Eden Toy Wipes costly but convienient!

I definitely recommend the wipes when placing an order on Eden Fantasys since they come free. However, to me the price is a little costly for only 10 wipes. Like most other reviews on this item I think either the price needs to come down or the number of wipes needs to come up. Other than that I definitely like the convenience of just pulling out a wipe and not having to go to the bathroom and wash with soap and water. I definitely love that these are multi purpose wipes and travel ready.
Compact packaging, travel ready, easy to use, pleasant scent
Price, non-discreet packaging
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Eden Toy and Body Wipes are a wonderful product in my opinion. Why do I say this? Well I will tell you! The wipes are hypo-allergenic, they do not contain alcohol and they are very easy to use. The wipes are very durable so they do not tear easily. Each wipe has a fragrance to it that is similar to that of a flower. Coming from a lady that hates perfumes.. this says a lot. The scent is not at all overwhelming to my sense of smell.

As far as the packaging it comes in a small package that is white, black, pink and green. It has plenty of information on the packaging as well. It states that these wipes are gentle and safe on the external body parts and toys. On the back of the packaging it gives information about the Eden Fantasys website and also the contact information for the company. The packaging is very compact so you can fit it in a back pocket or in a purse or suitcase.

These wipes are considered all purpose wipes which means they can be used on pretty much anything. Each wipe is approximately 7 1/2 inches long and 6 3/4 inches wide. I find the size to be pretty large for a wipe. I didn't do any major tests on these wipes since I know I will not be doing anything other than using them for cleaning up cum off my toys. I have approximately 50 toys and I found 1 wipe managed to clean 4 or 5 of my toys at a time. The packaging is great since it does come with a closure tab on the package. As long as you be sure to close the package after each use I think you will be fine with the wipes staying moist.

These wipes are made with the following ingredients: water, chlorhexidine, glycerin, aloe extract, vitamin e, and tea tree oil. If your skin is sensitive to glycerin please refrain from using this product. Being that these wipes do not have alcohol in them you will not have to worry about the effects of alcohol drying out your skin.
My experiences so far with this product have been great. I have only had the wipes a few days but so far they appear to be staying moist in the resealable package. I actually went through my toy collection and wiped down all the toys I planned on keeping. Several unfortunately are old and just not being used and got thrown away. I only used half the package and cleaned nearly 25 of the toys; not bad for 5 wipes at all.
Follow-up commentary
Although the price is too high to purchase outright, I still love these wipes. For a free gift with purchase you just cannot beat them. They last for several toy cleanings at a time. They are just great if you are worn out after sex and do not want to have to get out of the bed to go wash your toys. I just keep my wipes on the end table next to my bed and grab them as needed. Untill I started with Eden Fantasys I never used wipesc, it was always soap and water. Boy, has that changed. Now I would much prefer just grabbing a wipe and being done 15 seconds later.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
This review was edited by
  • Kitka Contributor: Kitka
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 198
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  • Contributor: Toy Fiend
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    I love these wipes bot only get them as a free gift due to the cost.
  • Contributor: shnsmth6
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: bog
    In your follow-up, you wrote "wipesc" - great job otherwise!
Discussion Posts Last Update
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volume 10
UNscented option? 9
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