Other Bell nipple clamps reviews
Rings on Her Fingers and Bells on Her Tits by Antipova
For Whom the Bell Tolls? Me! by Sammi
You Got Me Ringing Hell's bells by Entropy
Here, Kitty, Kitty... by SubmissiveFeminist
Ring My Bell by Femme Mystique
Bells of Steel by mdnght
Is that Santa? No! It's a very happy pair of nipples. by LavenderSkies
Ring Those Bells! by Eva Schwaltz
Ring my bells! by Tart
You Can Ring My Bell by Betty Rocket
Sleigh bells are ringing... by queertastic
Nipple clamps to alert the birds by InsatiablyTaken
No more sneaking up. by Defiledpixxy
A Fun Twist by Mont
Silver bells... not just a Christmas song! by Angel deSanguine
Bell nipple clamps review by LadyJane
Jingle all the way! - Part 1
Pawnee girls and goofy slaves, lovers of funny and unusual jewelry, seekers of new pleasures of delight and pain - have you ever wondered what a comfortable and versatile, easy to use pair of nipple clamps feel like? And on top of that they jingle away!
They fit perfectly fine even on my tiny and puffy nipples (known to be hard to handle when it comes to clamping them), and this adorable object of pleasure and pain has grown so close to my heart after the very first use already!
They fit perfectly fine even on my tiny and puffy nipples (known to be hard to handle when it comes to clamping them), and this adorable object of pleasure and pain has grown so close to my heart after the very first use already!
Adjustable, Stays on always, Easy to use, Comfortable, Can be both pleasant and painful
Doesn't jingle as much as one may expect it
Rating by reviewer:
Bells are mystery. They carry the voice of prayer and you never really know where those tunes will be carried. We like bells, though we can't really tell why. And we can't tell why we like the Bell Nipple Clamps either. They look funny. And it's quite the view and audio experience to have someone in front of you, looking like a happy goofy kid with friggin' bells on her nipples!
So why couldn't I resist to ornament my bosom with such silver treasures? I have no idea! I just thought that a little one who wants to bring her Master's beautiful cowboy and horse tamer past back a little to entertain Him and make Him smile and laugh, a dedicated little Pawnee girl, should have as cherished a look as the most precious Pawnees of this world! With the jingling bells, jingling bells, jingling all the way!
As a beginner in the realm of nipple jewelry I decided to please my OnlyOne with the Y-Style Clamps With Clit Clamp, but little did I know that the cute Bell nipple and clit clamps would work out much better to introduce such gears to me than the fantastic looking Y-Stile Clamps with their adjustable "screwed up" clamps!
The legend of tweezers seemed to prove to me too that indeed, sometimes little can mean much-much more than just a starter toy!
I didn't only notice how easy it is to put them on and adjust them, the possibilities to cause pleasure or pain are also included in such a simple and funnily cute little thing! I do dare to say that advanced users may be as pleased with the delightful results these versatile little clamps can offer!
Though W/we haven't tested yet if they can be used anywhere else than my tiny nipples, I do think that they could fit on any other spots as easily, just like their little sibling, the Bell Clit Clamp!
So why couldn't I resist to ornament my bosom with such silver treasures? I have no idea! I just thought that a little one who wants to bring her Master's beautiful cowboy and horse tamer past back a little to entertain Him and make Him smile and laugh, a dedicated little Pawnee girl, should have as cherished a look as the most precious Pawnees of this world! With the jingling bells, jingling bells, jingling all the way!
As a beginner in the realm of nipple jewelry I decided to please my OnlyOne with the Y-Style Clamps With Clit Clamp, but little did I know that the cute Bell nipple and clit clamps would work out much better to introduce such gears to me than the fantastic looking Y-Stile Clamps with their adjustable "screwed up" clamps!
The legend of tweezers seemed to prove to me too that indeed, sometimes little can mean much-much more than just a starter toy!
I didn't only notice how easy it is to put them on and adjust them, the possibilities to cause pleasure or pain are also included in such a simple and funnily cute little thing! I do dare to say that advanced users may be as pleased with the delightful results these versatile little clamps can offer!
Though W/we haven't tested yet if they can be used anywhere else than my tiny nipples, I do think that they could fit on any other spots as easily, just like their little sibling, the Bell Clit Clamp!
Who / How / What[ ? ]Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
- Anyone
- Can be worn during intercourse
- Can be worn under clothing
Where[ ? ]Where / what types of places can this product be used?
- Anywhere
- Tub/shower/pool
Features[ ? ]What kind of features does this product offer?
- Travel friendly
Material / Texture
These beautiful and lovely looking little silver bells have the cool, smooth and shiny qualities of metal - though to tell the truth I can't find it anywhere on the package what kind of metal they are made of exactly, and I can't find it anywhere on the 'Net either, not even on the manufacturer's site.
What we know, anyway, is that metal in general has the safety rating of level 9, being completely food-grade, latex and phthalates free and non-porous. These bells are also waterproof, allowing you to enjoy them in the shower, tub, hot tub and pool!
What we know, anyway, is that metal in general has the safety rating of level 9, being completely food-grade, latex and phthalates free and non-porous. These bells are also waterproof, allowing you to enjoy them in the shower, tub, hot tub and pool!
- Firm
- No odor
- Not porous at all
Shape / Design / Size / Fit
Oh if you knew how tiny these lovely bells are! A whole piece is not longer than 3 7/8 inches, and the tiny bells are a half inch long and 3/4 inch in diameter! Though the widest spread of the clamps is 5/8 inch, it can be stretched a little wider, making it useful for the largest nipples too!
The full adjustability is embodied in a tiny ring hugging the two tweezer arms together, and by pulling it up to the very top you can squeeze them together fully, so the soft black rubber tip covers snuggle up to each other in the tightest way! It is extremely easy to figure out and use it, meaning that you don't need to bother with measuring, screwing and fumbling around with non-flexible parts!
And the very best part is that they are sooooooooooo comfortable to wear! Putting them on was painless like a dream, and it was only a moment to trick my senses to have a little pain, with a quick pull of the ring upwards! On my...!
The full adjustability is embodied in a tiny ring hugging the two tweezer arms together, and by pulling it up to the very top you can squeeze them together fully, so the soft black rubber tip covers snuggle up to each other in the tightest way! It is extremely easy to figure out and use it, meaning that you don't need to bother with measuring, screwing and fumbling around with non-flexible parts!
And the very best part is that they are sooooooooooo comfortable to wear! Putting them on was painless like a dream, and it was only a moment to trick my senses to have a little pain, with a quick pull of the ring upwards! On my...!
- Adjustable
- Beginner
- Will fit most nipples
Functions / Performance / Controls
To put these cute looking bells on, first you get the nipple aroused unless it is hard enough and ready for some clamp-pleasures already. Even if it isn't, you can just grab the amount of flesh you want to clamp up, and hold it while you are placing the tweezer tips around it.
You can squeeze the tweezer tips in the desired way with one hand, and while holding it, with the other you can pull the small ring up to secure the pressure.
Once it is done the clamps will stay on, and no matter what they will jingle away with the sweetest tingly high tone you have ever heard! You can be walking around, doing your daily chores, or just stay sitting and do whatever you please, they stay as tight as they were in the very first moment. And if you want to be mating away? That's what they are mainly made for of course! No wiggling, hopping and rocking will make them slip off, and they can stand even whipping or any other hits what reach your beautiful admirable bosom!
You can squeeze the tweezer tips in the desired way with one hand, and while holding it, with the other you can pull the small ring up to secure the pressure.
Once it is done the clamps will stay on, and no matter what they will jingle away with the sweetest tingly high tone you have ever heard! You can be walking around, doing your daily chores, or just stay sitting and do whatever you please, they stay as tight as they were in the very first moment. And if you want to be mating away? That's what they are mainly made for of course! No wiggling, hopping and rocking will make them slip off, and they can stand even whipping or any other hits what reach your beautiful admirable bosom!
- Comfortable during use
- Easy to use
- Stays on well
Care and Maintenance
As the Bell Nipple Clamps are made of metal, they can be boiled or be bleached (10% solution), are dishwasher safe (top shelf), or can be washed with soap and water. They can handle all the lubricants you want; water, oil and silicone-based alike!
The smooth, shiny, rigid metal bells are also waterproof like stated before, though it isn't said anywhere if the material has any stainless qualities, and I got to know it only by the info other reviews mentioned.
And they are not only very easy to care for, you can also hide them away any any-any-any-anywhere you wish to! The described size fits so well into any miniature hole and corner that you could worry about losing them! Because of that I advise you to find a right-sized pouch, box or anything similar for these tiny 'lil ones so you will always know where they exactly are, and that they can be seen and found in the storage object you chose!
Traveling has the same pleasures and risks. Always rejoice how tiny and compact they are, and always be sure that they won't get lost in your purse or in your vehicle! Such a wonderfully sized pleasure item to take anywhere, and such a versatile little thing to enjoy wherever you please!
The smooth, shiny, rigid metal bells are also waterproof like stated before, though it isn't said anywhere if the material has any stainless qualities, and I got to know it only by the info other reviews mentioned.
And they are not only very easy to care for, you can also hide them away any any-any-any-anywhere you wish to! The described size fits so well into any miniature hole and corner that you could worry about losing them! Because of that I advise you to find a right-sized pouch, box or anything similar for these tiny 'lil ones so you will always know where they exactly are, and that they can be seen and found in the storage object you chose!
Traveling has the same pleasures and risks. Always rejoice how tiny and compact they are, and always be sure that they won't get lost in your purse or in your vehicle! Such a wonderfully sized pleasure item to take anywhere, and such a versatile little thing to enjoy wherever you please!
- Easy to clean
- Easy to store
I have a little surprise for you! Nope, nothing special, just something funny.
The packaging design looks like it has changed since the picture of it was taken, and the small transparent plastic flip case has a much more delicate and elegant style! A barely covered lady's chest area will give you the pretty obvious clue that these 'lil ones are supposed to be used on the bosom mainly, and the clamps are hung on two ears of the blue paper cozily.
The lady covers her delicate right breast with one hand, and the other breast is slightly kissed with a few strands of her long, dark hair. Floral patterns ornament the whole appearance, and it is accompanied by the little info and some atmosphere-summoning texts about these little cuties on the back too.
Though you can see the bells clearly through the transparent plastic case, you can still send or give it as a pleasing, adorable looking gift to anyone of your choice. Just remember to tell them in time that they don't want anyone to see this funny little gift, unless they are open about it and the person doesn't mind them to know about such things of her life.
The packaging design looks like it has changed since the picture of it was taken, and the small transparent plastic flip case has a much more delicate and elegant style! A barely covered lady's chest area will give you the pretty obvious clue that these 'lil ones are supposed to be used on the bosom mainly, and the clamps are hung on two ears of the blue paper cozily.
The lady covers her delicate right breast with one hand, and the other breast is slightly kissed with a few strands of her long, dark hair. Floral patterns ornament the whole appearance, and it is accompanied by the little info and some atmosphere-summoning texts about these little cuties on the back too.
Though you can see the bells clearly through the transparent plastic case, you can still send or give it as a pleasing, adorable looking gift to anyone of your choice. Just remember to tell them in time that they don't want anyone to see this funny little gift, unless they are open about it and the person doesn't mind them to know about such things of her life.
- Good for storage
- Minimal
- Recyclable
Personal comments
If you have never tried any clamps before, or have had a badly painful or messily problematic experience with another one, then these are a perfect choice to start off with!
Even the completely painless and pleasant tightness will ensure you that these clamps WON'T fall off, unless you intend to pull on them of course. The tip covers are soft and smooth, and flexible enough to give you perfect comfort and peace of mind that your sensitive little nipples aren't tormented in unhealthy ways.
If you decide to play rougher with them the little ring can bless you with such advantages too - it stays put, won't slide down, meaning that if you want the tweezers to be tight for some torture they will give you what you want! Going from a delicious tease to sensations making you yowl, huh?
The affordable price also makes you vote for these cute little bells, and the funny look of the jingling metal will take away the possibly scary seriousness some are worried about sometimes! It is too goofy and too much fun not to laugh at, and the ease of mind and soul will help you relax and just enjoy yourself! What more could you ask for, oh women of the sensitive body and heart!
Even the completely painless and pleasant tightness will ensure you that these clamps WON'T fall off, unless you intend to pull on them of course. The tip covers are soft and smooth, and flexible enough to give you perfect comfort and peace of mind that your sensitive little nipples aren't tormented in unhealthy ways.
If you decide to play rougher with them the little ring can bless you with such advantages too - it stays put, won't slide down, meaning that if you want the tweezers to be tight for some torture they will give you what you want! Going from a delicious tease to sensations making you yowl, huh?
The affordable price also makes you vote for these cute little bells, and the funny look of the jingling metal will take away the possibly scary seriousness some are worried about sometimes! It is too goofy and too much fun not to laugh at, and the ease of mind and soul will help you relax and just enjoy yourself! What more could you ask for, oh women of the sensitive body and heart!
- Couples
- Sensory play
- Smooth
There are a few more things I would like to add, what W/we have experienced when W/we used these cuties.
First of all, like I said, they won't slip off. But one of them gave in after a while, because of the wonderful, delicious, "oh my oh my" whipping my OnlyMaster was putting me into for the most delicious heavens of bliss! Though it is known that even the tightest clamps and pins can be beaten off in such an "artificial way", without such influence inflicted on them the bells stayed on with the same tightness until my OnlyMaster decided to take a try at such a thing.
Yep, I know, they CAN fall off, but W/we didn't have them come off any other times, meaning that they DO stay on anyway! (I know, "now I have told the thing to tell in the way to tell to tell it to tell"!)
The other experience was that I was wearing these 'lil ones for quite a while, probably an hour or even two. For a long time it was most pleasant, and a little later, as W/we were hanging out relaxing, the tightness started to be a little uncomfortable, and a little bit painful. I even asked my PreciousOne if they should stay on, and He asked me to take them off for a while. My thought was what if anything happened with my nerves or blood flow, a little worried that such an excessive time wasn't a good idea. No troubles though, and my nipples aren't so sensitive anyway.
The third thing I would like to add is that I read in other reviews that the tip covers come off very easily. W/we haven't had such experiences yet, so I can't speak about such a thing. They don't look like they aren't fixed to the tips that good, so I expect them to stay on just fine, forever and ever maybe!
And the fourth, probably not that important part is that I noticed that I need to make them move quite a lot to jingle away! Probably because of the many joints the whole bell stays pretty "mobile", and you have a better chance of making it jingle when it can hit something (for example your bosom) or when it is moved in a certain way, for example in small, short moves.
This resulted in the effect that I wasn't jingling away as much as W/we expected it, though it was still enough to remind U/us that these cute little bells were on, and in use. (Maybe it is because of anatomy and the way of moving around too, I guess you will just have to see it for yourself!)
So, to summarize it, W/we had the best experiences with these adorable 'lil ones - they are really pretty and look delightful, and for the price W/we would have been fools to leave them be and not grab a pair quick!
A wonderful, versatile, body safe, travel friendly and really funny little addition to anyone's toy collection, to make you feel pretty, goofy, desirable and ready to rock&roll! Jingle away Pawnee girl!
First of all, like I said, they won't slip off. But one of them gave in after a while, because of the wonderful, delicious, "oh my oh my" whipping my OnlyMaster was putting me into for the most delicious heavens of bliss! Though it is known that even the tightest clamps and pins can be beaten off in such an "artificial way", without such influence inflicted on them the bells stayed on with the same tightness until my OnlyMaster decided to take a try at such a thing.
Yep, I know, they CAN fall off, but W/we didn't have them come off any other times, meaning that they DO stay on anyway! (I know, "now I have told the thing to tell in the way to tell to tell it to tell"!)
The other experience was that I was wearing these 'lil ones for quite a while, probably an hour or even two. For a long time it was most pleasant, and a little later, as W/we were hanging out relaxing, the tightness started to be a little uncomfortable, and a little bit painful. I even asked my PreciousOne if they should stay on, and He asked me to take them off for a while. My thought was what if anything happened with my nerves or blood flow, a little worried that such an excessive time wasn't a good idea. No troubles though, and my nipples aren't so sensitive anyway.
The third thing I would like to add is that I read in other reviews that the tip covers come off very easily. W/we haven't had such experiences yet, so I can't speak about such a thing. They don't look like they aren't fixed to the tips that good, so I expect them to stay on just fine, forever and ever maybe!
And the fourth, probably not that important part is that I noticed that I need to make them move quite a lot to jingle away! Probably because of the many joints the whole bell stays pretty "mobile", and you have a better chance of making it jingle when it can hit something (for example your bosom) or when it is moved in a certain way, for example in small, short moves.
This resulted in the effect that I wasn't jingling away as much as W/we expected it, though it was still enough to remind U/us that these cute little bells were on, and in use. (Maybe it is because of anatomy and the way of moving around too, I guess you will just have to see it for yourself!)
So, to summarize it, W/we had the best experiences with these adorable 'lil ones - they are really pretty and look delightful, and for the price W/we would have been fools to leave them be and not grab a pair quick!
A wonderful, versatile, body safe, travel friendly and really funny little addition to anyone's toy collection, to make you feel pretty, goofy, desirable and ready to rock&roll! Jingle away Pawnee girl!
- Tight clamping
- Very stimulating
Follow-up commentary
I still like it
3 months after original review
They are still tucked into the lovely looking glittery, green bowed box on my desk, and though I have been occupied with my newest toys, that is the only reason why W/we haven't used them lately.
They are just most fantastic, and I can't wait for the next time to enjoy them!!!
They are just most fantastic, and I can't wait for the next time to enjoy them!!!
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