I cannot get enough of this stuff!

I would absolutely purchase the majority of these products solo! The smell is fantastic and mildly addictive! I am not sure if the sex attractant really works, or if the smell of a pink cupcake is enough to turn on most men, but it works! I hope that they make these items available for solo purchase!
The smell is delightful!
The lip balm isn't worth much.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
You should know this about me: I love sweet, sugary everything. I am also dating a big guy who loves it when I smell sugary sweet. What does this mean for you? It means that if you don't like sugar and sweet and the smell of pure awesome, you should probably pass on this gift set.

This gift set comes in a cute black organza bag (that is currently being reused, another bonus of this gift set!). It was tasteful enough that it could be given to a girlfriend without any uncomfortable moments. So, let's break this down.

The Body Mist
Scent: Pink Cupcake
The body mist is by far my favorite. It says that it has sex attractants, but in my opinion, the fact that it smells like pink, delicious cupcakes is enough of an attractant that I am not sure much more is needed! The smell is strong at first, but seems to diminish not long after. I've gotten several compliments from males and females alike. I would purchase this on its own if they made the Pink Cupcake a solo option!

Shave Cream
Out of ten, I would give this a 7. I have crazy dry skin, and this cream held its own as a moisturizer. It was pretty thick, and the scent was amazing! I think that the scent held on longer than the body mist!

Kissable Lip Balm
I think that the balm is nothing terribly special. It is a bit waxy, not much scent or "flavor." I would not purchase this on its own!

Oral Gel
This was actually the first product I tried! So many oral gels are touted as a fantastic flavor but come up short. The last thing I wanted was for my guy to be in my mouth and to be turned off by the taste of the gel! I squirted a bit on my finger and licked. It wasn't bad! I haven't used it with my guy yet, but I think it will be a fun addition for both of us!

Massage Candle
One of my guy's favorite extra curriculars is oil! I burned this candle and the smell was average, but the oil was FUN! It didn't take too long for it to be warm enough to play with. I would purchase this candle solo!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: Bleu
    Seems like a great kit to get someone as a gift or even get it yourself as a gift. Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: libbyv
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful
    Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: sunkissedJess
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Lavendar
    thank yoj!
  • Contributor: Inkkythesquid
    Good review
  • Contributor: MiaL
  • Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916
    great review thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: LinaWong
    Thanks. (:
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
    Thank you
  • Contributor: lainebug
  • Contributor: Allison.Wilder
    Nice job.
  • Contributor: kanida
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: AwesomeAmanda
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Kristi :)
    Thank you
  • Contributor: Leather & Lace
  • Contributor: KinkyKatieJames
    Thanks for the review. The lip balm can be bought separately, but for the price, I know I won;t be getting it!
  • Contributor: MK434
    Great review!
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