Soft BDSM for Vanilla Readers

If you are new to reading erotica, and particularly BDSM erotica, you will probably find 50 Shades of Grey enticing, although it is not that well written. But, if this is a genre you've read before, or if you have any real life experience in BDSM, it's sure to leave you frustrated and wanting more.
a good first read, if new to erotica
misrepresentation of a D/s relationship, poorly written
Rating by reviewer:
useful review

Content / Style / Audience

50 Shades is similar to many other romance novels. Ana, the heroine in the tale, is naive and virginal, having only kissed a few men, even though she is 21. She is not the traditional "beauty" and does not see herself as such. Grey, the male protagonist, is a "dark" man, filled with secrets and a tormented soul. He does what he wants, regardless of what anyone, including society, thinks.

The main plot of the book describes their growing BDSM relationship, but not to a realistic standard. Keeping in mind the "fairy tale" aspect of Grey being a multi-millionare, the book still misrepresents an actual D/s dynamic. Grey is a demanding Dom, and is not in tune with his sub, who has no sexual experience.

The most frustrating aspect of this book, for me, is due to Grey's history and his interest in BDSM. The way he is portrayed in the book, Grey's interest in BDSM was caused by the abuse he suffered as a child. This childhood abuse is what made him kinky, and what has turned him into a Dom.

The writing style of the book is novice, at best. The story line is simple, and the characters are not well-developed, with little growth through this first story.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • First time erotica readers
  • General
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    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Bdsm
    • Erotica
    • Fiction

Personal comments

I'm an avid reader of romance and erotica, and 50 Shades did not hold up to its hype. I was disappointed in the story telling, as I never got completely "wrapped up" into the plot. Also, I was very frustrated by the fact that Grey's BDSM originates from his childhood abuse. As an active practitioner of BDSM, I was upset to see the author make this connection. We, in the lifestyle, receive enough scorn from those uneducated, and are often viewed as victims and abusers. Stories like this do not help the cause, but strengthen those preconceived notions that people have.

Well I agree that 50 Shades can benefit the genre of erotica, I believe it has the ability to do long-term damage to the actual BDSM community.
Follow-up commentary
I'm not saying I love it, and I'm not saying it's great. But I'm on the third book, and I don't hate it as much as I once did. If I wasn't in a D/s relationship, I'd probably think it was fantastic.
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  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Rank:
    7.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 580
  • Graduated students: 77
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  • Contributor: 123joy
    great view point
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    I am so not liking the reviews of this series....hmmmmm perhaps this isn't the book for me!
  • Contributor: theothers1
    I agree with your opinion. Haven't managed to start the 3rd book and it's been 2 months now. Not looking good for completing this series.
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