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Awesome concept in theory, not so much in reality.

This toy is a nice change from a loofah, but it's vibrating quality left me lacking release. Pulsa is fun for massages and getting clean, but sadly is too big to get close enough to my clitoris for me to get off while using it. While this is fun for foreplay, I'm only giving this toy 2 stars for all I feel it is lacking.
Massage, Can hold a lot of water or liquid, Medium/High Vibes.
Huge, Personally cannot use it to masturbate.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Pulsa bath massager was intended for two main uses. First, helping you get your body clean! Second is attempting to help you get off while doing so. This bath massager has an external sponge shell covering a medium sized plastic compartment. This compartment is both your battery lodge as well as your vibrator. This toy is impossible for insertion, but is intended to be a clitoral simulator. While this will not help most women get off due to its size and form, it is a fun erotic way to spice up your shower with a lover. It could be a great tool for in shower back or neck massages.

For males, this provides excellent stimulation without being over bearing to the entire genital region. The easiest use I found for this toy was stimulating his taint, balls, and penis itself as a part of foreplay.

When this toy is used for cleaning, it works best with body washes, scrubs, or shower creams because they provide the most suds. It is also possible to use with a bar of soap, but you do not get nearly the same amount of lather or suds.

Outside of this tub, this tub also has a few erotic uses I have found that were not so intended. While giving your partner a sensual back rub with massage oil, alternate between using your hands and using Pulsa! Since this toy is a sponge, it will absorb some of the oil, so be sure to have plenty available. The second use is quite similar to the first. When you accidentally pour too much lube or massage oil onto your partners body, the absorbent properties of this sponge with help you soak up some of the excess.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Massage
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The texture of this toy is similar to most sponges on the outside. The sponge part is incredibly soft and squishy, and absorbs water and smells with ease. This toy can retain water, but that is not the most hygenic way to store this toy. Always try to get out as much water as possible after use. Since this toy is so dense, it is very easy for water to hang around inside and not drip out. Handy for during shower, not so handy between uses due to bacteria. Simply wring out the sponge with both hands after use to remove all water drops and prevent bacteria from growing on the toy. When wringing it out, be sure to squeeze from the top, near the battery compartment lid to the bottom. When squeezing the toy, the inner battery compartment can be easily felt, and it comes down to about halfway through this sponge.
Squeeze-ability, you can feel the rod inside:

The sponge part itself is very textured and almost even feels rough. I imagine this property works well to rid you of dry skin, similar to the concept of a loofah or pouf. A major difference I have noticed between this toy and my usual loofah is it's ability to make suds. For best results with Pulsa, use with body washes and shower gels. Since this toy is made of a much more dense material than a loofah or pouf, it creates much less of a lather. A lather can me made, but on a drastically smaller scale and requiring a bit more gel or cream. When using this toy with soap, more suds are made than using with your regular wash cloth, but still significantly less lather than with a loofah.
    • Textured

Taste / Aroma

When the Pulsa bath massager first comes to you, it is completely tasteless and has no smell whatsoever. However, I have discovered that the sponge part of this toy retains smells extremely well! So, say you use your favorite body wash today, don't be surprised if you hop in the shower tomorrow and can still smell it's scent on the sponge.
    • No smell
    • No taste


Pulsa has a screw on purple plastic lid which is both your battery cover and the piece that seals out water from the battery compartment. This toy takes 2 AA batteries and while batteries are inserted, cannot be turned off. There are no buttons or on off switches on the toy at all. By simply screwing on the lid fully your toy is on it's only function, a medium intensity steady vibration. By unscrewing the lid, the toy turns off. It is recommended that you remove the batteries completely. I have found that after using, I can unscrew the lid just a bit and it will turn off. I can then hang it in the shower for later use without having to dig around for batteries. There is two downsides to doing this though. First, I am not sure storing it in this way will keep batteries dry from excess water or steam from the shower. The second downfall of this is it randomly turning back on. There have been a few times where I was sure it was off and left the bathroom only to hear a random buzzing later on in the day. Not only will this kill the batteries if not turned off prompt upon discovering it has turned back on, but could also run down the motor inside.
Battery Conpartment:

Screw On Lid:

With Lid On:
    • Easy to use
    • One setting


The packaging of this toy is not very discreet. There is a man and woman in a shower, naked, on all 4 of the side panels.
Front Panel:

Rear Panel:

Close up of writing, sorry that is the clearest I could get it:

Top of Box:

Personal comments

I have used this toy for about a week now and I have been trying to like it. I looked at this and thought it would be a fun in shower toy, sadly I was disappointed. Perhaps I have thicker vaginal lips than some, but I felt like this toy was too big to get close enough to my bliss button. I am still using this toy as my current shower sponge and intend to keep it around for a little while. If you are a girl with small lips, this might be more geared for you.
The sponge in all it's hugeness:

See how you can barely even see my fingers?


I personally did not notice a difference in how clean I was after my shower between using my normal loofah and this sponge, but my fellow said he did. He didn't like the sponge and said he didn't feel it was "scrubbing off the dirt". If you work a dirty job, this may not make you happy in the cleanly sense.
Follow-up commentary
When I ordered this, I ordered two, thinking I would love it. I quickly found that it was much too larger for me to enjoy on my clitoris. In the time since my original review, I had discontinued use of this sponge. Before my ex was my ex, he was using it. I had my loofah, and he had the vibrating bath sponge(with batteries removed) to wash with.

Now that he is gone, the second one I ordered is just sitting in the bathroom cabinet.
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  • Contributor: Southernbelle83
    Thanks for sharing! That thing is HUGE!!!
  • Contributor: apryls
    Great review hun, I didn't like it either, but I did find a different way to use it, since I only used mine for a couple seconds on my back I could do this.... they work great on colicky babies when giving them a warm bath Just some helful advise from a parent.
  • Contributor: Badass
    Thank you very much for reading.
    @apryls- what an awesome idea. I don't have children so of course I wouldn't have thought of that.
  • Contributor: xOhxSoxScandalousx
    Fantastic review! Thanx.
  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: puglove
    Thanks for the great review! Glad I didn't order this, I feel I would have been disapointed as well!
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