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Book discontinued
by Prentice Hall Press

A Richard Simmons Sex Book.

I found it to be an ok book to read. However I will probably only read it the one time.
Organized well.
Repetitive of web info.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Some of you remember Richard Simmons. His story was somewhat simple. A little fat kid that got tired of being fat so he did something about it. Then when he found it worked for him he started telling others and “Sweating to the Oldies” was developed. This book is sort of the sexual version of Sweating to the Oldies for me. It could have been called Screwing with the Oldies.

The reason I say this is simple. Most of what you find in this book is very common knowledge for anyone who has been researching at all the subject. And lets face it, when we get older everything does not work like it use to. But then, if we are smart it really doesn't have to. Most of what you find in the book is available on a good medical web site.

Don't miss-understand. The book is well written and a good read. Just do not expect to open it up and go AHHH, that is what I am doing wrong. Instead, enjoy the many stores of middle age couples that have found ways to bring their sex life back to life. Sex over 50 is very easy to read and put in very short segments. So if you do not have a lot of time you can sit and read a short bit and then pout it down to enjoy later on. Its almost 300 pages are a very good collection of the information you might want all in one place so you do not have to search and remember where you read that before.

Another thing you should know is that very little of this book truly is geared at ONLY people over 50. Most of the advice could be applied to almost any age group. This materials will give you a clear and uninhibited outline on how you might enjoy the pleasures of a full sex life.

Several of the chapters are interesting. Like overcoming inhibitions, and the unlimited potential of midlife orgasm.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Middle age couples
    • Relaxation/alone time
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
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  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Nice review, thanks!
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Ok, that scared me - at first I thought he really wrote a sex book! :-D

  • Contributor: Butterkups
    Do youhave to wear those funny little satin shorts at any time during this stuff??? .. Sorry could not resist
  • Contributor: darkkitty
    Nice review!
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