Penis Pleasing 101
If you're looking for a book to break down the basic techniques of pleasuring your man, this book is a great choice. Dr. Sadie's writing is entertaining and easy to read while you learn. However, if you already know the basics and are looking for some more advanced teachings, pass this one on by.
Step-by-step instructions, lots of diagrams, thorough explanations of the male body
Not for those already advanced in oral skills
Tickle His Pickle is a book all about learning to please your man’s penis. This is a soft cover book measuring 5" x 7” inches, and is 142 pages long (not including the forward and afterward). The author of this book is Dr. Sadie Allison. She has a Doctorate degree in Human Sexuality and is a certified sexologist. Her other books currently being sold at Eden Fantasys are Tickle my Tush and Ride 'Em Cowgirl: Sex Position Secrets for Better Bucking. Books by this author currently unavailable on this site include Toygasms and Tickle Your Fancy.
Here is the breakdown of the books contents:
CHAPTER 1 begins by discussing pleasure interrupting thoughts, or PITs (e.g. “Nice girls don’t”, “I’m too fat”, or I don’t like his taste or texture”). This is followed by information on communication and breaking the ice.
CHAPTER 2 is all about a man’s anatomy, complete with definitions and pictures. The main focus is the penis, but balls, taint, and PC muscles are also discussed.
CHAPTER 3 is about a man’s physical response while having an orgasm and the come it produces. Who knew come can shoot out as fast as 28 mph? I especially like the tips on what foods make a man’s “love juice” taste better or worse.
CHAPTER 4 is all about visual appeal and talking erotically. Topics include leaving sexy hints of what’s to come, dressing the part, dirty talking, and watching an adult movie together.
CHAPTER 5 concerns all the details of shaving your man. Step by step directions are included.
CHAPTER 6 discusses the benefits of using lubricants. Different types of lube are compared and contrasted.
CHAPTER 7 goes into the details of giving a good hand job. Positions, hand movements, and different strokes are included, along with plenty of diagrams.
CHAPTER 8 is about twice the length of the other chapters as this is the one actually concerning giving your guy head. Topics include teasing him with your mouth, how to finish him off, taming gag reflexes, and of course a lot of licking and sucking techniques complete with diagrams.
CHAPTER 9 concerns anal play with your man, should you desire to do so. Establishing trust, starting slow, and p-spot stimulation are discussed.
CHAPTER 10 teaches ways to deal with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
APPENDIX A discusses safe sex techniques.
“With every guy, there’s a fine line between erotic and psychotic when you’re playing with his balls. Cross that line and you’ll know about it. Pronto.”
“Guys tend to be proud of their come. They love giving it to you, showing it to you, showering you with it, and watching you receive it.”

Here is the breakdown of the books contents:
CHAPTER 1 begins by discussing pleasure interrupting thoughts, or PITs (e.g. “Nice girls don’t”, “I’m too fat”, or I don’t like his taste or texture”). This is followed by information on communication and breaking the ice.
CHAPTER 2 is all about a man’s anatomy, complete with definitions and pictures. The main focus is the penis, but balls, taint, and PC muscles are also discussed.
CHAPTER 3 is about a man’s physical response while having an orgasm and the come it produces. Who knew come can shoot out as fast as 28 mph? I especially like the tips on what foods make a man’s “love juice” taste better or worse.
CHAPTER 4 is all about visual appeal and talking erotically. Topics include leaving sexy hints of what’s to come, dressing the part, dirty talking, and watching an adult movie together.
CHAPTER 5 concerns all the details of shaving your man. Step by step directions are included.
CHAPTER 6 discusses the benefits of using lubricants. Different types of lube are compared and contrasted.
CHAPTER 7 goes into the details of giving a good hand job. Positions, hand movements, and different strokes are included, along with plenty of diagrams.
CHAPTER 8 is about twice the length of the other chapters as this is the one actually concerning giving your guy head. Topics include teasing him with your mouth, how to finish him off, taming gag reflexes, and of course a lot of licking and sucking techniques complete with diagrams.
CHAPTER 9 concerns anal play with your man, should you desire to do so. Establishing trust, starting slow, and p-spot stimulation are discussed.
CHAPTER 10 teaches ways to deal with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
APPENDIX A discusses safe sex techniques.
“With every guy, there’s a fine line between erotic and psychotic when you’re playing with his balls. Cross that line and you’ll know about it. Pronto.”
“Guys tend to be proud of their come. They love giving it to you, showing it to you, showering you with it, and watching you receive it.”

How much you get out of this book will depend on your amount of experience. There was very little in here that I didn't already know. However, I am quite the penis enthusiast, which is why I bought the book in the first place. This being said, had I owned a copy of this book several years ago, before I really excelled in this area, I would have gained a whole lot of information in a very short time span. There is no doubt that a beginner to oral sex would learn in a week what the rest of us learned over slower, longer periods of time. I give Tickle His Pickle four stars for being a very good version of what it is, but minus one star for lack of information on more advanced techniques.
Follow-up commentary
6 months after original review
This is still a good book for beginners in my opinion. I plan on giving this to a friend now that I am done reading it. I think she'll really enjoy it as well.
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good review
Good review, thanks!
Sounds fun!
I was wondering about this book and if i should purchase, thanks for the great review
This looks good. Lol, the illustrations!
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