
Superhotsex is a great book for couples who are looking to bring some excitement into their bedroom (or backseat). With beautiful photography and well written content, it's an easy read for both men and women, and if read together can lead to some wonderful conversations about fantasies and kinks. While not for the faint of heart this book isn't for those who "sleep on the edge" either. It's the perfect companion for those who want more from their bedroom but don't know how to get it.
Great for couples, beautiful photographs, well written
Not really same-sex couple friendly
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

About author

For those of you who might be new to the sexual education book scene, Tracey Cox is an established author whose been writing and talking about sex and relationships for more than 15 years. Her work has been featured on radio, television and print, primarily in the United Kingdom where she's from. Tracey writes from a heterosexual point of view most of the time, probably since she herself is straight. While some readers may be disappointed with this decision, we actually appreciate the fact that she doesn't try to write about areas that she isn't experienced with. We have read a few of Tracey's books so far, and while some are better than others, we are yet to be totally disappointed with the finished products.
    • Expert author
    • Very personal approach
    • Well known author

Content / Style / Audience

Superhotsex is Tracy Cox's sequel to her award winning book Supersex. We actually read Supersex on our honeymoon together and since we were both new and very vanilla towards sex we found it to be a great introduction for beginners. Superhotsex however, is not for those who are vanilla or more conservative about sex. In fact some of what Tracey covers may not be applicable to even the "most experienced" readers (ie - threesomes and swinging).

Tracey starts the book off with the traditional introduction and spends quite a bit of time talking about sexual fantasies and confessions which she uses to set up the rest of the book.

We want to emphasize the importance of the fantasies and confessions portion of Superhotsex, since it could be easily skipped in an effort to get to "the good stuff." Fantasies and confessions are the foundation to what our definitions of "hot sex" are. Everyone has different fantasies and (confessing) exploring them is what turns everyday sex into extraordinary sex. The philosophy of Superhotsex is to teach couples how to explore their fantasies with their partner without feeling awkward or silly. The majority of Superhotsex covers the exploration of fantasies. Cox starts off slowly with different locations to have sex and then evolves into various kinks such as spanking and anal play, toys, S&M, threesomes and swinging etc...

Although we discussed earlier that some might not be into the group sex portions of this book. We were actually pretty impressed with how Cox worked around this fantasy. The idea of having multiple sexual partners at one time is something that our physical minds want to experience. The sensations of multiple hands on our bodies or tongues on our skin is exciting to most of us. However, our emotional bonds to our partners prohibit most of us from experiencing this pleasure. With that in mind, Cox shares quite a few suggestions on how to utilize sex toys and erotic mindplay to "fulfill" this fantasy with only one partner.

The remainder of the book covers various "advanced" techniques for sexual play ranging from the best positions for your body type, for those who are self-concious, to Cox's top ten oral sex and handjob techniques. The sexual positions for your body type section is particularly interesting. Cox shares quite a few positions that help to hide our less flattering areas while increasing our sexual pleasure!

Overall, the book covers a lot of topics that many couples may have thought about but never discussed. We would suggest that this book be read together like we did. It stimulated multiple conversations about what we both wanted from sex. In fact some of our conversations got so steamy that we had to stop to have some Superhotsex before we could finish.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bed time reading
    • Couples
    • New lovers
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bathroom
    • Bedroom
    • Living room
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Erotic photography
    • Hetero
    • Instructional / educational


superhotsex is a 192 page soft cover book that is made from heavyweight photograph paper which works beautifully for showing off some of the best erotic photography you'll find in a sex education book. Most pages focus heavily on the picture with very little text getting in the way. In fact, the whole book would probably fit onto 50-75 pages if it weren't for the pictures. While some may find the pictures unnecessary or distracting we actually liked them and felt that it gave the book a more erotic feel as opposed to just reading line after line of text on a white page.
    • Graphic
    • Not very discreet cover
    • Well made
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  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Rank:
    7.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 580
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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Excellent boo review guys!
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    boo LMAO! I think I was watching TV at the same time. GOOD review lol.
  • Contributor: iCouple
    HAHAHA...shouldn't tell you this but I actually looked up boo on Google to see if it was some cool new acronym that I didn't know about yet!
  • Contributor: deadpoet
    great review. You should check out Supersex. Its a great book too
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    I have supersex and I actually do not enjoy Tracy Cox's writing. She doesn't really speak to me and I find her ideas are redundent and boring. Her information isn't always helpful, sometimes actually harmful. Thats my opinion though. Great review. I am glad this book worked for you.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    OMG that is hilarious! We should make it one now. Boo=greatness.
  • Contributor: Kayla
    Aww. Now I have to add this to my wishlist. Great review.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Great review!
  • Contributor: OhMy!, I mean, great review!
  • Contributor: boobookittyfuk
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: karay123
    Thanks for the great review!
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