
The STU is lovely, soft, and is always willing to open up for my penis. Since I gave the Jenna Haze Forbidden 5 stars, and this one is definitely better in my opinion, and I can't knock a star off a review, I guess then the STU receives 6 stars. Go STU!
Great texture, retains temperature, easy to clean.
Large case, must air dry, so many to choose from.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Fleshlights are designed to look like a gigantic flashlight, so they can be a little more discreet. But their large size and writing on the side of them would easily give them away, especially if someone opened up the top of the toy. But their main purpose is to stroke someone's cock to orgasm with a wonderfully designed masturbator, which is designed to look like numerous body parts. Vagina, ass, mouth, or alien, they have them all. They also offer different textures on the insides, and even popular porn stars private parts.

My first Fleshlight was the Jenna Haze Forbidden, which was her ass. It was and still is highly pleasurable, but each time I used it, I didn't last that long, and I seemed to be lasting shorter in bed recently. I don't know if it was the fact that I have been using a Fleshlight for a few months now, or that we stopped using condoms, or a combination of both. But I decided, since there are so many Fleshlights available, to try another one, and this time I went with the STU vagina.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere

Material / Texture

Fleshlights are made out of Superskin, their super secret, special formula which is very soft and realistic. The top of the STU is a vagina, and while it isn't a porn stars vagina, it is a very nice one indeed. Instead of a light color that the Forbidden came in, this is a pretty dark pink color, which looks a lot more realistic. The inside of the STU is very small nubs, traveling the entire length of the toy. These nubs are probably 1 cm across. It doesn't make a difference whether you are at the first inch of the texture, or pooping out the other end, it is all the same texture wise. I found with this texture though, that I was wanting at times to ram as far into it as I could.

Superskin is a secret formula for Fleshlights, and they aren't sharing what it is made out of. But they will tell you it isn't silicone, it is non-allergenic, and it is latex and phthalate free. It is very soft to the touch, and retains temperature well. It is soft enough to stretch to whatever size penis you have, but also firm enough that when in the case, it doesn't get pushed out the other end.

STU texture
    • Flexible
    • Porous
    • Textured interior

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

The Fleshlight case I received was a gold one, and it is 9.5 inches tall. It has a top cap, which you remove to access the vagina, and it has a 3.5 inch diameter. The bottom cap, which you use to adjust suction, has a 2.25 inch diameter. Compared to the Forbidden texture, the opening on the STU is huge. The Forbidden at rest has a very small slit, where as the STU lips are 2 inches long, and almost 1 inch wide. Just inside of this is the opening to the texture, and at rest it is about 3/4 of an inch long. This made it very easy to insert, and it doesn't grip down so tightly on my penis as I thrust. But to me, this is a great thing, as I get to enjoy more of the texture inside, instead of just getting squeezed by the opening.
    • Realistic
    • Will fit most people

Functions / Performance / Controls

The only function to the Fleshlight is the bottom cap which adjusts suction. For the STU, I loosen the cap quite a bit for insertion and throughout the entire session. There is a little bit of noise from it, but nothing too bad, and nothing some good porn in the background can't drown out. The first time I used the STU, right as I was about to orgasm I closed the suction cap all the way. This basically caused my penis to seize mid thrust, and I quickly had to loosen it back to its previous position.
    • Feels realistic
    • Very stimulating

Care and Maintenance

Cleaning, while some might think is long and tedious with the Fleshlights, is quite simple. After I finish, I go into the bathroom, with a paper towel handy, and remove my penis from the Fleshlight. I use a wet wipe to then clean off my penis, before preceding with cleaning the toy. I then remove the suction cap, which used to allow my cum to drip out of the bottom. But with the nubs in the STU, it stays inside. I then remove the sleeve from the case, squeeze the sleeve to get my cum out of the bottom of it, and I run warm water through it standing over the bathtub. Because of the material, you should not use any soap while cleaning, as it can break down the Superskin material.

I then use my paper towel to dry off the outer part of the sleeve, and replace it almost fully back in the case. I leave about an inch gap at the top to allow the sleeve to dry, with both caps removed. And since we have an extra bathroom, I will usually leave it out for about 24 hours before putting it away. If you discover mold growning in your toy, use can use some isopropyl alcohol to clean it. Also, if your sleeve becomes sticky to the touch, you can add some cornstarch to it after cleaning. Do not use talc or baby powder, as it has been linked to cervical cancer. If you do this, you should rinse it off before your next use. My other Fleshlight I have had for 9 months, and I haven't had to do this yet.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean


The Fleshlight comes in a large tin, that is black and neon green, and it is 10.5 inches tall. It features an image of the texture and the vagina opening, and a woman holding a weight. It states "with our most stimulating inner texture, if you can last 10 minutes in the STU, you can last 20 in bed with anyone!" It's large size would definitely attract attention to it, and then anyone reading it would discover what it is. On the inside, instead of the black case that is shown on Eden's website, it is a gold case wrapped in a plastic bag. This was a pleasant surprise, and I really like it. I don't really know why. It is nice to have different colored cases to be able to identify which orifice you are reaching for if you have a large collection. There is a pamphlet about cleaning, use, and other Fleshlights offered inside. But before you shove your dick into this pussy, make sure to remove the rod that is inside the toy to protect it during shipping. You also receive a trial sample of Fleshlube in the tube. While this is great for shipping, and for moving, it isn't necessary for me, and I will be getting rid of the tin.
    • Not discreet

Personal comments

This is my second Fleshlight. My first one, the Jenna Haze forbidden, I enjoyed a lot, but I never lasted that long with it. A lot of times I was in a rush and had other things to do, so maybe that was part of it. But I wasn't fully satisfied, and I wanted to try a different one. So I ordered the STU. I was hoping this would arrive over the weekend, but it arrived a few hours after I left for work for the week. So all week long I was like a little boy at Christmas, wanting to see what I had waiting under the tree.

When I got home, I ran over to the office to pick up my package. I got it home, and opened the box to see what was inside. There I found many presents, but the one I focused on for the moment was my Fleshlight. After I rinsed off the vagina, I put on one of my favorite DVD's for the moment, one staring Julia Ann, and got to work. I first fingered my new pussy, and the bumps on the inside felt wonderful! I stroked myself a little bit to get erect, then lubed up the vagina and in I went. I was expecting to last not very long, according to the tin, but I kept it slow and enjoyed the action. I had the suction pretty loose, and I easily lasted double what I was with the Jenna Haze Forbidden. Damn she must have a tight ass! Then right as I was about to orgasm, I sped up and tightened the suction down. But it was too tight, and I had to loosen it. It almost stopped my thrusting right there. I enjoy my Forbidden, but I cherish and adore my STU.


During the second use of the STU, I got the idea to use both the STU and the Forbidden at the same time. After a few minutes of the STU, I switched to the Forbidden. I immediately noticed the temperature difference, which I have never noticed the temperature before. The forbidden was cold from sitting inside the apartment all day long with the heat turned down, while the STU was warmed up by my penis. I also noticed that the entrance of the Forbidden was much tighter, but the texture inside wasn't as noticeable. So the STU is definitely the winner in my book between the two, and now I am looking forward to trying even more textures. What else could be out there? Hmmmmm. Maybe a porn stars mouth, or a porn stars pussy?
Follow-up commentary
Since I got the STU, the Jenna Haze Forbidden has come out only once, and that was to compare the two together. Even my wife has noticed that this one is sitting out drying all of the time. I love the STU, it is just so much more enjoyable than the Forbidden. I can last longer with it, but it seems like there is more texture inside. I still want to try more Fleshlights, but this is currently the top stroker.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: bayosgirl
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Awesome review! Thx!
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: spiced
    Thanks for an outstanding review. I'm trying to choose my first fleshlight and your review helps!
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    @spiced- Glad my review helps. There are a lot of great Fleshlights out there. For a first, I would recommend one of their more original ones like this or a Fleshlight Girls. The newest ones like the Flight or Sword or Blade aren't as good in my opinion.
  • Contributor: kaykay0427
  • Contributor: SecondStory
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