Book discontinued
by Entrenue

I Got 99 positions and I can't do 1

If you are just a hetrosexual strictly vanilla couple who are looking for a very mild spice up of things in the bedroom or people who are big fans of all things Cosmo will enjoy this book. Everyone else more then likely will find something to raise an eyebrow or roll said eyes about.
Classy Layout
No smut
Protective case
Easy to Navigate pages
Some positions unrealistic
Explanations too short
“Cosmo” wording
Only heterosexual take
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

About author

The Cosmo Kama Sutra, doesn't have any authors per say, it is put together by the Editors of the magazine Cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan is a international women's magazine that most people can find and recognize these days as they publish 64 international editions, printed in 35 languages and distributed in more than 100 countries.
    • Multiple contributoring authors

Content / Style / Audience

The Cosmo Kama Sutra is said to contain 99 'mind blowing sex positions'. Which are meant to be an aid in bringing couples more adventurous sex. Though compared to a lot of other books out there these days, the Cosmo Kama Sutra is very vanilla. Though that is Cosmopolitans core audience, the every day woman.

The book is also geared towards heterosexual couples as all of the writing inside is taken from that point of few. This is not to say that non heterosexual people cannot enjoy this book, it just means that they will have to take into context that it is geared towards hetro couples and adjust.

Each of the positions takes up only 2 page, one side is used for a picture of the positions and then the other side is broken down in to three part.

Erotic Instructions
Why You'll love it
Cosmo Hint

Each of the positions has a small pink tab at the top labeled 'Carnal Challange' which use a fire balls as rating which are all out of 5. 5 being the most, and the lowest I saw it go was 2.

They don't stick to just positions, thrown in every so many pages are 'lust lessons' to break them up and give you a break.
    • Hetero
    • Instructional / educational
    • Non-fiction


The book is designed much like their magazine, the front cover is hot pink with many of the names of the positions are printed on the outside in small rainbow colors. The whole hard cover book has a pink case that you can put your book into, which makes this anything but discreet. The whole thing is huge and the only place I have found to put it is either on my bookshelf or tucked under my bed.

The book is easy to navigate thanks to the table of contents that is laid out in various manners and is clearly labeled. You can bounce around with out really missing anything.

    • Hard cover
    • Not very discreet cover

Personal comments

While I get that this book is written to read like one of Cosmo's magazines, I found that the content on how to do a lot of the moves where just to toned down to be able to do many of them effectively and left me with questions about them or making me roll my eyes at the tongue in cheek language they used. You can also find all of these positions and other articles on their main website, so really they have just taken a small amount of time to put them all into one book.

Many of the positions I found would be hard for me, a plus sized woman, to do save for maybe one or two with relative comfort. There where also those that I looked at and it seemed like you had to be a gymnast ballerina who was dating a pro athlete to do. They seemed impossible or at accident waiting to happen.

The Lust Lessons where all things that most people seem to know already like information about lube to prolonging techniques. Which are all things that most people with the internet and a little common sense seem to know already.

I also don't understand why they refer to nipples as an N-spot, it doesn't seem like that should be a very censored word for a book that would take it too over the edge.


I didn't really get a chance to experience this book save for reading it and attempting the positions from the female side of things, as the second I removed this from the box my partner loudly proclaimed that he wanted nothing to do with that book. Even when I tried to sneaky something in, I got a look and he asked quite clearly...'This is something you read in that Cosmo book isn't it?' Espically when it seemed just rather silly and out of the blue for what we normally do.

Honestly I don't blame him, he has heard me giggling over many of their 'sex tips' from their magazines and is rather scared by the editors ideas of what is sexy.
Follow-up commentary
I am still not impressed by this book, I have since given it to a friend who actually wanted it. She says that its been somewhat helpful but that even for her a lot of the positions seem impractical.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: RedKyuubi
    Thank you for the review
  • Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful
    Great review! I had a feeling Cosmo's book would be a dud...
  • Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast
    Love the title of your review, Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: gwenevieve
    awesome review. cosmo is such a joke!
  • Contributor: shorejen9
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review, thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: edeneve
    thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Chastity Darling
    Love the title of this review! Very clever . Great job
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