Irritation-free shave!

If you've never tried an aftershave, or even if you've unsuccessfully tried something else, this could be exactly what you're looking for.
Great protection
Easy to use
Travel safe
Botanical scent
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Coochy Protection After Shave is a product by Classic Erotica that is formulated to help combat the irritation and redness caused by shaving. It's the best product of its type that I have found thus far, even when compared to Classic Erotica's After Shave Powder.

The bottle is small and discreet enough that it wouldn't look out of place in your shower or even in a bathroom caddy if you happen to be living in shared accommodations. The bottle is clear, with a pale yellow liquid inside, and a pinkish goldish sticker on the outside. It is a little bit feminine, especially with the brand being specifically named Coochy, but the label can be pulled off or covered up pretty easily.

The scent is faintly botanical, but fades very quickly, so there should be no issues with a lingering scent or any interference with any other scent products that you may use. The spray cap is your standard easy-to-use mister, and works quite well at an angle or upside down. It's leak-free and easy to tuck away for travel.

Upon application, it is may sting a little bit if you spray it on right after shaving. The sting doesn't last very long, and it does tighten up your pores. That being said, it's great for application even when you haven't shaved immediately beforehand. I wind up with a rash even up to a few days after shaving, so I tend to use this after every time I shower whether I shave or not. It may leave behind a slight film on your skin, but it's not sticky or greasy, but it is something that you can feel on your skin.

After having used an aftershave, I won't go back, and Coochy is definitely the best one that I've found so far.
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