I adore this book. Wish I still had my copy.

You will love this book. I swear it. Worth every cent you spend on it for all of the information that lies between the covers.
It's fantastic all the way around.
None, really.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

About author

Felice Newman definitely knows what she's talking about and there is certainly no reason she shouldn't. She has done massive amounts of research and works as a sex educator and Somatic Coach. She displays vast amounts of both knowledge and personal experience in her writing which makes reading her work both interesting and easy to relate to.
    • Engaging
    • Very personal approach

Content / Style / Audience

The book covers everything from oral sex to bondage play to multiple orgasms. It is a must have for any lesbian interested in learning more about making their sex life more fulfilling. The writing, again, is very easy to read. Probably not a book that you would sit down and read cover to cover. Personally, I found it to be more useful as a quick reference for when I had questions or found something that sparked my interest that I wanted to learn more about.

The title implies that it's only for lesbians; however, I would suggest this book for anyone interested in really pleasing a woman as it has a lot of information about what the female body likes and dislikes. This book definitely holds something but is definitely geared more towards lesbians which, in my very humble opinion, is a shame since the book holds such a plethora of information.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Instructional
    • Queer
    • Reference
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Good mix of styles and content
    • Instructional / educational
    • Queer


The book is has a great layout. The subject matter flows well. I don't know about you but I hate it when a book has multiple sections or topics and they don't follow any sort of reason. This book does that very well. I have to say that I also appreciate the illustrations, I couldn't really say why, but I do. Just adds a nice little spice I suppose.
    • Diagrams / photos included
    • Not very discreet cover
    • Well made

Personal comments

This book has it all, really. Anything you want to know is here. The reading is easy and there is a load of information to be gleaned. It's worth reading on your own or with your partner. The writing is not particularly erotic but the subject matter is enough to get your going. It's filled with loads of ideas and things to try and is worth every penny you spend on it.


My only complaint is that it does not have a follow up book. It has tons of stuff in it, but there is so much more now. Things change and expand so quickly so there is always something new to write about. I can't wait to read more by this author.

Also, keep in mind that people will try to swipe this awesome book from you so keep and eye on it.
Follow-up commentary
I believe I stated in my first review of this book that I am no longer in possession of my copy. That said, I still love the damn thing and a lot of what I know now came from it as I was in short supply of other queer women to ask advice from when I first received it as an anniversary present from my then girlfriend.

Definitely worth dropping money on.
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  • Contributor: Sammi
    Glad you liked it
    Good review!
  • Contributor: Love Perpetua
    Good review, thanks!
  • Contributor: teachmetouchme
    The cover of this book is hot!!
  • Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: FemmeFlo
    Thanks for the review. I plan on picking up a copy.
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