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Ginger pheromone reviews

Average review rating:
[ 4 reviews ]
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  • 1 stars:

This acts like a basic hand lotion for the most part, with a light formula. It smells wonderful, but the scent wears off fairly quickly. It has added pheromones, but don't expect something wonderful to happen. It's good for the price and makes a decent massage lotion, but isn't the best product in its class.

Ginger scented cum massage cream?  Sure!

I was disappointed that this is not a latex safe lubricant, but other than that I was pleased with it. it has a nice gingerbread-y scent that reminds me of Christmas and is slightly relaxing for me. It rubs well over my skin and I could even use it as a moisturizer if I wanted. It doesn't last as long as an oil, but it's nice for a quick massage.

I am very disappointed with this product. It smells horrible in the bottle and even worse on me. Maybe it will smell better on someone else, but my body chemistry brings out the worst qualities in it.

This lotion isn't worth your money. You might as well just buy your partner's favorite perfume. This is definitely not a sensual experience

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