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The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn reviews
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The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn

Alan & Michele
extremely useful
Contributor: Alan & Michele
If you've already been watching porn for quiet some time then this book will likely have little to offer you. But if you're curious about what kind of porn is available, how to figure out what you'd like, where to find it, OR if you're a man who's trying to ease his female partner into the idea of watching porn, then read on.
Pros Full of practical and useful info for the porn newbie.
Cons Not much useful content for people who already watch porn.
Published:August 29, 2010
extremely useful
Superhotsex reviews
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extremely useful
Contributor: iCouple
Superhotsex is a great book for couples who are looking to bring some excitement into their bedroom (or backseat). With beautiful photography and well written content, it's an easy read for both men and women, and if read together can lead to some wonderful conversations about fantasies and kinks. While not for the faint of heart this book isn't for those who "sleep on the edge" either. It's the perfect companion for those who want more from their bedroom but don't know how to get it.
Pros Great for couples, beautiful photographs, well written
Cons Not really same-sex couple friendly
Published:August 16, 2010
Urban Tantra reviews
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Urban Tantra

Jessica Elizabeth
extremely useful
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth
This book will guide you through the journey of adding Tantra to your current sexuality. It's informative and written in a way so that you can go at your own pace.
Pros Well written, engaging, no nonsense
Cons Can be a heavy read
Published:July 30, 2010
Sex Bible reviews
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Sex Bible

Contributor: Yoda
A decent first book for curious newcomers to the bedroom. But despite informative writing and beautiful design, this book lacks somewhat in feeling and originality.
Pros Beautiful photos and some first-hand testimonials
Cons Somewhat ordinary and sterile tone
Published:July 15, 2010
Essin' Em
extremely useful
The One-Hour Orgasm reviews
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The One-Hour Orgasm

Contributor: mckwell
This book didn't rock my world nor did it give me a one hour orgasm. It is better seen as a guide to communication for heterosexual couples.
Pros Basics of foreplay and communication
Cons No one-hour orgasm
Published:July 13, 2010
101 Nights of Grrreat Romance reviews
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101 Nights of Grrreat Romance

extremely useful
Contributor: Firemeup
If you want to re-ignite romance in your relationship, this book is a great way to do it. The ideas are all there for you and you can adapt them to fit your relationship perfectly. If you're just starting out in a relationship, this could still be a great resource, but it isn't really aimed at you.
Pros Great ideas and reminders for re-learning (or just learning) to romance your spouse
Cons Not a great choice for singles, young couples, or people who are already pretty romantic
Published:July 09, 2010
How to Be a Bedroom Goddess reviews
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How to Be a Bedroom Goddess

Jessica Elizabeth
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth
While a little short, this is the perfect book if you are interested in adding spirituality to your sexuality and want a beginner style book to see if it's your thing.
Pros Fun and easy to understand
Cons A bit short
Published:July 05, 2010
extremely useful
Same Sex in the City reviews
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Same Sex in the City

Contributor: AmethystRose02
You'll buy it because of the catchy title, but you'll read it and pass it on because it's open, honest and it's something most women can relate to. So read If you’re newly out or still questioning – yes, this stuff does happen and if you’ve been out, proud and loving it forever, I know you can relate. For any woman who’s attracted to other women, read and enjoy this book - laugh, cry, reminisce, empathize, sympathize and relate, because it’s inevitable - but don’t take this book too seriously.
Pros Funny, entertaining.
Cons Aimed for Femme or lipstick lesbians.
Published:June 28, 2010
SexToys 101 reviews
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SexToys 101

Contributor: Stinalicious
This book is perfect for any individual who is looking to experiment with new toys. It's great for couples looking to improve or expand their collections. It touches on so many different subjects that it has something for everyone.
Pros Great photos, easy to read, and fun
Cons I wish I could touch on more toys and new items
Published:June 15, 2010
The Bisexual's Guide to the Universe reviews
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The Bisexual's Guide to the Universe

Contributor: soulrain
This book is fun and entertaining, full of lists, quizzes, and humorous anecdotes about what being bisexual is supposedly all about. It may be good for someone who doesn't know anything about bisexuality to be introduced to it in a lighthearted way. However, those searching for more serious material or for real-life advice should look elsewhere.
Pros Funny, lighthearted, intro to bisexuality
Cons Not for those looking for serious answers or help
Published:June 08, 2010
extremely useful
Female ejaculation and the G-spot reviews
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Female ejaculation and the G-spot

worth reading, but not useful
Contributor: IvoryPrincess
This book is a great read for women and their partners who want to experience female ejaculation. The history of female ejaculation is riveting. However, if you can already achieve this type of orgasm, the book won't give you any new info.
Pros Great information for women hoping to achieve ejaculation.
Cons Tries to pressure women into feeling they need female ejaculation to enjoy a healthy sex life.
Published:May 28, 2010
extremely useful
Wicked Quickies 52 Ways to Get it Anytime, Anywhere reviews
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Wicked Quickies 52 Ways to Get it Anytime, Anywhere

Contributor: Snappy
Great retro styling, fun read with practical tips and personal experiences included. New take on some classic quickies. Tasteful yet sexy illustrations.
Pros Interesting, innovative ideas.
Cons Some ideas are impractical and may be dangerous and/or illegal.
Published:May 17, 2010
Third Base Ain't What It Used To Be reviews
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Third Base Ain't What It Used To Be

Contributor: WaspGirl
The book provides info about sex and about talking with your children about it. It allows the reader to have their own opinions about sex and values when talking to children, but tries to get you to be realistic about them.
Pros Very informative, from a sex ed teacher, allows parents to keep their views.
Cons Doesn't always give clear cut and dry answers to questions.
Published:May 11, 2010
The Book of Love reviews
Price: $25.00
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The Book of Love

extremely useful
Contributor: darthkitt3n
The Book of Love contains tons of information pertaining to every aspect of your relationship from dating, sex, kids, affairs, fantasies, and emotional bonds. However, if you are not in a male-female relationship, prepare for some disappointment in the photography.
Pros Lots of pictures, Easy to read, TONS of information.
Cons Only straight couples pictured, Expensive.
Published:May 11, 2010
Mrs. Sparks
extremely useful
Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Positions reviews
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Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Positions

extremely useful
Contributor: Kayla
Ultimate Sex Positions includes over 100 positions that the average couple will be able to do. Each position includes a beautiful, full-color photo of the position being done, a title of the position, a tagline of what the position is useful for, text about why the position is pleasurable, and how the male/female can improve the position by doing something extra. This book provides sensual, tasteful photography of sex positions that will motivate many couples to try a new, adventurous position.
Pros Beautiful pictures, extra features are educational, mentions positions the average couple could do.
Cons Text doesn't explain how to do position, multiple pictures would be useful, cover isn't discreet.
Published:April 30, 2010
extremely useful
Orgasms for Two reviews
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Orgasms for Two

Contributor: DaniDarling
I really enjoyed this book, it is well written, has extremely useful information, easy to get into, and hard to put down. She tells about her real life experiences, and that makes it interesting.
Pros Physical size was easy to hold, nicely organized, illustrations.
Cons None
Published:April 05, 2010
How to Be a Great Lover reviews
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How to Be a Great Lover

extremely useful
Contributor: darthkitt3n
"How to Be a Great Lover," is a very informative book with a slightly annoying tone. The author kind of gives the book a feel that if you don't please your lover right, he will hate you and you will be a terrible woman.
Pros Lots of information
Cons Annoying terms Annoying tone Kind of expensive
Published:March 09, 2010
Sex Over 50 reviews
Price: $16.99
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Sex Over 50

Contributor: Josmoseph
I found it to be an ok book to read. However I will probably only read it the one time.
Pros Organized well.
Cons Repetitive of web info.
Published:February 09, 2010
Confessions of a Naughty Mommy reviews
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Confessions of a Naughty Mommy

Contributor: Butterkups
I really enjoyed reading this. I give this book a serious thumbs up… (Humm thumbs…. Up… there is a thought!)
Pros Well Written
Cons It has an end
Published:February 06, 2010
Threesome reviews
Price: $17.99
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extremely useful
Contributor: KinkyShay
This book sat on my bookshelf for several months without being read cover-to-cover. I found it lacking in substance, disrespectful of bisexual men, encouraging of deceit to the end of getting what you want in bed, and rather dry overall. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Pros The chapter The Bisexual Woman does contain some valid, useful information.
Cons The topics are far too brief. Much is excluded or skimmed over that shouldn't be.
Published:January 30, 2010
Buttercup McGee
extremely useful