G-Spot Orgasms For Dummies

This book is totally worth it because it's very compelling and optimistic. It tells you that orgasms don't have to be complicated, especially G-spot orgasms. Any woman can have a G-spot orgasm (and even squirt!), it's just all in the technique!
It doesn't just focus on sex, it has a large emotional element. It's very simple to follow.
It should be longer, because it's so good!
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extremely useful review
When I first opened the package to this book, I was a bit disappointed at how thin it was. But as they say, big things can come in small packages, and this book is a prime example, as I was soon to learn.

I couldn't wait to get it open, and I began reading it that night before bed. Probably not the best idea, because I was always horny by the time I finished for the night. From the first chapter, I could tell that this was going to be a good book. The author's style of writing is fluid, smooth, and easy to read. He doesn't throw a bunch of anatomy names or official medical hoopla at you. He just tells you what you need to know in layman's terms and moves on. He doesn't get stuck in the technical stuff, such as rambling on about who discovered the G-spot and giving all the details of the research, etc. He does touch on the history of the G-spot, which I liked, because in order to tap into the potential of something (like your G-spot) you must know the history of it. He just doesn't confuse you like most other G-spot books, articles, etc. I've read.

This book is geared towards the partner who is going to give the G-spot orgasm. So, really my boyfriend should have been reading this book, but I definitely think women should read it too. The author gives the background of the G-spot, tells you generally how it works, and how to find it.

Then he gets to the good stuff. The author has created a 10-step process to give your female partner a G-Spot orgasm. Before he begins with the first step, he backs up his process with research he's done in conjunction with leading sex researchers, including the Kinsey Institute. He then puts forward his 10-step plan for the ultimate in ecstacy.

These steps are not all physical. The author strongly urges the reader to focus on the emotional bond between him/her and his/her partner just as much as the reader would focus on the physical aspects of giving this orgasm. This is my favorite thing about the book: it's not just about sex and orgasm. It's about the relationship between the two partners and the physical joys that can come from the relationship.

The steps are all very simple and easy to follow. That's why I refer to it as "G-spot Orgasms For Dummies" in the title. I'm not going to tell you the steps because that wouldn't be fair, you'll have to just read it yourself! I will say, however, that after the technique the author again backs up his steps by citing other readers' experiences. His whole book is filled with excerpts from letters and e-mails from people who have tried his technique. They are all positive, of course (why would he put in negative reviews), but they don't seem fake at all. They seem like genuine readers. The author has designed a survey he wants his readers to fill out after they try his steps, and this is what he mostly uses for his research. He gives some stats from previous surveys, and the majority of couples who tried his technique achieved a G-spot orgasm on the first try, even if they had never or very seldom had an orgasm before, regardless of the type (i.e., clitoral). And even if they don't get it on the first try, they almost always (like 95% of the readers) achieve it very soon afterwards. Basically, he has lots of good evidence to back up his technique.

Unfortunately I have not yet had a chance to try out this technique with my boyfriend, but I am more confident about achieving a G-spot orgasm than I have ever been. His technique is unique, with tips that I have never heard of or read before. Most G-spot techniques are the same thing, just said in different ways. He gives you detailed instructions also, not just a vague "rub in this general area" stuff. He tells you what to look for to see if it is working and if you can move to the next step.

This is the best G-spot technique book, article, website, etc. I have ever read. I'm very confident that when I try it, this technique will work. I highly recommend this book, go out and get it!!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    Is his target audience strictly heterosexual couples?
    I'm always wary of anything that promotes a certain sexual technique, and of claims that *anyone* can do this... I think it's misleading and creates more insecurity among those who maybe can't, or don't, have G-spot orgasms/ejaculate.
    Glad you liked it though. Let us know how it goes!
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    oooooh sounds good!!!!
  • Contributor: MEL
    Great review. I cannot wait to get it.
  • Contributor: PurpleBerry
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: tiname25
    great review
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: zizfaye
    Great review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: Marcianpro
  • Contributor: Chris15461
    Good Review
  • Contributor: darkkitty
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: Aydios
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