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Female attractant pheromone bracelet reviews
The Female Attractant Pheromone Bracelet by Evolved Novelties is supposed to be infused with pheromones. When my partner wore this bracelet, it didn't do a thing for me. My partner enjoyed the bracelet but he experiences placebo affect with anything that is said to have pheromones in it. I could pass him a can of pop and say it had pheromones in it. His mood would change. The confidence was nice, but this product is not.
This product was simply not exciting to me. I thought for the price it might be worth it, for what it claims to do, but in the end when it just smelled like rubber and tore so easily it didn't seem worth it. Though quite fashionable, the product just isn't worth the purchase price.
Similar to the Male Attractant Bracelet, at the very least, you end up with a neat looking bracelet you can pass off as a cause bracelet. This one does smell quite pleasant, although you do have to get really close to smell it. There's a possibility that this might actually work for you, but I think it'll mostly be placebo effect, and I really only recommend getting it if you want a pretty black bracelet.
Its worth a shot - maybe you will get that extra attention you have always wanted. There are no cons to wearing this product so give it a shot. I wasn't either impressed or disappointed.
This pheromone infused bracelet from Evolved is a cheap, discreet, and easy way to attract females. The secret is in the alluring smell. It is so lovely that it needs to be smelled more than once!
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