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The Lowdown on Going Down

"The Lowdown on Going Down" is an easy to understand instructional manual for anyone looking to improve their skills in the area of oral sex. Regardless of what skill level you feel you are, the methods presented in this book have the potential of making you even better.
Easy to read
Contains unnecessary chapters/information
Published:September 15, 2011

Half of this book is an amazing workout guide for your tongue and lips. Half of it is an immature giggle-fest. Feel free to skip those chapters, but do not skip this book! You'll feel your lip and tongue strength increase with just a bit of attention, and your oral dexterity will increase with it. The good chapters of this book are a one-on-one session with a speech pathologist---for only $10---and you and your partner will greatly enjoy the benefits.
Tongue exercises are unique and invaluable.
Immature tone, half of the information is common sense.
Published:May 12, 2011
Sex. How to Do Everything

"Sex: How to do Everything" covers a large area of things you need to know about sexually. It isn't perfect, but it does include a lot of great, sexy pictures. I do, however, feel like The Big Bang (another of their books) is a much more comprehensive guide than this.
Very sexy pictures, Lots of good information
Doesn't cover everything, Very large in size, Toy recommendations are a bit out of date
Published:September 12, 2011

Em and Lo have written a fantastic overall guide to 'mainstream' sex, with really lovely photographs setting it a cut above the rest. It covers all the bases, from manual and oral sex, to positions, to all manner of fantasies and ways to spice things up. It provides great basic information, with a focus on healthy relationships physically and mentally, but unfortunately doesn't delve into specifics and lacks any information on LGBT issues or relations.
Beautiful photographs throughout, good general advice, friendly tone.
Nothing on same-sex relations or anything more than single partner sex, somewhat basic.
Published:February 10, 2010

If you're looking for something sexy to read to get you off while expanding your sexual horizons, this is the one for you. Great to read by yourself or with your significant other thanks to full color, super-sexy pictures on almost every page, and introductions and tips for just about every sexual practice there is. It's educational enough to broaden your sexual knowledge and horizons, but fun enough to read with your partner to add a little steam to your evening.
Incredibly informative while being entertaining and sexy. Wonderful photographs.
Doesn't cover GLBTQIA issues, or other alternative lifestyles.
Published:September 25, 2008

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Great Sex Guide

This is a book for a couple looking to become more intimate and more sexually in tune with one another. It is a long and involved read. But it's a good way to teach your partner how to give you an erotic/sensual massage.
Detailed, involved.
Very long, involved.
Published:August 31, 2011

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Bedroom Games

Trust me if you want a fun read about a stripper, this is that. But if you want info on how to spice things in the bedroom with stripping, you will want to find a different book. There is nothing here.
the stories and history are wonderful
the actual talk of stripping and how to do it are just made of fail
Published:August 30, 2011

I really wish this book had more... and by more I mean more excitement, more ideas that someone wouldn't of thought of on their own.
Gets your creative juices flowing.
Very basic and is full of common sense.
Published:May 21, 2009

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Cherry 2

This movie had its good points as well as a few not so good ones. The plot was confusing in parts and I found myself drifting off, and some of the scenes dragged. I did love the fact that they incorporated toy usage into a couple of the scenes. The variety of beautiful women also helped.
Beautiful women
Use of sex toys
Confusing plot
Long scenes
Published:August 29, 2011

This DVD is great for a lesbian couple or single, a bi or bi-curious female, a couple who enjoys girl on girl action or a male who also enjoys that. Some of the scenes were too long, but the chemistry seemed to really help. The ladies where all sexy and enjoyable to watch. The plot was a bit hard to follow, but the sex scenes were well put together.
sexy ladies, good chemistry, a lot of differences between scenes.
some scenes were too long, hard to follow plot
Published:August 21, 2011

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Redbook's Love Your Sex Life

Redbook's Love Your Sex Life book is a creative book that is targeted towards mid-life women who live busy lives with their children and husbands. The formatting of the book is amazing with colorful drawings, large text, and easy-to-find titles and headings. The ideas are organized in a way that makes it extremely easy to improve your sex life, but at the same time, the ideas are not as unique as they could be. Regardless, it's a good book to look into.
Organized format, Colorful and attractive layouts, Hardcover and quality book
Fits a very targeted audience, Ideas aren't too unique
Published:August 28, 2011

If you are a married working woman with children, this book would be perfect to help spice things up. It offers a lot of tips on how to pretty much work around having a job and children. The constant referring to "the kids" and "husband" can get kind of annoying if you are not married and have no children, though. In my case, replacing "kids" with "cats" can make it work.
Can make a good gift and is easy to read
Aimed at a couple with children
Published:July 25, 2010

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101 Grrreat Quickies

I would suggest this book to anyone that is just looking for more. You can be new to a relationship or an old married couple, all in the same, you will come out of it above the rest.
Very interesting scenarios, fun and sexy.
Pages can be hard to rip out.
Published:August 19, 2011

Laura Corn has again produced an outstanding book with some wonderful and creative ideas. I'm glad to have both "Quickies" and "Nights of Great Sex."
Sealed pages- for him and for her to open!
Designed for male/female couples.
Published:November 11, 2008

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EdenFantasys t-shirt

I think this is a great addition to the Eden swag collection and I look forward to seeing what else those marketing geniuses come up with!
Love the Design, Love the Fabric
Published:August 17, 2011

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I will be watching this over and over again. There is something for everyone in this film, and the men were attractive!! Love, love, love.
gorgeous men for once
nice cocks
perfect length scenes
Published:August 03, 2011

Supersex by Tracey Cox is a book that offers various tips, suggestions, and information about sexual activities. It includes topics such as foreplay and oral sex and also discusses some myths about certain behaviors. Although it covers all these areas, some of the information seems to be opinion and this book is best for those who are true beginners to sex in general (those who are not beginners may not learn much).
Nice photographs
Some good tips/info
Not all the information is accurate/some information is opinion
Published:July 31, 2011

This book was rather disappointing to me. I think it would be good for younger people, or people with limited knowledge/experience. Seems a lot like a cross between high school sex education, a beginners guide for delving into sex and sexuality, and a compilation of Cosmopolitan magazine articles.
Beautiful, artistic pictures, great easy flowing structure, humorous.
I gained no new information, lots of basic knowledge, lots of stuff that's just common sense.
Published:July 30, 2009

Supersex features some incredible photography and is very well written however if you are looking for a sex tip and sex help book that really goes beyond common sense [open discussions with your partner etc] and offers suggestions on how to really spice up your love life than this is not the book for you. However if you are looking for a book with EXCELLENT photography that just also happens to have some basic easy to read information about sex then consider this a good bargain.
Very well written, excellent photography, detailed descriptions, offers suggestions on positioning
Mainly a lot of common sense
Published:April 07, 2008

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All in all, this movie is not something worth gossiping about. I didn't even put it at the bottom of my collection, I threw it away. I think for most people, having anal scenes, girl on girl scenes, and no story lines would make this an awesome film. For me, it wasn't what I wanted to see.
lengthy scenes
sexy outfits
no story lines
Published:July 27, 2011

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The Big Bang

"The Big Bang" is a great, comprehensive book that is written in a blunt and honest way that includes a lot of sexual techniques as well as a lot of sexual safety information. The techniques are pretty basic, but if you haven't read a sexual education book before, they will be very helpful to you.
Comprehensive, Lots of sex safety info, Sexy pictures, Fisting!, Hardcover, Blunt and informative
Lots of sex safety info, Not much detail, Information is intermediate
Published:July 12, 2011

The best thing about the book, however, is the way the information is delivered. It's like having one of those tell-me-your-secrets conversations with your very best friend. It's funny and fresh, and presents the point of view that sex is healthy, natural in all its forms, and restorative to the soul.
Published:November 22, 2007
A Hand in the Bush

A good book to give you more information about vaginal fisting and get you and your partner on the same page before giving it a try. It is well written and done in a way that makes it easy to finish. Overall I enjoyed reading this book and learning from it.
Good amount of information
Helpful illustrations
Easy read
A little too much of the author's experience weaved in throughout the book
Published:June 27, 2011

This is a stand-out book on the topic of fisting. For someone who has never fisted and for someone who has never been fisted, this book will assuage any fears you may have regarding this intense experience.
Very inclusive read for the novice fister.
I would have liked there to be more information about ejaculating and fisting.
Published:February 03, 2010

This is an excellent, resource about vaginal fisting. It is written with factual attention to detail, humor and great care about the subject. Deborah's goal appears to have been to compile a resource with as much information about fisting as possible.
Excellent detailed information.
Excludes all information about anal fisting.
Published:December 29, 2009

There is a great sensitivity throughout to folks' various desires and experiences around fisting, including those who have had less-than-positive experiences with the act. This strikes me as a necessary approach in the genre of sex books, so I was pleased to see the deftness with which Addington handled the diversity of meanings and emotions that can attach to heavy penetration.
Published:September 26, 2007

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Although this film probably wouldn’t appeal to everyone, Betty Dodson is without a doubt one of the most famous sex experts and she definitely knows what she’s talking about. And your average woman would most likely appreciate the everyday women presented in this film, rather than the Botoxed, silicone-laden actresses that are omnipresent in mainstream porn.
Very educational and informative, and the women involved are from all walks of life.
Production values were a little lacking.
Published:June 16, 2011

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Hardness Factor

This book describes healthy and natural ways to improve the quality and reliability of a man's erection's by means of improving his overall health, activity level, and confidence. Following the program is a great alternative to ED drugs and is an excellent health and fitness regimen for most men with the goal of making his cock harder. This is definitely a great buy!
Healthy, natural, effective, life-altering
High price associated with following the program.

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Great Sex for Moms

I thoroughly appreciated this book. The fact that these dysfunctions are normal for moms is quite a relief, and this book gives great advice on putting the spark back!
Easy to digest, practical
Out of stock
Published:June 01, 2011

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Over all this is a great book to add to any household, bad or good sex alike. There is something for everyone to gain from reading this book; covering sex, desire, stress and becoming comfortable with yourself. A must read for anyone in a relationship or someone just trying to better their technique.
Lots of diagrams, graphs, techniques, new positions, abundance of information.
Published:March 30, 2011

A great book that should be on all lovers' shelves - regardless of their previous experience. It provides all sorts of new techniques for manual and oral stimulation as well as positions with diagrams that will make following Paget's advice even easier. A well-presented read that will leave you wanting to buy her other books.
Diagrams make all the techniques easier, includes not-so-common methods of orgasm
Published:January 09, 2010
The Smart Girl's Guide to the G-Spot 2nd Edition

This book should be on the shelf of anyone who knows, loves, or is friends with a woman. It covers everything you could want to know about the G spot and has the potential to unleash new levels of pleasure for single women and couples. While the cover isn't discreet, you'll want to leave it in the bedroom where the erotic stories and techniques will be most useful anyway.
Sex positive, informative, easy to read, friendly for everyone
The cover is not discreet
Published:March 17, 2011

I have hunted high and low for a decent book on the g-spot and finally Violet Blue's book has sated my curiosities and needs for a book that delivers easy to follow techniques and tips on how to find and tame my g-spot. A must read for any woman wanting to enhance her sexual repertoire.
The holy grail of g-spot guides written in a wonderfully clear and concise way.
Published:September 06, 2010

The Smart Girl's Guide to the G-Spot is an educational book that includes information about the g-spot and female ejaculation. The author approaches the topic with clarity, humor, and a great voice without bringing spirituality into it. You get just the facts to get you off.
Great explanations and information. Erotica is included. Writing is interesting and humorous
Mostly a beginner's book
Published:July 03, 2010

Throughout the course of the book, Blue also provides useful information on sex toys, strap-ons, cunnilingus, the male prostate, fisting, the clitoris, Kegel exercises, and general female anatomy.
Published:December 28, 2007

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269 Amazing Sex Tips & Tricks for Men

This book is great if you're looking for new ideas, or to refresh your memory on some things. There are a lot of helpful tips, though some may be things you already knew. Its small size makes it very easy to pick up and flip through, and makes it travel friendly.
easy to read, decent price, great tips
some tips may be too brief, some tips out of place
Published:March 16, 2011

A fabulous look at the entire sensual experience. Maybe more helpful for people in a long-term relationship or very frequent escapades with the same partner. Less helpful for those looking for tricks to pick up one-night stands (Who needs 'em anyways?) A great read for beginners and for people who've been doing the deed for years.
This book has a lot of interesting information to offer at any skill level.
A few of the tips are a little less than helpful.
Published:October 08, 2009

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Erotic Moods, The Very Best of

I would look for a more romantic-setting music that actually sounds erotic from listening to it. I did not get that vibe listening to this one.
Cute CD case
Not romantic mood-setting music
Published:March 14, 2011