Duck Me In The Tub

I not only love this thing, but if it died and went to Duck Heaven, I'd immediately order another one THAT day! Well worth the investment for a tub toy.
Strong vibrations, cute, waterproof.
Not quite balanced to float totally correct, it leans some.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I sat in the tub of hot water looking at him as he sat on the edge of the tub…looking at me with those big seemingly innocent eyes. “Stop staring at me! You’re just a rubber ducky, a bath-tub toy. That’s all. What’s so special about YOU?” I actually said out loud. His black “latex” corseted, spiked collar and ball gag all screamed ‘kinky--use me’. I had wanted one of these for several months, yet here I was in my bath tub with the kinky little fellow right at my fingertips but was wary to try him out. Why? I had loved the look of him from the get-go and was afraid he would not measure up to my expectations. How could such a small and cute little thing bring me, a sexually seasoned woman to the pinnacle of orgasm? Was it possible? Did he have the balls to withstand my abuse of him? Could he take all that I could dish out?

My hand reached out for him. I marveled at the weight. He was not the squishy soft, feather light, yellow plastic of my childhood duckie. He was hefty, he had substance, he was firm where it counted, all 5 inches of him, he was all Adult Duck. And he was my duck. I pressed the secret spot on his back and he came to life in my hands, pulsating, vibrating, teasing.

I brought him closer to my face, letting my lips kiss his gagged beak before sitting him down between my breasts. Almost instantly I felt a stirring within me to push him to his limits. Though gagged so he could not talk back, his beak still managed to tease my nipples. His little spiked collar brought them even further along as I rubbed it across them, almost like a comical Whartenberg Wheel. As he teased me, I stroked him as well, running my fingers across his tattoo, under his wings and finally allowing my hand to slide up the smooth curve of his tail. He wasn’t very quiet, vibrating his pleasure at what I was doing to him. But I wasn’t very quiet either. We fed off of each other in a masturbation dance in the tub. I allowed the top of his head to massage my shoulders and neck. The once knotted muscles started to relax. Moving downward, his flat bottom and tail rooted out sore muscles in my arms then later in my calves and thighs. He was winning me over quickly. As he rubbed against the bottoms of my feet, I melted. I wanted more.

He floated on the water between my thighs. The vibrations he was producing almost motored him into my womanly harbor and I laid back in the tub and guided him. I used him in every way I could. The top of his head, smooth and rounded massaged my labia. His beak, still gagged, tried to nibble my clit, bringing me ever closer to orgasm. I turned him over in my hand and used his curved tail to massage my own tail. (You know the expression-- ‘getting some tail’? I got tail!) He wasn’t the easiest of submissives to hold and handle but he was manageable and once I got used to him, like most good subs, he tried his best to give me what I wanted. I wanted an orgasm in the tub. He obliged.

Will I let my little kinky ducky service me again? Oh definitely and regularly. Although he requires a small Phillips screwdriver to get into his undercarriage and give him his energy source (2 AA batteries), that also insures that he is waterproof, which he is. Turning him on is a bit tricky and requires a rather firm push on his back, but most submissives like a firm push. Also, he should be rinsed and dried after use and only used with water-based lube if you use lube. If you are planning on not using him for an extended period of time, remove his batteries. This kinky little duck also brings his own set of mini handcuffs (thumb cuffs actually) to the party. They're cute hanging from your key chain or rear view mirror.
This Bondage Duckie turned out to be one of the most fun things I have received in a while. Aside from how freaking cute it is, it actually has quite strong vibrations. While not too ergonomically designed to hold for long periods of time, I can't see how you could ergonomically design a DUCK. I have no qualms or problems with this guy at all.
Follow-up commentary
Still using and enjoying my naughty little ducky after all this time. Although I do not use it every 'bath-time', it is always there for me when I take time for a relaxing soak in the tub. I am still very happy I purchased this.
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  • Who / How / What
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Relaxation/alone time
    • Teasing a partner
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bathtub
    • Pool
    • Shower
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Slotheye
    Looks cute, thanks!
  • Contributor: corsetsaurus rex
    Adorable product. I'm glad it's as nice as it looks. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: TrophyWife
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: Nirelan
  • Contributor: Hatchetxxx
    Great Review
  • Contributor: Brandonn
    I may have to modify it to get it floating correct
  • Contributor: HannahPanda
    This is so cute, thanks for your review!
  • Contributor: brevado
    Love it!
  • Contributor: Entropy
    Does it float crooked or does it just tip over and sink? I could handle crooked, not too thrilled about totally capsized.
  • Contributor: lovebites
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: brevado
    Great review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: lzee
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