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SexToys 101

Book discontinued
by Fireside

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SexToys 101 reviews

Average review rating:
[ 4 reviews ]
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This book is perfect for any individual who is looking to experiment with new toys. It's great for couples looking to improve or expand their collections. It touches on so many different subjects that it has something for everyone.

Sex Toys 101 is a great sex toy book with amazing information, but after seven years, it's a little outdated with its product recommendations. If you just want the information, it's an amazing read. However, if you'd prefer some recommendations with your reading, there are other more updated books out there.

Recommended for anyone wanting to learn more about sex toys and how to use them. Fun, playful, insightful and inspiring! The authors' enthusiasm for their subject matter and passion to share and educate others on the joys of self-pleasure makes this book a winner.

I would never recommend this book to a man, especially one trying to find himself in the sexual world. It would be the first I would recommend to a woman for its detail and appreciation of the subject.

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