50 Shades of the word 'Flushed'

Never have I read the word 'Crap' so many times in an erotic novel. In all seriousness, though, please do yourself a favor and skip this book. It's badly written. Just because a novel is 'erotic' in theme, doesn't mean format and effort have to go out the window. This novel lacks plot. It lacks real, deep characters. It lacks a thesaurus. Skip it. It's 'Crap'.
Its popularity made erotic lit a little more mainstream
It's very poorly written and not well thought out
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I tried to read this book. I really did. Unfortunately, I just couldn't do it. I could not get over the writing style. I've read some pretty kinky lit before, and some of it not so eloquently worded. But, this? It was atrocious.

Now, I heard that 50 Shades of Grey was originally a fan fiction (a non-official spin-off) of Twilight with the franchise's main characters Edward and Bella in an alternate universe. After the installments of the fan fiction, originally titled 'Masters of the Universe,' it seems the author got smart and pulled it from the internet to get it published.

I read somewhere that the original fan fiction 'Masters of the Universe' and the finished 'original' story were edited heavily. I call bull-plop. I read the Twilight books. I didn't really enjoy them, as they too, weren't very well written, but they at least had plot. It seems the only thing that was edited was the names. So if you feel like reading about Bella and Edward getting it on in a non-morman fashion - this book is probably right up your alley.

Why else do I feel this book received very little editing? It reads like a girl typing at her blog. Publishing each chapter as soon as it was finished, without being able to go back and cut, update, or expand. Each chapter feels like the author was just free-writing with no end in sight. The characters are inconsistent and flip-floppy. The scenes were repetitive and dragged on.

Also, a good plot requires planning. A book should have rise and fall and cause their characters to challenge and grow. Every word in your story should either reveal something about a character, or move the action further.

This book had a whole lot of filler and a whole slew of over-used adjectives. I don't know how many times I read the word 'blushed' or 'flushed' before I finally gave up on this book. I think that was my final straw. It's like "I get it, he's hot and she's inexperienced/shy/nervous. Let's move on here." But the author continuous make her lack of thesaurus apparent until finally I could take no more.

Still don't believe me? Here are some legitimate excerpts from the book.

"He’s my very own Christian Grey flavor Popsicle."

"I thought it was chocolate hot fudge brownie sex that we had, with a cherry on top. But hey, what do I know?"

"I want you to become well acquainted, on first name terms if you will, with my favorite and most cherished part of my body. I’m very attached to this."
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  • Contributor: Chelle Love
    Good review... TY
  • Contributor: ellieprobable
    LOL, I agree.
  • Contributor: Asstronaut
  • Contributor: hspence
    i do love the book, but have to agree with the overuse of some words. good job!
  • Contributor: marriedlady123
    Such funny quotes!!
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