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Little bit naughty book of sex positions

This little book is great if you are just looking to spruce up the sex life. One of my favorite things to do is to close my eyes, flip to a random page and that's the position for the next session. It is worth the short investment.
Easy to store
Fun ideas
Sometimes too small since you want large pictures
Published:December 03, 2015

All in all, if you want to add some new moves to your sex life, this book is very helpful at showing you how to do different things.
Published:April 08, 2013

Add a bit of spice to your love life without jumping into kinky play by adding new positions to your intimate time. In an easy to follow format this book will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new positions and pleasures. Perfect to keep in your bedside drawer, this book is sure to be a wonderful go to guide for your play.
Ninety six pages, fully illustrated, easy to follow and hard back.
Not a thing at all.
Published:February 10, 2013

If you think sex positions when I say "Reverse Rodeo" or "Come Again" or "Stairway to Heaven" then you do not need this book.
However, if you want to add some creativity and spice to your sex life with each idea costing less than 52 cents each (averaging the price of the book by number of ideas) - then this book is for you!
Clear examples from photos
Detailed descriptions
Variety of positions
Published:December 19, 2011

I thought this book was great for any couple looking to explore their limitations in the bedroom. It offers many positions to try, details to accomplish them, and pros and cons for using a position like it. It also describes who will benefit more from each position which makes it easier to determine who will get the maximum pleasure from each position.
-Offers pros and cons of each position and details on how to accomplish such positions
-Positions suitable for same sex couples only
-Doesn't offer variations using toys or any foreplay
Published:February 01, 2011
Cookie sutra

The Cookie Sutra takes two common things many people enjoy and blends them together to create a unique and special book! This book makes a great gift and is the perfect option to snag if your partner is shy about trying out new positions. With lots of humor and creative illustrations, this book is sure to be a hit, whether you buy it for yourself or for a friend.
- Adorable Illustrations
- Non-intimidating
- Recipe Included
- Geared Toward Hetero Couples
- No Position Instructions
Published:May 24, 2013

This is a great little book that will give you smiles and giggles. Great for gift giving and it's not too graphic to offend anyone. You even get the cookie recipe. The facial expressions on the cookies are priceless!
Great Illustrations
Book poorly constructed
Published:January 11, 2013

I love this book as both someone who bakes frequently and as an assistant librarian. After all, if books aren't fun, people don't want to read them. You will want to read this book. There is no skimming...the writing is funny and intelligent. Of course, the pictures are hilarious! The perfect gift for anyone with a sense of humor...I'm not even embarrassed to leave mine laying out.
Intelligent Humor
Published:December 26, 2012

This is a very cute and non-threatening book either to introduce the kama sutra into your relationship, or to give as a fun gift. It's quite charming and even has a recipe for gingerbread cookies in the very back. There are only 19 positions, though, making the book rather short.
cute, funny, non-threatening and playful, just cookies
binding is stiff, a couple positions could use directions, only 19 positions
Published:December 23, 2012

Looking at pictures of gingerbread men having sex has now been scratched off of my to do list. Funny gag gift. Good price. Must have for bachelorette/engagement gifts.
Gag gift
Published:December 21, 2012

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Kama sutra 365

Kama Sutra 365 is an easy way to be introduced to these types of positions and texts. It provides a solid jumping-off-point from which to expand your knowledge and experiment in sexuality. The restrained imagery is neither shameful nor too chaste. The text, for the most part, is easy to identify with.
Clear and concise, interesting introduction to Eastern spiritual texts, tasteful photography
Hetero-oriented, some silly coy language
Published:April 11, 2013

This book has plenty of beautiful color pictures depicting various positions requiring various levels of flexibility, just don't expect any deep, meaningful explanation to go along with those pretty pictures. What text is present will add little to the pictures and could, at times, make you wonder, "Who writes the stuff?" Overall this is a pretty book, but it fell short of achieving the claim stated on the back cover, "How to be sensual, physical, erotic, exotic, ecstatic every day of the year."
Photos are nicely done without being too graphic.
Much of the text will elicit eye rolls. Some of the 365 positions are very similar to one another.
Published:October 30, 2012
Daily Sex

Variety is the spice of life...and that is especially true in the bedroom. This 392 page book is full of fun ideas for the whole year. Intended for hetero couples, it features both position and foreplay suggestions. It's a good reference book when you're craving a little extra zing.
Illustrated with drawings
Positions for vaginal Intercourse, Oral, and Manual
Foreplay ideas
Hetero only
No photos
Index isn't easily searchable
Published:March 15, 2013

Daily Sex is a pretty cool book. It gives you 365 activities to try out, one for every day of the year. These are easy to understand activities, including: sexual positions, oral sex tricks, manual stimulation, and ideas for massages. There are a lot of unique moves within the covers so it never gets boring. It can be a bit difficult to follow along due to the formatting of the book, though, and it's meant to cater specifically to heterosexual couples.
large font, easy to understand descriptions, good price, unique positions, fun to follow along
format is a bit difficult to read, relevant to heterosexual couples only
Published:February 21, 2013

The book gives various suggestions on how to spice up your sex life however I feel like there are better books out there than this one promotes itself to be though it is an alright reference book.
Variety of positions incorporation of food role playing & other items into your sexual experiences
Positions appear to repeat themselves throughout the book
Published:July 08, 2012

If you are bored with the same positions or activities you have been doing for months or years and want to spice it up a little, this book is for you! With so many entries, you are bound to find something new or a new take on an old classic that fits you just right.
many suggestions, something for everyone
mostly a new look at old positions
Published:June 29, 2012

Overall, this is a fun book to add to your collection. You will have fun trying to get through a year of doing all of this stuff. I've had this book for a few years and we never have tried to finish through it. It's just fun to have around when you want to try something different than the same old sex positions.
Many different positions.
Use of toys and other objects.
Some are too hard to try.
Need to be flexible for some.
Published:May 10, 2012
The Cosmo Kama Sutra

Low cost book that is very simple to read. Use it spice it up in the bedroom. Play a game by just open the book to any page and have fun. If you're a beginner or more advanced this book is a good one to use.
Small easy to store. Well mad. Simple to understand.
Published:March 08, 2013

Queers steer clear, straight cis couples rejoice! Once again queer couples are left out of another situation. HEY, WE WANT TO EXPLORE FUN SEXUAL POSITIONS, TOO!
Plenty of positions
Safe sex talk
Talk of self love
Not queer-friendly
Some positions are uncomfortable
Published:February 28, 2013

Cosmo has just the book for those stuck in a positional rut. Although not The Kama Sutra, it is a fun colorful guide to nearly 100 sexual positions. It's great for hetero couples wishing to spice things up a bit in the bedroom. Each position is illustrated with a large drawing and has clear written directions. It's a fun addition to a sex library.
Fun & Colorful
Book Cover
No photos
No connection to Actual Kama Sutra
Published:February 15, 2013

Overall, I think it's something you can probably get from Google for free. I love my book, but I wouldn't buy it again. Stick with the good old internet for this one.
Fun, Change up, Design
Basic, "tips" lack originality
Published:February 04, 2013

If you are just a hetrosexual strictly vanilla couple who are looking for a very mild spice up of things in the bedroom or people who are big fans of all things Cosmo will enjoy this book. Everyone else more then likely will find something to raise an eyebrow or roll said eyes about.
Classy Layout
No smut
Protective case
Easy to Navigate pages
Some positions unrealistic
Explanations too short
“Cosmo” wording
Only heterosexual take
Published:February 02, 2013
Tantric Sex

If you are looking for a holistic approach to sexuality this is the book to get, it's filled with great suggestions for you and your partner.
Easy to incorporate suggestions into sex life
Published:December 07, 2012

This is a beautiful introduction into Tantra. It is clear, easy to understand, and has beautiful pictures. It is an amazing opportunity to explore the sensuality of each and every experience.
Beautiful, easy to understand, gorgeous pictures and a wonderful way to explore your sensual side.
It has the potential to be time consuming
Published:January 25, 2011

This book covers an in depth knowledge of both the philosophy of tantra as well as numerous specific practices. This includes a greeting ceremony, exploration of senses, kissing, oral sex, and lovemaking.
Relevant pictures, clear text that is in readable "chunk" formats.
Written from the point of view of a man/woman couple only.
Published:December 04, 2009

Beautiful, clear, concise, erotic guide to Tantric sexual practices for ordinary people. Tantric Sex is a must for every bedside table.
Beautifully illustrated, user-friendly.
Assumes heteronormativity, but doesn't hit you over the head with it.
Published:May 08, 2009
The Cosmo's Kama Sutra

This book in my opinion is for the couple who are new to the sex scene and may be looking to adventure a little. For my partner and me, who are very sexual, this book offered us little to no new advice. I went into the review seeing it was made by Cosmopolitan and was expecting it to be a disappointment. I found by the days end I was proven right. Although this book is so easy a caveman could understand it, it's design, lack of original content, and non-discreet cover makes me want to say no!
Detailed instructions, Rates ease of each position, Easy to understand.
Flimsy binding, Not very discreet (Bright Pink Cover), Repeated Positions, Un-Original content
Published:November 14, 2012

This is a fun and laid-back approach to sex positions, along with other helpful tips spread throughout the book. If you want to explore more positions but don't want to take it too seriously, this book is for you.
Fun positions
Well-laid out book
None really!
Published:November 08, 2012

Everyone seems to know about the Kama Sutra and the editors of COSMOPOLITAN magazine have decided to get in on the act and bring you this book, complete with 77 different sexual positions. I was surprised with how good this book was. The positions are depicted through drawings, but you still get a sense of how the position should be attempted. There are also very useful tidbits of info throughout the book as well.
Lots of positions, fun little tidbits of info, the difficulty level for each position is realistic.
The positions are shown through drawings and not pictures, that could be more realistic.
Published:November 02, 2012
Pocket Kama Sutra

If you're looking to spice up your love life this book might help. It shows different positions, and different things you can do to make you or your partner feel good.
Full color photos, Informative, Sexy, Easy to read
Some of the positions are a little hard to acomplish
Published:September 28, 2012

All in all this product is a definite must if you're looking for some new positions or just want some ideas to spice up foreplay and arousal. It's great for any type of couple and provides positions for people of all physical ability.
easy to read, small and discrete, great ideas
very hetero-specific, no positions/activities geared towards homosexual couples
Published:February 08, 2012

A great small book for those looking for some new ideas. Offers great ideas for romance, and full color photographs that show just enough to be interesting!
Anne Hooper, Small, Romantic
nothing really.
Published:November 21, 2011

This book would be wonderful even for a more tame couple. It focuses on maximizing pleasure for both partners, as well as a more loving approach to sex. I think everyone should have a copy in their nightstand.
Discreet size, Informative, plain English.
Some more positions would be greatly appreciated!
Published:August 14, 2011

The Pocket Guide to Kama Sutra is a great little book that can help you and your partner begin to enter the world of tantric sex without making you feel uncomfortable in the process. Its small shape enables you to have it nearby without it being in the way. Worth the price.
Small book, nice photos (not too pornographic), travels light, fun to read
Published:May 13, 2010
Kama Sutra: The Perfect Bedside Companion

I read a lot of books, at least 2 a month, but this book took me a whole month to read. Putting aside it being a hard read, I learned a lot and am very happy I took the time to read it.
Affordable, nicely covered and bound
Hard read, not many positions
Published:April 27, 2012

We use our book as a great coffee table book. It always draws up fun conversations,and looks gorgeous in our home. We received our book as a wedding shower gift from a friend, and loved it when we got it. We did read over it once, but that was all. Now it's just for aesthetic purposes and conversation starters.
beautiful, original, great gift
kind of worded oddly in palces
Published:November 21, 2011

I really liked the diversity that flipping through this book brought to the bedroom. It helped me to relax and experiment without having to completely come up with ideas myself.
Pretty, classy looking, full of ideas and pictures.
Not a direct "how-to", photos are illustrated and sometimes hard to make out.
Published:November 01, 2011

The Kama Sutra Bedside Companion looks like a pretty good read, though to me it fell short of that. The intended audience of this book is male, which, combined with cultural differences, makes it difficult for me to apply any information within the covers to my relationship. Some of the writings, including how to show affection to a woman through repeated blows to her back during sex, just didn't seem like they would be appropriate for every relationship.
good artwork, great page and binding quality
somewhat difficult to read, difficult to incorporate information into relationship
Published:April 17, 2011

Overall it was a gem to add to my book collection. It's one I've read over and over, and my partner loves it when I bring it out. Often when he's out of town on business he gets me to email him passages. It was beautiful, sexual and spiritual all at once, something that is sometimes hard to find.
Ties together spirituality and sexuality and makes you strive to achieve both every time.
Not a step by step guide, not many descriptive pictures and can be a tough read.
Published:June 19, 2008
Kama Sutra for 21st Century Lovers

Apparently sex in the 21st century is dull, boring, and lacks any creativity. Does the thought of doing something new and different scare you to death? Do you absolutely hate reading? You might like this, then. However, after "reading" (because there's barely anything to read here) this book and fighting off of the urge to fall asleep in it, I'm highly certain that just about anyone out there has more interesting sex than this book contains. At least it won't waste much of your time.
Works as a door stop, great for pressing tofu.
Same 5 positions over and over, no useful information at all, dull, interesting, full of fail
Published:April 25, 2012

This book takes the mystery and eroticism of the Kama Sutra and makes it easy to understand while removing any nervousness one may have of trying new and interesting positions.
well written, gorgeous photography, easy to understand, fun read
not written for gay couples, bit pricey
Published:March 10, 2012

Let this book whisk you away in a sea of fresh ideas on reading your partners body to find out what they really want. Renew your relationship and your sex life with fresh ideas on bringing artistic freedoms, passion, and love back into your sex life!
Well written and great illustrations
Published:January 20, 2012

This is a nice revisiting of a classic book on love and sexuality. There's probably something new to try here for everyone.
Well written and nicely shot photos
Some descriptions are a little short
The beautiful models are a little intimidating
Published:December 01, 2010

This book is a beautifully photographed, intimate tome detailing the art of Kama Sutra (sexual positions and sexual sensuality) in 21st Century same-sex couples.
Beautiful art, intimate, true to form.
Not for same sex lovers, not for hard fast sex.
Published:June 05, 2010
Kama Sutra - Sexual Positions for Him and for Her

The Kama Sutra Sexual Positions for Him and Her by Anne Hooper is a beautifully tasteful dip into Kama Sutra and other readings like it. The pictures are non-offensive and comfortable to look at and the wording makes it easier for any person to understand. The small size makes it easy to hide and store. I'm happy with this being our first sexual position book!
Tasteful, small, helpful
None I can think of
Published:February 19, 2012

Who knew there were so many ways a couple could get it on!? A bit of something for everyone, from the novice couple, to the more experienced. There's something here that will leave you begging for more.
Real photographs, pocket size
Published:October 18, 2011

This is one of the better books if not best books out there on positions. The other one out is like a coffee table book.
more pictures demonstrating the harder positions
Published:August 19, 2011

Suggested positions specifically for women to come to orgasm. The "for him" side is really a "for her" as well, as pretty much penetration feels wonderful for men no matter what. The photographs make it very simple to see how the position works.
Great photographs, interesting positions, detailed history, pros/cons listed for each position
Hetero-friendly only
Published:November 22, 2010
Kama Sutra of Sexual Positions

This book really isn't worth buying in my opinion. I mean yeah it gives you some history and everything, but it is a bit boring. The postions seem quite alike just worded differently, not much variety.
Though the poems were good and so were the pictues. So if you do decide to buy it at least you know you will get to read some history and neat poems.
Good pictures and poetry.
Postions seems alike. I wish it wouldn't be as textbook like.
Published:January 25, 2012

If you're looking to give the Kama Sutra as a gift to someone, this is one of the most pretty books that I've seen to date. The art work is truly gorgeous, and the writing in the book is well researched. This is written more in a textbook style, so if you're looking for more of a book focusing just on sexual positions, keep looking. A true work of art, that would be great for anyone's collection.
Gorgeous artwork, beautiful poetry, full history.
The binding makes it hard to keep book open and hands free for pleasure.
Published:November 23, 2011

If you are looking for some SHORT explanations of positions and artwork this book is great. But, a large portion of the book is devoted to poetry and a textbook style history of sex. The photos are not matched up with any of the positions described, so you really have to take your best guess as to if you are doing it right, then again, in sex, is there a wrong way? If you do better with seeing the positions, if you need in depth descriptions, or hate textbook style reading look elsewhere.
-great photos/artwork
-105 positions
-reads like a textbook
Published:September 20, 2011
Secret Sexual Positions

I love this book! There are great illustrations, great positions, and even quotes from other couples who have tried the positions and the history behind the ancient methods that brought up these sex positions! This is a great book for any couple!
Great ideas and position
Published:January 23, 2012

This book was a fun experience for a first time sex book I would make sure you are careful with this book.
great pictures and moves
have to be careful not to hurt yourself
Published:June 02, 2010

Secret Sexual Positions by Kenneth Ray Stubs, Ph.D. is an exploration of ancient techniques for modern lovers. The book is illustrated by Kyle Spencer with a mass collections of sexual positions. The book is also enhanced with quotes from couples with a male and female opinion on each position. Secret Sexual Positions also offers a history of Kama Sutra and other cultures that gives an insight of ages filled with the passion for sex.
Variety of illustrations, real opinions, erotic art, position descriptions.
Some positions require very good flexibility or yoga experience.
Published:February 28, 2010
Best sex positions ever

This book is full of great content for couples wanting to spice up their sex life and has pictures included in it on mostly every page.
Great positions/ideas
Good pictures included
Published:January 14, 2012

Does the book live up to its title? For the most part, I would say yes. The positions contained should be accessible to most couples and I would say that it does contain 90 percent of the most used positions. New couples might have a hard time coming up with these positions on their own, so I feel it's a great addition to the bedroom of a couple looking to branch out.
Artful photos.
Intuitively written.
Good place to start.
Somewhat Basic.
Published:January 09, 2012

If you are a new couple or have a dull sex life this book can help! It offers twists on classic sex positions, and has foreplay and role playing ideas any couple is sure to love. Please be aware that this book is not full of sex positions like you may think, I would suggest another book if that is what you are going for.
Tasteful Pictures, Good foreplay tips, great for more acrobatic couples
Not all are sex positions, Experienced couples will not get a lot out of this book.
Published:February 01, 2011

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A Lover's Guide to the Kama Sutra

A how-to guide for sex newbies, this would make a great gift for someone venturing virginally into the world of vanilla heterosex. Though flowery in language, this book outlines a variety of sexual techniques and positions, many of them illustrated. If you're looking for something to spice up your already established sex life, the Lover's Guide to the Kama Sutra may disappoint you. The book is a bit sexist and outdated, and the style is quite awkward, if not goofy, to read.
Good for beginners, pocket-sized, includes many positions, includes 24-kt gold plated heart charm
Writing style is awkward and sexist, many tips seem to be simple common sense
Published:September 14, 2011

This would make a great stocking stuffer for the Christmas season, especially if you want to hint to your lover how to add some extra romance to your holidays!
Tiny, sexy, discreet and well-researched, including a great selection of information!
Definitely not a thorough reprinting of the original Kama Sutra, but a good start for beginners.
Published:November 14, 2010
Kama Sutra Book

Sixteen centuries of tradition in India, one hundred and twenty years in antiquated English, and more than ten years of careful research are beautifully held between the covers of this book. Considering its excellent translation, archival elegant binding, and most of all, its detailed illustrations, I absolutely recommend this book for personal use or as a gift for scholars and lovers alike.
Faithful but accessible translation with detailed paintings provide the full Kama Sutra experience.
Gold text is hard to read in low light.
Published:April 29, 2011

Do you long to be a better lover? To find fulfillment in love? Look no further than The Kama Sutra: The Ancient Art of Making Love for the New Millennium. Based on that classic work of ancient Indian literature, this modernized version preserves the essence of Vatsyayana, the author and religious scholar, with clear language and vivid illustrations. This makes the perfect gift!
Beautiful artwork, gorgeous cover, hight quality, perfect gift item
Published:January 06, 2011

The Kama Sutra is a lot more than just a few sex positions, it's a good read for people looking to add something spiritual to their relationship.
Beautiful silk covering, a different viewpoint on relationships as a whole.
Sometimes the language is a bit difficult.
Published:May 25, 2010

The Kama Sutra Book is an excellent, informative, descriptive, and beautifully written book that will provoke your imagination and give you a better understanding of many important life topics--especially sexual relationships with your partner.
Beautifully written and presented; excellent read; informative.
Very large book.
Published:January 02, 2009

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Cosmo's Aqua Kama Sutra

A lot of the positions are impossible to do and they repeat themselves, maybe in just a new angle form. But they repeat themselves, and a lot of them are painful.
water proof book
repeats, impossible to do
Published:January 15, 2011

I definitely recommend this book for the hot summer months. Even though there's only twenty-five positions, each one has extra tips to intensify each move.
It gives you different positions for all of your favorite water spots.
There could be a few more.
Published:August 09, 2009
Position of the Day: Sex Every Day in Every Way

This book is a great gag gift or something fun to flip through with your friends. Some of the positions are repeated with differing crazy names. The authors are up-front about the fact that some of the positions are impossible and that they began collecting them for the purpose of designing fun names. The illustrations are vague and hard to decipher at times. Overall, a fun gag gift but not something you should be interested in if you're looking for serious sex advice.
Fun gag gift
Not a "how-to" sex manual
Published:June 12, 2010

Overall it was a great little book. It was fun and gives readers something to look forward to daily, challenging readers to step out of their comfort zones and try something new every single day of their lives.
Creative, gets you out of the bedroom, something new every day.
Some of the positions are very unrealistic and more comedic.
Published:September 23, 2009

This could be a cute little gift for a friend, but most positions are indecipherable. The characters illustrating each position are almost stick people and we couldn't tell whose legs were whose, so actually trying out the position is often impossible. Some poses are innovative, but doing it on a hot air balloon just isn't natural or realistic at all.
Silly, cute, and sometimes witty, with a few good positions I had never tried.
Some positions require six people, and recommend sex with ridiculous props or in ridiculous places.
Published:March 18, 2009

It has been fun to look at and try the positions but not really practical for use. It does have a new position for each day of the year.
Lots of positions. Fun to look at and try the positions.
No instructions provided. Some positions are impossible to do!
Published:July 25, 2008

Position Of the Day is a fun book for browsing with some really funny positions and names, and does offer a wide variety of sexual positions you might actually be able to use. But the impossible positions and lack of any commentary make it a less-than-stellar reference.
TONS of positions, entertaining names
Many of the positions are not even POSSIBLE, no commentary on the positions
Published:May 16, 2008

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Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Positions

There are many possibilities and helpful hints for couples looking to create a more intimate and romantic atmosphere and experience in the bedroom. This book would be a great starting point for couples who are just starting to explore. With over 100 positions there's a little something for every couple.
Many positions to try, beautiful pictures, lots of extras.
Positions too similar.
Published:May 31, 2010

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Gay Mans Kama Sutra

This is definitely a book the homophobic should shy away from. Filled with colorful illustrations depicting two men engaging in all sorts of acts, this book is very informative and educational. It reads very well, doesn't get so into detail that you can't follow anymore, and doesn't start talking to you like you're a 3rd grader.
Well made, Very informative and interesting, Flows well, Easy to follow.
Cover is not discreet in the least bit.
Published:April 14, 2010
Total products: 22
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