package recommends) and then slowly build up I haven't used it in anal play but I imagine that could be delicious fun as well. I imagine that is also has potential for nipple play as well. Overall, this was a great little addition to my (ever-growing) toy bag. I did enjoy the sensations immensely however I would caution you that this will not offer you an incredible orgasm, just a pleasantly tingly one. And isn't that all we can really ask for?
I used this on my clit only. Did not try it on the full vulva, anus, nipples or any other of the many erogenous zones that I missed. I suppose it can be used anywhere you like tingles. The clit was good enough for me. I tried it once while using my Hitachi, and another time with my Eroscillator. They both offer such different types of orgasms, but the tingles enhanced both. I would also suggest that men might enjoy this on their own equipment. If I get the chance to try that out with a partner, I will update this section.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Nice review, thanks!
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    loved the title
  • Contributor: BadgersRose
    Great review.
  • Contributor: Kdlips
    Good review.
  • Contributor: awesomeness
    I thought your review was extremely useful with good details
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