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Easy clean up for the lazy sex toy addict

Overall I would highly recommend this toy cleaner. It works well on a variety of toys and materials and dries very quickly- won't get whatever you put your toy in wet. It doesn't stink and it certainly doesn't affect my skin, which is a HUGE plus!
Smell isn't overpowering, dries quickly, great for sensitive skin
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Let me start off by saying, I love this cleaner. It doesn't stink (which is a huge plus) and it's great for people with sensitive skin. I can't stand really perfume-y scents or chemical scents, they throw me into a sneezing fit. Needless to say I'm very sensitive to smells. My skin is also sensitive and prone to break outs, redness and irritation. This cleaner hasn't bothered my skin one bit.

Now that my husband is gone (he's military, booo) I usually "play with my toys" every night before bed. I typically don't want to get back out of my warm bed and walk my lazy ass back to the bathroom to clean my toys off so this cleaner is really quite perfect. All I have to do is spray the toy and let it air dry. I used to use soap/water on all of my toys, which has actually sent a couple of the non-waterproof toys to toy heaven-- no matter how careful I am sometimes the water just gets in. With that said this cleaner is also perfect for non-water proof toys as it dries pretty quickly and doesn't require much solution.

I personally have only used this cleaner on a few different materials - plastic, glass, silicone, and jelly. The cleaner has worked well on all of them - even toys that are nubbed and studded, though with these toys I use a cloth to wipe them off just to make sure all of the little creases are clean, etc.

I've had the same bottle of cleaner for over a year now. For the price you really can't beat this product. The bottle lasts a surprisingly long time, though I have only been using my toys on a regular basis because my husband is gone temporarily. Before that I was using them maybe once or twice a week and for couples play. My husband also likes this because he can use it on his toys; he's lazy, too.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: married with children
    thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: joiedejouets
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Trishaaa
  • Contributor: kanida
    Thanks for the review!
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