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This book will have you coming back for more. There is lots to learn and lots that will refresh your mind. The sexual positions, while not really that unique, do give you some ideas, or at least a starting point from which to take off!!
multiple views
lots of good information
easy reading
straight specific
separate sections for men/women
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

About author

This text is a compliation information gathered during many, many interviews with experts in their sexual health domains. Also, the related magazines, Women'sHealth and Men'sHealth received from thousands of readers who completed the The Big Book of Sex online survey. Both of these magazines can be read in hard copy or online. I have read both magazines and often use them as a source for sound health, fitness and sexual information.

The book lists many "sexperts" who contributed to this compilation but does not link any individual to their specific contribution, something that I would like to have seen. When I wanted more information on a topic, I had no hint of where to start my search. There are many names you will recognize and many that you will not and I see no need to list dozens of names and their credentials in this review. If you do want further information, or specific names, please message me.

Lastly, this book is dedicated to "...your physical, emotional, and sexual health!" After all, isn't that what life is all about?
    • Expert author
    • Multiple contributoring authors
    • Well known author

Content / Style / Audience

Most books of this sort, unless specifically mentioned, are written for heterosexual singles and couples. The Big Book of Sex is no exception. Some of the information is useful to both heterosexual and homosexual singles/couples. Nutrition and exercise is nutrition and exercise, no matter the participant but sexual positions are pretty specific to hetero couples, although can be adapted for homosexual couples. All of the illustrations are of straight couples.

I would not share this book with younger adolescents but after high school and sexually active or sexually interested, this book has much useful information, least of which is the "Guide to Hotter Sex" and the "Sex Position Sampler". But, how to handle an unequal relationship, how to begin and end relationships and how to stay physically healthy for sex would be very helpful. For parents who do not feel comfortable sharing intimate details with their offspring, this book can help them understand their children and garish new ways to approach them.

Each side of the book has both an index and a table of contents, which is very helpful and unique to many books. The writing is done well and flows nicely from chapter to chapter. Although it is written by an unknow number of people, the style seems to be the same from chapter to chapter, making it all easy to follow. You won't find million dollar vocabulary, which I find refreshing. Much information can get lost if I can't understand the language. This is not the case with this book (books).
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Current and (if ever!) post sexually active
    • Everyone
    • Pre
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Good mix of styles and content
    • Instructional / educational
    • Non-fiction


This is one book trying to be two books. One side is The Men'sHealth BIG BOOK of SEX and the flip side is The Women'sHealth BIG BOOK of SEX. I don't see the need to separate the two and would have prefered the information in a more integrated format. Sure some of the information is sex specific (information on the vagina and prostate, for example) but information on healthy lifestyles (nutrition, exercise) is very similar. Also, most straight women I know are interested in the physical health and functioning of a man's penis. Likewise, men (myself included!) are very much interested in the workings and satisfaction of a woman's vagina and her accessories!
    • Diagrams / photos included
    • Large coffee table style
    • Not very discreet cover
Follow-up commentary
This is a great book to pick up "just because" or if you have a question or a need for good, sound information. It is well written and balanced.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Zombirella
    Debating on getting this one, thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    Great review, thank you!
  • Contributor: yeoshua
    This is a really good reference book. I'm not sure Mom and Dad want to see it on your coffee table, but it is certainly something that can be left in the open without embarrassment.
  • Contributor: monkey87
  • Contributor: monkey87
  • Contributor: nosrslylol
    Thank you
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