Sleeeepy Sleeping Beauty...

I did not find this book exciting, and in fact skipped or skimmed many sections to get to the good stuff. I like the fairy-tale-turned-dirty concept, but the story didn't have enough raw, dirty sex for me.
Descriptive, somewhat interesting story
Slow-moving, not dirty enough. Not my kind of writing style
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somewhat useful review
I was quite excited to read this book since I'd heard so many things about it. I haven't ventured into erotic novels very much; in fact, I think this may have been the first one I've really tried to read. However, I was a bit apprehensive about this particular book, having tried to read "Interview with the Vampire" a few years ago and not being able to get through it. This book turned out just as I feared.

Anne Rice's writing style is just not my cup of tea. It's very eloquent, romantic, and descriptive, but I just find myself constantly waiting for something exciting to happen. In fact, I skipped some portions of the book when I felt the story was moving too slowly. I don't like her sort-of "antiquated" style of writing.

Don't get me wrong, I did find some scenes in this book highly erotic, just as Beauty's capture or her initial display as a possession for the court. I was just looking for more...something. More sex. I enjoy really dirty, descriptive, fast-paced story and this just was too slow and refined for me. Calling a woman's pussy her "sex" just doesn't do it for me. It bores me and makes me feel quite uncomfortable, actually. I'm a dirty word kind of girl.

I also realize that perhaps a reason I didn't enjoy this book thoroughly is that the main character is a female. There are submissive males in the story too, but it revolves around a submissive female. I'm much more turned on by submissive males. I thoroughly enjoyed one particular section where a male slave was tied up, erotically tortured, and not allowed to cum. That's my kind of action.

I would not go on to read the other books in this series unless I heard of a plot twist that really intrigued me.
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  • Contributor: Kayla
    Yeah, I've wondered about reading this one, but I don't think you'll find that type of nitty, dirty action in most types of erotic novels. They tend to have softer sex for the most part.
  • Contributor: Misfit Momma
    This was one of my favorites, as well as my husbands. I too wished that the action would pick up, but was still happy with the story. Sorry you didn't like it!
  • Contributor: Kimbertrees
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Danielle1220
    I've heard suck great things about this book. I'm shocked you didn't like it. I want to read it.
  • Contributor: soulrain
    Thanks for the comments. I guess erotic novels just aren't for me I'll have to stick to good old-fashioned porn haha!
  • Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura
    I read some of this book, and can see what you mean about the slow pace. But I liked it. Could have been better, though.
  • Contributor: HoneyBear69
    ty for the review
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