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Unleashing Her G-spot Orgasm

An easy to follow book for those who are new to g-spot stimulation. I'd recommend it to anyone who hasn't already found theirs or if you have and haven't had an orgasm from it yet.
+Well Written
+Easy to Follow
-Should not be read by the woman first
Published:June 25, 2012

"Unleashing Her G-Spot Orgasm" is a short book that includes some very basic information about how to stimulate the g-spot. The book is directed towards male partners in heterosexual couples, and some of the information may feel sexist as well. It's an okay book, but there are better g-spot books out there.
Very short read
Can be sexist, Very basic, Heteronormative
Published:June 16, 2011
Tasting Him

While Tasting Him contains a wide variety of stories and is generally well written, I find it hard to recommend as there were only stories two that I really enjoyed. If you like men to take charge or are into kink, you will probably want to look elsewhere. As an avid fan of fellatio, I was hoping to enjoy this collection of stories a lot more than I did.
Lots of stories, manages to be varied despite the common theme, well written
Lack of male assertiveness, not enough BDSM, some off-putting stories
Published:June 17, 2012

When it's hot it's hot; and when it's cold it's mechanical. Not the last word in literary fellatio, but an engaging collection regardless.
A fast read, well paced story length and not too many distractions
Occasionally wanders into the realms of predictability
Published:March 16, 2012

For the oral sex afficianado this book offers some interesting scenarios to get the juices flowing. For those who wonder what all the fuss is about this book proivides a wonderfully erotic look at the humble act. Well worth reading there is definitely something here for everyone regardless of sexual orientation or persuasion!
Amazing writing, exciting subject matter, varied situations
Published:February 04, 2012
Eco - Sex

This book is a must read for those interested in having a greener sex life. It's full of information and ideas for making sex more sustainable and environmentally friendly. This book takes a holistic approach and looks at how to green your entire life, not just sex.
Well written, easy to read, and informative.
No cons for this one.
Published:June 06, 2012

More for those who already live a green lifestyle, Eco-Sex is a little booked packed with a lot of information on how to make your whole life-love more environmentally friendly. Quick and easy to ready, you are sure to learn a lot about things you could be doing, and things you shouldn't be doing, when it comes to your love life and the environment.
Tons of detailed information
No photos
Published:April 10, 2012

A great book that tells you everything you need to know about being an environmentally friendly sex guru. Complete with a wealth of information on the subject, and it also has recipes to make your own eco-aphrodisiacs and lists of cities to visit on your sustainable vacations. This book is full of everything you need to know to go green in the bedroom!
Packed full of information, cute cover, and a great gift!
Published:January 17, 2012

"Eco-Sex", while not focused on sex, gives a break-down of all sorts of environmental issues with the regular products you use. It borders a bit on being scary, but the sex chapters do provide some good information about being sex-safe with your choice of materials.
Gives materials to avoid, Hard to put it down, Great resource for environmentalists
Written in a scary manner, Too many product recommendations, Not sex-focused
Published:February 20, 2011

Best for those who are really into going green with their whole lives, Eco Sex gives you lost of tips and even recipes. If you're a beginner to going green; get this book, but save it to read after you've learned some of the basics first.
Recipes, good tips and suggestions
can read like a buying guide at times
Published:December 13, 2010

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Sex Over 50

This book provides great information, hints and suggestions to keep your sex life spicy even after you reach the golden age of 50. Much of the information can be used by individuals of any age. The book was easy to read, both by material content and also by the size of the print. It is a reference book that be used repeatedly. This book will definitely be used in our home!
Easy to read, Larger print than lots of books, easy to understand and relate to
None found so far
Published:May 09, 2012

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Anal Pleasure & Health

It has been said and said again, but this is one of those books that everyone should own at least one copy of. Really! Are you a fisting fiend? Or maybe you're terrified to death of even accidentally touching your booty in the shower? This book is honestly perfect for both audiences and everything in between and beyond. Just about everyone can learn something from Morin, whether you enjoy anal pleasure or not.
Speaks to variety of genders/orientations, emphasizes safer sex, communication, full consent
A bit text-heavy, small section dedicated to addressing common anal/rectal health issues
Published:May 01, 2012

Learn how to receive and give anal pleasure in the safest and most enjoyable way. The book is aimed at all genders and sexual orientations.
Gives a series of progressive exercises to learn to relax and strengthen muscles.
Writing can be a bit dry, could cut down on the analysis and sociological theories
Published:May 03, 2010
Erotic Massage: The Touch Of Love

If you or someone you know is into getting a good rubdown in or out of sexy contexts (and who doesn't?) you need to invest in all the magic this book has to offer. The sections on the actual "erotic" part of massage have nothing on the those of general massage techniques. You'll be turned into a pro masseuse in no time! Trust me, my roommate is a massage therapist. This book knows what it's talking about. Buy three copies in case you lose the first two.
Therapeutic techniques, sensual approach, written by pros, amazing intro
Really, just the old school cover and illustrations.
Published:April 26, 2012

Great book with fabulous illustrations that covers a wide range of massages, including body, as well as genitalia for all different experience levels!
Covers a wide range of massage tips and tricks
A little outdated
Published:January 14, 2012

Erotic Massage: The Touch of Love shows the reader how to do massages that are simple, sensuous, and pleasurable. It's enjoyable to read and easy to use. Anyone who is not a complete expert on erotic touch should get this book.
Easy to follow instructions for massages that are fun to do and glorious to receive.
The book doesn't stay open easily. Not the best binding.
Published:May 18, 2010

Erotic Massage: The Touch of Love is a great book for beginners. It leaves nothing to chance and assumes you know nothing about giving massages. I found the instructions and illustrations super easy to follow. It covers many different types of massages and even how to set the stage and finish well. The results of the massage I've given my husband were quite successful. He has loved all of the different ones I've tried on him so far. I highly recommend this book.
Easy to follow instructions, very thorough, good illustrations, large bold font.
I wish there were an easy way to keep the book open while giving a massage.
Published:March 05, 2010

This book is a great choice for anyone interested in massage. The instructions and diagrams are thorough and written in an easy to understand format. If you're looking for help relaxing or some intense foreplay, this is your guide.
Easy to understand instructions and diagrams.
Would be better if pages were bound by rings and laminated.
Published:November 15, 2009

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The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy

Overall, I am slightly disappointed with this book. I don't really think it has anything to do with the book itself, but with the expectations I set for it. Having just read multiple erotic short story books, I was expecting the same. And while the stories included were great, they were short and far between. Also, some of the fetishes included in the book were nothing new to me, and nothing that got me excited and wanting to really try.
Well made, hot short stories, very diverse
Not what I was expecting, not enough erotic stories
Published:April 23, 2012

I would recommend this book to anyone. Whether you feel like being a little adventurous or are just looking for something you haven't tried yet, The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy has an idea for you.
Published:December 21, 2007
Urban Tantra

When we think of Tantra we normally imagine a couple spending hours and hours in orgasm-less bliss. Books on Tantra are filled with all of this crazy spiritual talk that comes off as totally confusing. That's until this book came along. You'll learn that "Tantric fucking" does exist, that fisting can be a spiritual experience, and that BDSM is just another form of Tantra. I can't even express how amazing this book is. It's forever changed my sexual experiences with and without a partner.
Witty, humorous, applies to everyone, modern take on Tantra, engaging, informative, brilliant
Not a thing.
Published:April 09, 2012

I would say if you have a lot of time and are willing to try new things, than this is a great book to read. It is very informative, has nice diagrams, and it allows you to go at a pace that is comfortable to you. However, my wife and I do better with watching videos, and we just don't have the time that is necessary to get into a book that is so in-depth.
High quality book, lots of information, diagrams.
A lot to read, hard to believe some of it.
Published:October 15, 2011

Urban Tantra is a wonderful introduction to Tantra for everyone - rural or urban, queer, straight, trans, cis, man, woman, disabled, and every ethnicity. It is a fair-minded, intelligent, modern take on the ancient tradition of Tantric sex, in which you use your mind and your lungs to expand your sexuality. The New Age aspects, like chakras and sex magic, may be hard to swallow, but it is fully worth it for the erotic awakening that Barbara Carrellas's Urban Tantra holds.
Eye-opening, comprehensive, inspirational, well-written.
Sometimes a touch New-Agey.
Published:January 12, 2010

This book will blow your mind, and you will not look at sex or even breathing the same way again!
It 's written in an easy to understand style, and it's inclusive of all shades of gender expression.
Published:July 31, 2009

Fantastic - one of the best books on tantra out there, especially for folks who come from progressive sexuality perspectives. Read it!
Carrellas assumes a progressive sexuality and makes tantra widely accessible.
Hard to sit down and do the exercises - no matter how progressive, they sometimes feel silly.
Published:July 01, 2009
Female ejaculation and the G-spot

Who doesn't want to know how to make huge messes in the bed? This book seemed like it would be a wealth of information when it comes to female ejaculation but it doesn't seem to take it seriously. There's too much hippie stuff. The book is incredibly repetitive. "Don't be afraid of peeing!" It's also written for someone who has never touched their vagina, has no clue what a G-spot is, is incredibly timid, and doesn't understand things the first 50 times.
Good for timid beginners who need repetition, unintentionally hilarious, a little relevant info
Repetitive, little useful info, doesn't seem serious, strictly hetero references
Published:April 09, 2012

If you've heard about female ejaculation and want to know what all the hype is about and how master it, then this book is for you. Maybe you just want to prove to yourself that getting the sheets wet isn't a bad thing. Either way, this book can help shed light on a subject that everyone should know more about!
Well written, up-beat, very thorough
May want to skim some chapters if you're not into things like history and anatomy
Published:November 30, 2011

Some parts I loved, some parts I hated, but at least I was never bored. At its best moments, it's informative and enlightening, while maintaining a light and readable tone. At its worst, the casual tone wins out over the useful information, and dissolves into sad attempts at erotic stories. This is a book that's worth reading, but it's not quite good enough to be a book that's worth owning.
Accurate and human advice about a frequently misunderstood topic.
Only a couple chapters really felt essential and interesting. The rest is just filler.
Published:October 23, 2010

While this book hasn't helped me achieve female ejaculation yet, I do believe it contains all of the materials, advice, and tips that any woman will need to experience it. It is written in an understandable manner and includes lots of helpful facts.
Organized for easy use, Great insight of views of female ejaculation.
Focuses on the spiritual aspect, Her steps require lots of time to complete.
Published:April 25, 2010

Every woman should read this book. It is so enpowering and liberating. Learn to embrace your feminine sexuality. Have the most pleasurable, intense orgasms of your life. All through learning about your G-spot and female ejaculation.
Very empowering for every woman! One of the best.
Not any.
Published:February 10, 2010
Lesbian sex 101

A wonderful book that will add creativity to any person's resource library and sexual encounters. A must have for any lesbian.
Creative and helpful, easy to follow
Some positions are repetitive
Published:March 18, 2012

If you're looking for a fun, sexy little gift for a friend or a lover, then Lesbian Sex 101 is the way to go! It's nice way to spice up your sex life, especially if you have a sense of humor!
Diverse positions.
Erotic, rather than trashy.
Some of the writing is really silly!
Published:November 13, 2011

Each position was new and fun, TOTALLY worth the buy! The pictures were erotic and sensual and set the mood perfectly.
new positions
Text was short
Many positions require props
Published:June 26, 2011

An attractive book that has a number of interesting ideas, though it starts to look the same after a while and the text can drive me batty.
Lovely photography, many interesting ideas.
Many similar poses, annoying wording.
Published:April 09, 2010

The actual presentation of the book is done well, and it is very hot to look at, but instead of making it your ultimate guide to lesbian sex, it might be better off sitting on your coffee table.
Published:February 04, 2008
Never Have the Same Sex Twice

While this book will not magically prevent you from having the same sex twice, it will get you thinking about ways to keep the fire burning in your relationship. While the chapters and the stories do not always match up well, the erotica should keep you turning pages.
Easy to read; good mix of styles; Informative, funny, and sexy; full-length erotica stories
Not enough tips; content and erotica don't always match
Published:February 20, 2012

I really like this book. I dog-eared a lot of pages, a hell of a lot of pages. I got a lot of great tips from Alison and other authors, and I was also bored at times when I already had those tips ingrained in my brain. Overall it was a pretty good book, and it has got a bit of something for everyone.
Good Mix of Content Styles, Great Tips, Author is Friendly And Informative
Not Enough Tips, On The Edge With The Content, Almost Ripped A Few Pages Out, Etc.
Published:March 09, 2011

"Never Have the Same Sex Twice", while a unique idea in the way we approach the idea of sex advice, seems to be a bit too awkwardly formatted for me to really get to enjoy the erotica or the sex advice. It does have quite a few erotic stories that make it worth reading though.
Good full-length erotica stories, Novel way to learn sex advice, See laid-back side of author
Erotica/sex-help is awkwardly formatted, Sex advice isn't too novel
Published:January 08, 2011

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Sex Bible

This is an amazing book with great full-color illustrations and photography. It covers a wide range of topics including toys, seduction, foreplay, oral sex, and so much more!
Wide variety of tips!
Published:January 14, 2012

The Sex Bible is one book everyone should have in their book case. It's full of helpful information and great pictures. You will learn new techniques and have with the one you love with the positions, and tips. This book is inexpensive and all around the best book I have read so far.
Great pictures, lots of helpful information, great tips, and couples' stories
Some black marks on pages and some pictures have marks
Published:July 22, 2010
The 100 Best Foreplay Tips Ever

Great little book of fun and excitement you can take with you anywhere and everywhere to bring passion and romance back into your sexual experiences.
Good tips and tricks, hardcover, pocket sized.
I wish there were more than 100!
Published:January 13, 2012

"The 100 Best Foreplay Tips Ever" is definitely not an exaggeration. This little book is PACKED with ideas for foreplay with every part of the body, from the hair all the way down to the toes. While the design is cute, some of the text is a bit difficult to read when it is placed over different colors. Overall, though, any couple will benefit from reading through this once.
small, cute, plenty of different ideas
text is small and difficult to read on some colors
Published:March 29, 2011

A little book with lots of good, easy to follow tips to enhance the time leading up to "the time."
Lots of practical ideas, small and easy to carry around.
Print is pretty small.
Published:March 12, 2009
Cosmo's Guide to Red Hot Sex

This book is only worth the money if you are new to sex. Otherwise, the content is mild and typical of a regular Cosmo Magazine.
Heavy duty and sleek.
Mild, not anything new.
Published:January 02, 2012

Overall, this guide to 'Red Hot Sex' really promises more than it delivers. The overly 'teenage' language coupled with a few really awkward sex tips lose a couple stars for this book. However, for a newbie on the sex scene there is quite a lot of information that one may find inspiring.
Great tips for newbies to sex, from prep to post-sex
The language is over-the-top ridiculous, promises more than it delivers, vanilla, hetero, basic
Published:September 21, 2011

It's more of a coffee table book for you and your friends to browse through, not really a great book aimed for sex education.
Pictures = visuals, easy to read
Common positions, hard to hide this book, content aims towards pleasing males not females
Published:May 16, 2011

Cosmo's Guide to Red Hot Sex is an okay choice if you love reading those articles in Cosmo magazine. However, as far as true, educational sex ed goes, this book doesn't offer much aside from the same type of suggestions that it offers in their magazine.
Lots of pictures, Good choice if you can't read through regular sex-ed books
Book spine, Very specific audience, Not too creative ideas, Sex positions aren't inclusive
Published:April 24, 2011

It was a joy to read this book, once I got past my Cosmo language hate-on. It had witty yet practical advice and had a beautiful presentation. It covers a wide variety of topics and constantly encourages readers to engage in condom safe sex.
Witty, entertaining, pretty, easy to read.
I don't like the language, but otherwise it's not bad at all.
Published:March 14, 2009

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Ultimate Guide to Oral Sex

Overall, I think any woman who is learning to enjoy, or already does enjoy providing oral sex to a man should have this book in her arsenal.
Short Chapters
Detailed tips
Published:December 15, 2011

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Tristan Taormino's Expert Guide to Threesomes

Lets you know that there are a few different types of threesomes that you can engage in. Depending on if it is all male, all female, two male and a female or two female and a male. How much involvement will be encountered and by whom. Is it to please one person, two people or all three. Rules are a must and need to be followed and let it be known what the safe word is. If the safe word is used all things must end immediately.
The fact that there are rules that need to be in place and followed by all parties involved.
Need a bit more to engage the mind, a lot of this is nothing more then watching a porn.
Published:November 04, 2011

The movie was very disappointing to us. If the tips were in a separate chapter of the DVD it would have been better than hearing them while trying to watch the action.
Great scenes featured in movie
The educational aspect kills it
Published:September 21, 2010
The Adventurous Couple's Guide to Strap-On Sex

If you are looking for extensive details on strap-on sex this is not the best resource. The title isn't an accurate description of what to expect from the book.
I am happy to have this book by Violet Blue in my collection. I will refer back to it as a resource on male anatomy. I will however continue my search for a better resource on Strap-On Sex.
Hits all topics and issues of anal play, from the basic to the emotional side. Includes resources.
No illustrations,focus on anal play in general as opposed to strap-on sex
Published:October 28, 2011

This book is a good, basic comprehensive guide to strap-on sex. It doesn't include everything, but it's a short guide that gives you all of the basics you really need to know to start off your pegging experience.
Erotica is fun to read, very educational, gives specific anal techniques
Missing some information, directed towards heterosexual couples
Published:November 01, 2010

It is a great little book for couples to get the answers they're looking for, and even if you might be thinking of dropping the pegging question to your lover, this book can help you prepare, from how to ask, to what to expect. Though it's written from a more feminine perspective, there are some areas related to the men's point of view too. Great book.
Great for absolute beginners, has a lot of everything you want to know, including an erotic story.
Assumes heterosexual, there is a lot content for the women and not the men asking for pegging.
Published:November 12, 2009

This smart sexy guide to the increasingly popular art of pegging is not without flaws, but it's a fun and educational place to start.
Readable, informative, entertaining.
Lacking detail in places, erotica doesn't add much to the book.
Published:July 07, 2009

This book would be better suited removing the erotic stories and focusing more on the technique of strap-on sex with your partner. Less emphasis on heterosexual couples would make for a better guide.
A good how-to guide for strap-on sex.
Repetitive information, sub-par erotica.
Published:November 14, 2008

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101 Gay Sex Secrets Revealed

This is a great, fast and easy read that touches on a ton of topics gearing you towards good gay sex. I found it both funny and very informative.
Sex Positive, Thorough, Funny
Published:October 20, 2011

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Becoming Orgasmic

As I've said, this book may have been boring to me, but ask someone else, and they may say it's the best thing since sliced bread. I find myself attracted to books with a lot more humor within the pages, because (yes, I'm going to repeat myself here) sex is fun, and it should be fun to read about sex.
Well-made, easily read
Boring, but then again, that's my opinion
Published:October 05, 2011
Big Book Of Sex Toys

I love this book. It's loaded with information and pictures. I've learned a lot about sex toys from reading it. It's also very helpful because I'm planning on having a sex toy party. So this is full of information that'll help me with that. It's definitely worth the price and I'd suggest it for anyone interested in learning about it.
A lot of information, nice pictures, full color illustrations.
Published:October 05, 2011

If you are a beginner to sex toys this could help you, as it does prime you on masturbation, anatomy and the types of sex toys that are out there. However, be prepared to read all about the author's favorite toys.
Detailed, erotic photos, much talk on safety
Reads like a shopping guide.
Published:December 06, 2010

I was really thrilled I decided to purchase this book and do not regret it. I would suggest it to anyone just getting into toys or ones who wanted to brush up their knowledge on toys, where to find them, how to take care of them, and how to use them. It was a fun read for myself and was also fun to read with my boyfriend. If you are with someone who is not on the same level as you are about sex toys, I highly recommend purchasing the book and reading it together.
Clear, Easy to understand chapters.
Couldn't find anything negative about item. May not be suited for advanced sex toy users.
Published:July 06, 2010

This is a fantastic book for anyone new to sex toys. All the information you need to get started is right here in a beautifully designed hardback. For those with some experience already, this is a handy resource to help you explore more options. For advanced adventurers, there may not be much in here you don't already know, but it's pretty and informative, so that makes it an ideal gift.
Gorgeous pictures, stylish design, hardcover, informative, comprehensive.
No index! What about when new stuff comes out? May not offer much for sex toy veterans.
Published:May 19, 2010

I think every person who likes sex toys should own this book. This book has a ton of information. It is well put together and looks great. I would recommend this book to anyone.
Informative, Great pictures, Good for beginners or even more experienced users.
Could use more information in some areas.
Published:May 17, 2010