My Guide to Porn Education

The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn is a great, beginner-friendly book that deals with the different types of porn both on DVD as well as online. It offers a lot of detail and information to those who are looking to re-educate themselves or those who are just curious about porn.
Each chapter self-contained, modern book, great writing style.
May be more suited for beginners and may not offer much to those comfortable with porn.
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extremely useful review
The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn is a soft-cover book written by Violet Blue and published by Cleis Press. The book is black and white on the inside with high-quality pages. There are 137 pages divided into nine different chapters. The front of the book shows a girl's face with the title in large letters while the back of the book shows regular text explaining the book like you'd expect from a regular non-sex book.

Violet Blue has written in book in a manner that helps new porn users go about going watching porn. This book was not written for someone is already comfortable with watching porn and regularly watches porn - except a couple chapters. For the most part, the book was dedicated to helping women who are uncomfortable with porn become comfortable with porn. It talks about lots of the basics of pornography.

Violet Blue writes in an interesting manner. It was pleasant to read, and while she provides facts, she still provides them in a pleasantly opinionated manner that makes it more fun to read than if it was just purely facts. I was pleasantly surprised by the manner in which it was written, and the book actually kept me engaged enough to want to read it from cover to cover. I'm impressed - very few books can do that to me. Even though I knew most of the information, the way it was written led me to continue to believe that it was worth reading and that she'd provide more information.

Now, this may not have been such a good read to read right after reading "Good Porn: A Woman's Guide", but honestly, they are different in their own ways. Good Porn was created for those women who have already discovered porn but want to find better porn. The Smart Girl's Guide To Porn is focused more on the woman who is curious but has had a bad experience in the past.

Each chapter presented itself wonderfully. Each chapter was focused on a main point that really didn't "swirl" into the other chapters. This means that, if you were experienced and wanted to pick and choose at the chapters that you thought you wanted to read, it'd be really easy. You wouldn't be missing information from the previous chapters just because you chose to skip them. Each chapter is really quite self-contained - and in a good way. This means that information isn't being repeated either.

The first chapter, "What a Smart Girl Wants", focuses completely on why a female would watch pornography. Examples include to get off, curiosity, finding new inspiration for your sex life, and many others.

The second chapter called "Common Concerns about Porn" tackles all of the issues and myths that pornography usually brings up. For example, the idea that only people who can't get laid watch pornography and quite a few others. It also talks about pornography possibly being offensive to the viewer and if whether the women in the movies are actually doing this consensually.

The third chapter is all about your first time viewing porn. It talks about what things that will make the first experience even better as well as tricks and tips for the first time you go out to purchase an adult movie.

Next is my favorite chapter: "Why Porn Sucks". It seems so mis-placed in a pro-porn book, but Violet Blue makes me so happy for including it. It's all about the crappy things that you can find in porn, like fake breasts, crappy plots, bad music, and everything else, and how you can try to minimize finding those things in the porn you're trying to watch.

The fifth chapter is all about how to find porn that suits your own tastes. Violet Blue will encourage you to make a list of things you enjoy and don't enjoy in your porn, talks about the online communities that will make finding good porn better, explains some of the commonly-used words in porn, and lets you know what awards exist out there for good adult movies.

Chapter 6 explains the different types of porn types including bisexual, gay, gonzo, reality porn, educational, reality, gonzo, and many many others. This ends up being about thirty pages. It covers it in-depth and well.

Chapter 7 is all about the world of online porn. This was a really helpful chapter for me. It gave trustworthy sites to get your pornography from, talked about how to protect your computer from viruses, and (my favorite!) talked about the commonly-used tricks fake porn sites will use to trick you.
Chapter 8 covers using pornography with your significant other. It talks about different games the two of you can play with the porn as well as how to talk to your partner about it for the first time. It was a cute chapter that offered ideas I hadn't thought about before.

Chapter nine was just a resource section of great websites for pornography, buying porn, and tons of other things.

In this book, I was actually really proud of Violet Blue for including all of the information about fast-forwarding. She states that, if it doesn't turn you on, feel free to fast-forward right through it - and use that power liberally. Throughout the book, she always states that you shouldn't settle for pornography that isn't turning you on. This really is a mantra that all porn watchers should follow, and I'm glad she included it for the beginner watchers.

Overall, I'm impressed. It's well-written, includes great information, and is very informative without being overly opinionated or feminist. I'm extremely impressed. If you have some watching-pornography skills that you'd like to improve on, think you'd benefit from the information in the book, or are a beginner looking to get into pornography, I highly recommend this. Very highly.
Follow-up commentary
I haven't picked it up since I first looked through the book, but it's still a good book. It was a book that has definitely interested me in other books written by Violet Blue. It's well-written, has good information, and while it isn't intended for people who already enjoy porn, it's a good book for those who are nervous about enjoying it. The book is still in amazing condition and looks just like it did when we first received it.
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  • Contributor: TitsMcScandal
    "fake porn sites"? What are those?

  • Contributor: Tori Rebel
    Great review! Definitely looks worth reading!
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Good review!
  • Contributor: LikeSunshineDust
    Thanks for the great review
  • Contributor: deadpoet
    great review
  • Contributor: C4ss
    Seems interesting. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: M121212
    This sounds like a great gift for someone who's not so into porn but wants to be.
  • Contributor: amandaco2011
    Looks like it would be a good book for discovering what you like and where to find it.
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