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Body massage candle discontinued
by System JO

A great smelling candle, that about sums it up!

As a candle this was a for the most part a nice product, but for massaging I found it very unpleasant and disappointing. The packaging can get dangerously hot when the candle is nearly it's end of burn time, which might result in severe burns and a trip to the hospital. If purchasing, be aware and be patient, as this candle takes time to get the liquid wax for massaging.
Amazing smell, long lasting burn time, nice price.
Dangerously hot wax and container, couldn't get more than a 1 minute massage, wax thickens up fast.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Dona massage candles are fairly limited to two different uses, a general all purpose aroma candle and also a massaging tool for a little extra fun. As a candle it works amazingly well with a long burn time of up to 30 hours for such a small candle. It easy too, just remove the metal cover, light the wick and you have a nice burning candle to enhance a bedroom with light and aroma.

For massaging you will find there to be a rather annoying waiting game involved. Even after multiple uses you will generally have to wait 30minutes to 1 hour before enough wax has melted into a pool for a massage. After 30 minutes there is a small pool that might be enough for a small portion to be applied to the neck and shoulders, or other small area of the body. Between 45 minutes to an hour, a larger pool forms for more longer, in depth massages covering more of the body. When you get the desired amount of liquid wax, you will want to blow out the candle and wait a good 1 minute before applying to the skin. This wax will get very hot, unlike Kama Sutra massage candles, this wax is different and heats up much more. You can choose to pour from the container, or use a scoop to place the wax in your hand then gently but quickly massage it into the skin.

Check out the ingredients to see if you might have any allergy issues, otherwise a test patch is recommended on the skin. Also be warned again that this wax gets very hot, like scalding and burning hot! As the candle burns down the metal container will also get hot to the point the label will burn and melt.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Massage
    • Mood enhancer
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • External use only
    • Neck/shoulders/back/arms/chest

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

In solid unlit form the wax looks like milk, but hard with a slight waxy and oily feel to it. Using your fingers it is very hard to remove any of the wax out. Using a metal spoon you can remove some, but as to why I'm not sure. In lit form the candle starts turning into a golden honey colored liquid that is thick and oily. When it comes into contact with the skin, it quickly starts to coagulate and thicken up, making it very difficult to spread and rub into the skin creating a drag feel to it. It is easy to pour from the container but often drips down the side making a mess.

When first applying to the skin it is very hot but oily and very slick, but as I said, it quickly thickens. This kind of ruins the whole experience at this point making it near impossible to glide over the skin. The heat is a nice touch, but ultimately is just a small portion of the overall experience.
    • Oily
    • Slick
    • Thick

Taste / Aroma

That's right, yet again I got this in the pomegranate scent and I adore it! It is great as a candle and I absolutely love the smell. That being said, it is a light smell that will generally only fill up a small room with the door closed and little air circulation. In a large room it's doubtful you will smell it that much. It is really nice to use this candle when soaking with the Dona pomegranate bath salts, the aromas combine to create a nice relaxing smell. There is nothing strong or overpowering about the aroma in this candle and leaves a light but pleasant smell on the skin.
    • Light smell
    • Smells good


I really don't have many positive things to say about the performance of this massage candle. If I look at it just as a candle by itself, it is pretty good. The smell is great and it has a nice long burn time, that's its best performance. But I find there to be safety issues, first, the container is metal is gets extremely and dangerously hot when it burns down to the last 5-10 hours. So hot that in fact the label melted and burned, filling the room with a burnt chemical plastic-like smell. Also the container left a small burn stain on the dresser.

For massaging, I did not really find many positive things, except for 2. First is the aroma and second, the initial application of the warm wax on the skin feels amazing. Seconds after on the skin however it quickly cools and thickens up making it nearly impossible to knead and massage with. Not even the heat from the hands or body is enough to liquify the wax. Sadly as the wax thickened up on my skin it left me feeling very unsatisfied and uncomfortable to the point of having a shower and scrubbing off.
    • Dangerous heat
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water
    • Short lasting.


Sadly my experience in using this product has been mostly bad. Between burning labels and dangerous heat and nearly burning myself a few times, this is one candle I won't buy again. In all my experience the most positive and enjoyable thing was using this in conjunction with the Dona pomegranate bath salts. The candle smell and light illuminating the bathroom really aided in the relaxation and experience. During a massage the person I had with me at the time tried to apply and massage the wax into my skin, but each time it thickened fast and almost hurt to have it massaged into me.
Follow-up commentary
This could still be a really fantastic product if only some minor things had been changed. As I stated, the container gets hot and towards the end of the candles use the label gets hot enough to melt/burn. The smell is fantastic and aids in relaxation and comfort. But I find it hard to use as a "massage candle".

If you are into hot wax take care in using this as I'm sure you will enjoy the hot wax portion, but not the hot metal tin container.
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  • Kate Contributor: Kate
  • Rank:
    5.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 161
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  • Contributor: deltalima
    Awesome. I was thinking of getting this but the time is not long enough. Thanks.
  • Contributor: SecretToyLover2
    I am so sorry I meant to choose extremely useful voting is not working well tonight. Anyhow, I keep reading things that make me want to try this stuff less and less
  • Contributor: Gary A.
    SecretToyLover2---Are you referring to the whole line or just the candle? It seems that a lot of the product is really great and works very well. But there are a couple of items I sit back and think, how the hell did they screw that up so much? lol

    Well hopefully you are willing to try at least one thing in the line, id try something that seems the most compatible. Thanks for reading and no worries about the vote
  • Contributor: Miss Me?
    thank you for the information
  • Contributor: MamaDivine
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: saunders1971
  • Contributor: shortstoke1980
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: yarii
  • Contributor: Upyourreviews
    Thanks for the review! I don't think I will spend that much just for the candle part...
  • Contributor: MissCandyland
    Thank you for the review!
  • Contributor: Kristi :)
    Thank you for the review. Will buy for the scents!
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