Book discontinued
by Cleis Press Inc.

That Kind of Loving That Can Be So Smooth

Smooth provides readers with an array of tales and fantasies that are sure to satisfy the desires and interests of all kinds of readers.
Well-written, enticing stories that get your imagination (and other body parts) alive and active.
Nothing stands out.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I first saw this book at the bookstore where I work, and was excited at the prospect of buying it with my employee discount but wary of what my coworkers would say. Two weeks later I received the book as my free assignment from EdenFantasys, so no awkward work moments necessary. Based on the sexy cover photo I had high expectations for the stories inside, and Smooth has certainly lived up to my expectations.

The book opens with a seductive introduction from the editor. "Smooth. Sleek. Naked. Bare. All of these words describe the women you'll find in this book, women who let you peek beneath their skirt hems, unbutton their blouses, reach inside their panties and in so doing, reveal something essential about themselves. They aren't content to simply let sex happen but are compelled to explore the ways their body reacts to every tactile moment." The entire intro is about a page long, but that paragraph itself encompasses the theme of all these stories.

Stories in this collection provide the reader with a delicious assortment of fantasies, some of which might not have even crossed the reader's mind when they first picked up the book. It opens with "Loyly," the story of a southern woman who receives a sensual lesson in sauna etiquette from the beautiful naked Finnish man she meets in the sauna one chilly Michigan winter. In "Three Stops Away," one lady who is a little nervous about a no-pants subway ride gets some extra comfort and support from a fit boxer-clad male passenger.

Body art is also a prominent character in the stories "Ink", "Adornment is Power", "Clean Slate" and "True Colors." Meanwhile, the girls in "Adornment is Power" and "Ivy League Associates" are treated to steamy unexpected encounters with former lovers and love interests, respectively.

Although most of the stories are about heterosexual encounters, the book is not entirely hetero-normative and does have two or three stories about women and their first lesbian experiences. Lastly, (and most importantly for me) the story "This Night" plays with switching roles, being dominated one night and dominating the next. Also, the aforementioned "Adornment is Power", a once shy girl reveals her new found dominant side to her ex-boyfriend.

There are other stories in the collection that I did not mention, but that doesn't mean they were bad. All of the stories are well-written, even the ones that did not appeal to my desires. Getting this for free was an absolute steal, but for those who can't it is totally worth the $14.95. It's a five star (and occasionally one handed) read.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Campus/roommate living
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  • Contributor: Waterfall
    Nice review! I want to read this one!
  • Contributor: ToyGeek
    This sounds like it contains some nice variety. Drat, another thing on the wishlist? *sigh* Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Kayla
    I love this one too. I should get my review up sometime.
  • Contributor: bzzingbee
    I love sexy books and this sure does sound like one! Thanks for the review, glad it worked out that you got it without that awkward moment .
  • Contributor: Kimbertrees
    Great review! It's now on my ever growing book wish list.
  • Contributor: Selective Sensualist
    This sounds like one that I'd enjoy. Great review!
  • Contributor: Research
    Sounds interesting, I think I'll take a look.
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Wow, great review. I can tell you really enjoyed it.
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    Great title!
  • Contributor: Lunacy Setting in
    Wow, thanks for the nice comments everyone!

    Airen Wolf- Thanks, I was wondering if anyone would notice it
  • Contributor: hallelujah
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