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Book discontinued
by Tickle Kitty Press

Apparently I'm not ticklish...

I really think this book costs much more than anyone should pay for it. It's not a value to me!
Great for sexually inexperienced women.
A total waste of money for the experienced woman.
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useful review
I have to say I waited on pins and needles for this book to arrive. It took quite awhile to actually receive it, and unfortunately, I was extremely disappointed in this book. EXTREMELY disappointed.

It's a fun little book that is a good size to carry around or tuck into a nightstand drawer. However, its advertising claims absolutely do not fit the bill in my opinion. It's 85 pages of actual written instructions, illustrations, and suggestions for masturbation|Tickle Your Fancy. The book advertises that everyone of all levels of experience will benefit from this book. I do not feel anyone with sexual experience will learn a lot. I learned one or two positions and that was it! Everything else in the book is pretty common knowledge to someone who has experience.

I have to admit, I was further disappointed by this book because of the sheer number of drawings in it that were NOT educational in the least. Most of the photos were of an extremely thin woman with huge breasts masturbating in various ways. I'm sorry, but watching a cartoon woman squeezing her nipples while masturbating over and over was really a waste of page space. Those empty spaces could have been filled with additional ideas on positions or true information for someone more sexually advanced.

OK, with the negative “I would have been ticked off to pay $15.00 for this attitude” out of the way, I can give positive insight to this book. This book is for BEGINNERS or sexually inexperienced women. If you have never achieved an orgasm, or you are just starting to experience sex, this book is a fantastic read. It explains where the G-Spot is located, and gives educational drawings that are actually of worth to a woman who is just learning about her body. It specifically talks about cleanliness with toys and goes all the way into talking about anal play.

If you're a mother, I would say buy this book for your young adult daughter. If you are experienced with sex, buy this book on a discounted sale rack or you will be wasting your money!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    That's too bad. Even just the cover doesn't look all that realistic... At least she covers toys and cleanliness, though. Was that part thorough?
  • Contributor: Epiphora
    Ew @ the stereotypical woman even in cartoons.
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
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