I Totally LOVE "Female Orgasm"
This book has EVERYTHING, both for women new to orgasms and pros, singles and couples, and both heterosexual and homosexual couples! It covers all the basics of sex, positions, oral sex, anal sex, safe sex and contraception, GLBT sex, in addition to the information about how to orgasm yourself or how to get your girl to orgasm! A fantastic book and I highly recommend it to everybody.
Includes information for EVERYTHING you could want info on!
None. End of story.
I originally got this book last year (my freshman year in college) when the two authors came to campus to do the I <3 Female Orgasm presentation they do! I was in the middle of a sexual crisis at the time (I'd grown up in a house that never really mentioned sex-- it just never came up; we lived comfortably knowing it was out there, but we never dealt with it-- and with an abstinence-only education. So when I got to college and was beaten upside the head with sex, I had a complete sexual identity crisis!) and this book was FANTASTIC for me. While I've been coming since I was 16 and got this when I was 18, it was still a fascinating read and really helped me "find myself" in the sexual world that we live in (or, rather, that I was hurled out into on my ass).
The presentation itself was done very tastefully, but since this is about the BOOK (which is, admittedly, a hard compiled copy of the presentations), I'll just stick to that. The authors are wonderful people and keep the entire book humorous. Also, which I found just utterly considerate and conscientious of them, the book includes homosexual couples right alongside heterosexual couples! That's right; this book talks about GLBT right along with "normal" sex!!
The book has sections about safe sex (which is mentioned throughout the entire book and is clearly an underlying concept), anatomy for both genders (with sections on "how to find your prostate and G-spot"), how to orgasm your first time, how to "squirt" AKA female ejaculation, for men- how to get your girl to orgasm, oral sex (both fellatio and cunnilingus), anal sex, methods of contraception, BDSM, the basics of sex toys, sex positions and so much more that I can't even remember it all! All the while presented tastefully, knowledgeably, and all backed up on scientific evidence (where needed, that is). Where it can't have exactly "scientific" evidence, they have statistics from over 5,000 people they've interviewed. They even have many amusing anecdotes from their survey subjects in as well!
The entire book is laced with liberal amounts of humor that lighten the entire thing. There's heavy emphasis on sexual positivity and accepting sex not as being something "dirty" or "only do be done for conception", but as something to enjoy-- WITH SAFETY, which is also heavily emphasized. The light mood makes it easy to read and you ought to get a few laughs from it as well.
This book is overall completely worth the price. MORE than worth the price, in fact. It is an utterly amazing and invaluable resource for both women and men, as well as heterosexual couples and homosexual couples!! I HIGHLY recommend this book to anybody, both beginners and veterans, because it may have a few tidbits of info that even the veterans don't know!
The presentation itself was done very tastefully, but since this is about the BOOK (which is, admittedly, a hard compiled copy of the presentations), I'll just stick to that. The authors are wonderful people and keep the entire book humorous. Also, which I found just utterly considerate and conscientious of them, the book includes homosexual couples right alongside heterosexual couples! That's right; this book talks about GLBT right along with "normal" sex!!
The book has sections about safe sex (which is mentioned throughout the entire book and is clearly an underlying concept), anatomy for both genders (with sections on "how to find your prostate and G-spot"), how to orgasm your first time, how to "squirt" AKA female ejaculation, for men- how to get your girl to orgasm, oral sex (both fellatio and cunnilingus), anal sex, methods of contraception, BDSM, the basics of sex toys, sex positions and so much more that I can't even remember it all! All the while presented tastefully, knowledgeably, and all backed up on scientific evidence (where needed, that is). Where it can't have exactly "scientific" evidence, they have statistics from over 5,000 people they've interviewed. They even have many amusing anecdotes from their survey subjects in as well!
The entire book is laced with liberal amounts of humor that lighten the entire thing. There's heavy emphasis on sexual positivity and accepting sex not as being something "dirty" or "only do be done for conception", but as something to enjoy-- WITH SAFETY, which is also heavily emphasized. The light mood makes it easy to read and you ought to get a few laughs from it as well.
This book is overall completely worth the price. MORE than worth the price, in fact. It is an utterly amazing and invaluable resource for both women and men, as well as heterosexual couples and homosexual couples!! I HIGHLY recommend this book to anybody, both beginners and veterans, because it may have a few tidbits of info that even the veterans don't know!
Follow-up commentary
2 months after original review
When I wrote the original review, I'd already had the book for a year. I've recently reread it, and, if it's even possible, I love it even MORE than I did when I first got it!! It's a fantastic book, and I think that EVERYBODY needs to at least read it (though preferably, everybody would own their own copy)!
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Thank you for the review and kudos on cumming since your were 16! I had my first orgasm when I was 22 (by myself) and first by another person when I was 27! Sounds like this book would have been useful
Thanks for the review!
I love to read, and I love sex books. Your review is great, and I think I will try this one out.
I am SO glad I could be of help!
I'm also glad you're going to try this out; it's a fantastic book and really well written.
Great review! Good job on this!
Nice review, I think I might pick this one up now!!
Thanks for the review. I've never actually heard of it.
That's really says something when a book is worth rereading! Nice review, thanks!
Thanks for writing
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