Book discontinued
by Da Cap Press

Oh the big BIG O!!

Although this book is more geared towards those of us that have difficulties reaching an orgasm, I strongly feel that this book is well qualified for everyone to read. Cass writes in such a way that allows for the reader to get involved, and writes as if she was actually having a conversation with you. She has helped me to embrace my issues which have allowed me to feel comfortable enough to work towards more effective orgasms.
Easy to read and well written, Very informative, Color images for better understanding
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

About author

Before I began reading this book, I did not know a thing about the author, Vivienne Cass, PhD. As a matter of fact I haven’t even heard of her before, but now that I have read her book, I have much respect for her.

Before she begins the actual book, she has dedicated a few pages to herself and her accomplishments. This allows for the reader to get to know her a little bit before we get talking about the good stuff. In this section, I have learned that she has been in practice for thirty years working with adults to help them with many psychological struggles as well as sexual difficulties. She has published a good bit of papers and book chapters on homosexuals as well. She then ventured on to publish a book based on safe sex due to her experiences through counseling in the area of HIV/ AIDS.

By the end of this section, you get a better understanding of her accomplishments and vast knowledge in both psychology and many sexual topics. Also, she expresses herself as if she were actually having a conversation with you as opposed to a superior, boasting type personality. As a reader, you can tell that she has a good personality and is very down to earth, and she definitely knows what she is talking about.
    • Engaging
    • Expert author

Content / Style / Audience

In this 15 chapter, 300 page book, Cass covers everything you need to know - not only understand but to achieve an orgasm. Although this book is more focused on those of us that have difficulties in this area, it is an eye opener to anyone who does take the time to read it. If you are a person who experiences difficulties reaching your O every time you try, only occasionally, or simply when you’re feeling too pressured, this book will help you overcome your difficulties in a way that allows you to feel comfortable discussing (with yourself, that is!) your problem areas.

Cass writes this book in such a way that really makes you feel as though you are having an actual conversation with her. After she writes a paragraph or two she writes a sentence or two that describes what we are thinking, and then continues to answer those thoughts. Her writing is very easy to understand and because of her writing style, she keeps your attention throughout the entire book. She writes in a way that kind of makes this topic fun to talk about, she doesn’t write as though she is superior to you or from a doctor type of view, she really brings her personality into this book which allows the reader to feel at ease and really think about the issues and how to solve them. She also includes a few VERY detailed images that she uses as references for the reader to better understand the parts of a female and not only what they do, but what their purposes is during arousal that helps to achieve an orgasm. On that note I would like to add, that we women are very complex beings, but we work is such a wonderful way!!! Throughout each chapter, she also includes some questions and answer sections for the reader to jot down some thoughts on their issues. She has some quizzes and other fun exercises for the reader to not only stay involved, but to better identify their issues so they can more easily solve them.

Although this book is focused on any person with orgasm difficulties, I strongly feel that anyone could benefit from Cass’s knowledge in this area. She covers so much in detail that it is truly impossible to not gain anything from her book. After she talks about the different types of problems, she takes the final eight chapters to talk about lifestyle changes to help better ourselves in many ways that will allow us to reach orgasms more frequently. With all of this said, I strongly believe that we all have something to gain from reading this book, that includes of all you who think that you don’t have a problem. You might just be surprised at what you learn!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anyone who struggle with orgasms. everyone has something to gain from this book!
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Good mix of styles and content
    • Instructional / educational


Like I mentioned, this book is very well written. It is so informative and is written in a way that keeps the reader focused, and allows us to feel comfortable enough to embrace our issues. Cass includes some quizzes, and other fun exercises that allow the reader to stay involved in this process to better their orgasms.

Again, Cass includes some pictures that she references that also allow us to better understand what women are made of and how everything works to help us achieve success!

This book is paper back so it is more likely to bend or tear, but the binding seems to be very well done. I have not had any issues with it falling apart or showing signs of a careless or quick construction.

This book doesn’t have any graphic pictures proudly displayed on the front cover, but the word ‘orgasm’ is printed on the cover (because that’s part of the title, duh!) so it’s not discreet enough to leave out for it may peak the curiosity of others, but if you wanted to give it as a gift I feel that it is acceptable enough for that purpose.
    • Diagrams / photos included
    • Soft cover
    • Well made

Personal comments

When I first got this book, I really wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I do. I have learned so much from Cass that I am now more open to discussion about orgasms and am comfortable with myself enough to embrace my issues and follow Cass’s tips on reaching my climax. This is something that I will continue to work on, and encourage others to take a look at this book and work towards their complete satisfaction in these areas as well.

I would like to take a moment to thank Cass for her time and sharing her knowledge in this area, she has helped me better myself and allow me to be comfortable in my own skin. I’m sure that she has helped so many others in the same way, and I`m sure that she would be able to help you as well. What are you waiting for, buy this book, now, it is so worth it!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Geogeo
    Wishlisting, thanks
  • Contributor: kitty1949
    Nice, detailed review. Thanks.
  • Contributor: Mwar
    Nice job! The shots of the book let you get a feel of it. It is part work book, encouraging the reader to be involved in what the book has to offer.

  • Contributor: deltalima
    Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: PropertyOfPotter
    Thanks for the review! I'll be looking into this one a little more now!
  • Contributor: MrWishyWashy
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: ebb008
    Thank you guys for the comments, they are so appriciated! If anyone has any tips on things I should add next time, please let me know. This was my first book review and I would love some pointers!!
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