A Practical Guide to Going Down

"The Lowdown on Going Down" is an easy to understand instructional manual for anyone looking to improve their skills in the area of oral sex. Regardless of what skill level you feel you are, the methods presented in this book have the potential of making you even better.
Easy to read
Contains unnecessary chapters/information
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

About author

The author, Marcy Michaels, is a speech pathologist. From the very beginning of the book, she introduces herself as such, and explains various factors concerning why she believes her background in speech pathology has helped her in the area of oral sex. Many of these factors, as I will explain below, center on her focus of training the tongue.

I decided that if I was going to spend time reading a book about cunnilingus, I'd want it to be written from a woman's perspective. This is the first book of hers that I've read.
    • Very personal approach

Content / Style / Audience

The writing style is very conversational, and the author uses a lot of humor throughout the chapters. It didn't distract me too much from the content of the book, and it may actually serve to ease some readers into the topic quite nicely. If you don't appreciate this relaxed, sometimes quirky style of writing, then you may find the style to be a deterrent.

For the most part, I appreciated her approach to the topic at hand, as she makes it clear that she believes sex should first and foremost be fun. As she says, "Nothing ruins sex as much as taking it too seriously."

Michaels takes a fairly pragmatic approach in dealing with how to sharpen your skills in oral sex. Much of the focus of this approach is on tongue exercises that can be done, which will translate into better control, endurance, and precision when using it. The tongue exercises that are found in this book are awesome. The book also includes diagrams, which ensure that the reader is aware of the exact locations in the mouth and on the tongue that are being referred to for each exercise.

Tongue exercises are not the only things that are discussed, however. Other practical topics that are covered in the book include things such as how to breathe correctly during oral sex. These instructional chapters were beneficial to me, and I think that they contain information that almost anyone could benefit from as well.

My one complaint about the book is that there are several chapters which are not really necessary. I'd refer to them as "fluff" or "filler" chapters. This includes much of the first part of the book, as it takes some time to get to the "meat" of it all. Unfortunately, because of this, there were times where I found myself drifting and not paying attention to what I was reading. It's not the end of the world, however, because the good content is still there. It's just surrounded by things that maybe shouldn't have been included in the first place.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Cunnilingus
    • Oral
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Good mix of styles and content
    • Humorous
    • Instructional / educational


This book comes in a simple paperback design. The cover is not very discreet, as it features a picture of a naked female body. The picture does not show anything very revealing, as it is cut off right below the nipples. The fact that the cover gives away the style of book doesn't bother me at all, as I prefer to read books like this in private. The overall quality and binding of the book is great.

    • Not very discreet cover
    • Soft cover
    • Diagrams / photos included


I just recently finished reading this book, and have not had an extended amount of time to put into practice the many exercises and techniques that are presented. Even though I haven't gotten my tongue into its ideal level of fitness yet, I can already say that what I've learned from the book will result in better oral sex for my wife. Over time, if these methods are consistently practiced, I am sure that the way I perform will have increased significantly.

While I was reading it, I occasionally would have my wife read certain chapters as well. We are very open in our communication in the bedroom, and it was great to be able to show her the various things that were contained in the book, as well as hear her input on certain points.
Follow-up commentary
I love this book, and I still refer to it for some of the tongue exercises that it outlines. Your tongue can never be too fit, you know!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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This review was edited by
  • Elaira Contributor: Elaira
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 120
  • Graduated students: 16
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  • Contributor: Peggers
    Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Antipova
    You did a wonderful job with this review, Illumin8. The fluffy chapters in this book kind of bothered me, too---I think this would have been improved if it was mostly a workout guide! But useful nevertheless. Thanks
  • Contributor: Illumin8
    Thanks Peggers! And Antipova, I'm glad I explained it well. I definitely agree about it being better as a workout guide!
  • Contributor: Sandra Kennedy
    Excellent review!
  • Contributor: TheNaughtyCouple
    We've seen this book around, and have spoken about getting it. Sounds interesting! Thanks!
  • Contributor: Illumin8
    I'd say it's definitely worth looking through! And thanks!
  • Contributor: The Curious Couple
    Very nice review, thanks!
  • Contributor: aliceinthehole
    nice review, i love the intro and your writing style. could you throw us a couple snapshots of what the diagrams look like? and maybe a quick outline of a few of the techniques and exercises? i'm really interested! thanks!
  • Contributor: aliceinthehole
    nice review, i love the intro and your writing style. could you throw us a couple snapshots of what the diagrams look like? and maybe a quick outline of a few of the techniques and exercises? i'm really interested! thanks!
  • Contributor: Mikaela
    Great review! Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: Illumin8
    Thanks everyone. Alice, I'm just about to call it a night, but will try to update the review with those tomorrow!
  • Contributor: Let's Have Some Fun
    Awesome review! Seen this on Amazon before, and have wondered about it.
  • Contributor: TheAverageGuy
    Excellent review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: Illumin8
  • Contributor: AngelvMaynard
    Great review! I want to check it out! Wonder if I can get it on iBook
  • Contributor: Illumin8
    Thanks Angel! I'm not sure if you can, but it'd be worth checking out!
  • Contributor: dudemeister
    Nice review. Thanks.
  • Contributor: Illumin8
    Thanks dudemeister!
  • Contributor: mmmmm
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Thank you!
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