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Lesson Learned, Goals Reached By Jenna Jameson

I truly enjoyed this book. Jenna had support when she didn't think she did and struggled through many situations that would kill a weaker person. She rose above the stigma "Porn Star". Even if you're not a big fan of porn, her desire to succeed would make even Donald Trump nod with admiration.
Great photos, Quality editing, Personal experiences.
You won't want to put it down!
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

About author

I feel I must start out by saying how much I have always admired Jenna Jameson as a business woman. True, she's a great porn star, but she's gone from the lowest low to one of the most successful porn stars in the business. She's marketed herself in ways that many actresses never had even thought of doing before. Adult films have been around a VERY long time. However, not only has she been in many films, but she's copyrighted herself as a product of the business. She has earned her many AVG awards and earning respect in and out of adult films. I've always enjoyed watching her.. um, work! She goes from raunchy, to sweet, to sassy. This blonde bombshell has it all.
    • Engaging
    • Multiple contributoring authors
    • Very personal approach

Content / Style / Audience

Delve deep inside a story of Jenna Jameson, formerly known as Jenna Massoli. She started off a stripper in Las Vegas, and ends up being one of the demanded females in the adult film industry. Dive into not only her rise to porn-fame, but how her home life was The trials and tribulations she suffered from being raped more than once, and participating in dance classes. She was also in beauty pageants, a brief stint in cheerleading, jealous girls, possessive boys, to having more than one boyfriend that liked her as a trophy. They didn't give her the much craved love she's always struggled for with men. Read about her exploits of sexual escapades with women, and even some literally juicy sex stories. Cheer her on as she struggles with meth addiction, and partying like there's no tomorrow. Also read excerpts from her personal diaries through the years. You can learn about her from a young girl, to young adult. You will see the emergence of a very driven young woman.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bedside read
    • Learning about the adult film business
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • I'd recommend reading this in the privacy of your home or car. the blazoned title gives it all away.
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Good mix of styles and content
    • Humorous
    • Non-fiction


The book is a 579 paged softcover, but as large as a hardcover book. It's got many personal photos from Jenna's collection, films, events, film covers, and even a few family shots.
The binding is thickly glued and will stand up to the quick turning of the pages because you won't want to put it down.
    • Not very discreet cover
    • Soft cover
    • Well made

Personal comments

I had heard the big "ruckus" of this book made when it came out a few years ago. Of course, anything in print involving a porn star has to be followed by "ruckus". That also intrigued me, I admit it. I always enjoyed a good read, especially autobiographies. I thought that this one would be a great addition to my adult reading collection.
In the beginning, Jenna went from Stripper to adult film star for spite, but wanted more from the business. She teaming up with the founder of Wicked Pictures and declaring in her interview that she wanted to be "the biggest porn star in the business". Through all her struggles, successes, fall-backs, mistake-repeats in relationships, then coming into her own diva-dom (in more ways than one), Jenna emerges as a phoenix amoung the ashes. She rising where so many have fallen before.


I truly enjoyed reading this book. I'd seen articles and interviews here and there. It was on how she rose to her status as Queen of Porn, but this personal invasion into her life was eye-opening. Porn stars are not "sluts" that can't do anything else with their lives. Most of them choose this sort of job and they take it very seriously.
Follow-up commentary
I've gone back to this book a couple of times, re-reading a few passages here and there. I think the title should've been different, however, I highly recommend this book if you like autobiographies. It's a great read!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: OohBaby!
    Great review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: TexasBrat
    It was really MY pleasure! Thanks for the feedback!
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    I LOVE this book! Thanks for letting others know how good this autobiography is!
  • Contributor: TexasBrat
    I'm glad you enjoyed it too!
  • Contributor: SecretToyLover2
    I don't often buy books like this but now I want to!
  • Contributor: TexasBrat
    Thanks for all of your comments. They truly help. I'm glad my review sparked some interest.
  • Contributor: MrGoodTool
    Great review.
  • Contributor: Forever17
  • Contributor: darkkitty
    Thank u!
  • Contributor: TexasBrat
  • Contributor: Aydios
    Nice review
  • Contributor: yarii
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