A good summer read and good peek in to BSDM

I was a little disapointed with how the author portrays the BDSM lifestyle. In real life the Dom/me would talk to the sub a lot more about what he wanted of her. He would show her how things needed to be, and then start laying the ground rules for what they were going to do. To me it read like a romance with a little kink thrown in to the mix.
Fifty Shades of Grey is a good read. It does show a small peek in to the BSDM lifestyle.
Needs to be a little more from the heart of the writer.
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Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

Before I go in the this review I need to put this in for anyone who is not a player or may have only dabbled in BDSM; please know that this book is a very good read, but if you intend on trying BDSM keep it safe, sane and consensual, no matter what!
The picture on the cover is of a grey necktie on a dark background, in the story the author speaks of one like it being used to bind the main character, Ana.

There is a reference site of Ms. James where you can read more about her www.eljamesauthor.com
The author has also written Fifty Shades of Darker, Fifty Shades of Freed. I plain on reading these soon.

It is a Choice Awards Finalist for Best Romance on the web site GoodReads. E.L.James is a fan of the Twilight books and started writing on GoodReads. In my opinion she needs to add more of her own personality to her work. I hope that in the future she will write more as herself; not copying the writing style of a writer she admires. I find that this book read a little to much like the Twilight books without the supernatural spark.
I have to say I a agree with Ms. Anne Rice that Ms.James has opened a door for erotic/kink books to be main streamed. I just wish the kink in the book had been a bit more researched! I will admit that I was not even sure I wanted to write a review of this book, because it seemed too difficult to put into words everything that moved me about this story. I will try to do it justice; both the good and the bad parts.

In the first few chapters we get to know the characters in the book. We see how they work together in the story. We particularly get to see how Mr.Grey and Miss. Steel work together.
At around ten chapters into the story Mr.Grey shows Ana the BDSM lifestyle by showing her the dungeon. The author is very detailed about how a Master would set a dungeon up for his own enjoyment. I will admit that I would love to be a sub in that dungeon! As I read the details about it, I got aroused.

As someone who is in the lifestyle, I think Ms.James needs to go in and have a visit in a real Dungeon to see and hear what really goes on in one. She needs to talk with a Dom/me and a sub to find out what is real and what is not. Most BDSM relationships take much longer that a few days, or weeks, to get started. The people involved need to know a lot more about each other than can be learned in that short time period. I have to say one thing she had right about was the checklist of do’s and don’ts. She only touches on the BDSM lifestyle and it is just a light weight love story that is not very bad for a young 20’ish romance.

For the women out there reading and getting all hot and bothered about Grey and all that he does with Ana: Talk with your husbands before going in to the BDSM areas of EdenFantasys and buying out the site! Get the beginner's toys first and make sure you really like ruff play before demanding that your partner become your Dom/me!

Ana is the basic young girl that falls for the rich and more mature man. Christian tries to be the one in control and not to let his past demons out. He also tries to hide that he cares for any one. In time, they see things in a new light as they learn about each other. I hope to know more about them in the other books.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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