You'll love to fly!

This Fleshlight, as compared to others, is highly advantageous in it's smaller design, which makes it tighter and the textures more reachable by average length individuals. It's also very low cost, compared to other Fleshlights. Highly recommended!
Very soft
Subtle texture
Sleek and discreet
Low cost
Can't stand on end cap
Rear cap doesn't hold in fluids very well
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
First thing's first, if you have a Fleshlight and like it you'll love this one. If you don't have a Fleshlight and are looking for one, you'll love this one. At half the cost of an ordinary Fleshlight, smaller/tighter canal and more easily reachable textures, you can't go wrong.

The shape, size and opening of this Fleshlight model don't scream "fake vagina" like the other models do. With the sleek entrance of this model, should someone find it, it'll likely be less awkward. The other models are quite garish and seem far more mock-able then this sleek model. It fits comfortably in the hand and isn't very heavy, so your arm isn't going to get tired, unless you're really working hard. The only complaint I have about the styling is the rear cap is slanted and it can't stand upright, but that's a minor problem.

When looking at reviews, I thought it would be quite sticky when using because of the lack of pigment; however, I've yet to find it a problem. Aside from it being a pain to get into the case, I don't really notice the stickiness of the material. As far as the texture itself goes, it's subtle but very enjoyable. For me, the subtle texture and very soft material is a huge plus, since it means I can last far longer when using it.

I originally had a Tenga flip hole because they were apparently so easy to clean, and Fleshlights were difficult. That couldn't be further from the truth. I actually find the Fleshlight to be very quick and easy to clean (and sterilize with alcohol, which has yet to show any signs of hurting the material), even more so then the Tenga, which was designed around its ability to be cleaned easily. There is also zero chance of this growing mold anywhere with even mediocre attempts at cleaning as long as it's dried well (or used regularly, consequently being cleaned frequently). When I use it, it's always at night and I clean it the next day. This and yet to lead to any problems with bacteria or smell so I don't see it as ever becoming a problem.

It works great with any lube I've tried, as long as it's water based, and it seems to hold it in quite well. I highly recommend this Fleshlight, especially at such a low cost.
Since I've first had a male masturbator (and before that when I made one), I've had my own technique to using it that I think others would enjoy, should they not already know. First thing is to gather a couple pillows (how many depends on preference, though they should be the same size) and stack them on top of each other. Next, you'll want to to wrap a pants belt around the front and back to hold the pillows together tightly. Next, just slide the Fleshlight between two pillows, or however many you prefer, and the rest is probably obvious. It's nice to be able to thrust into the Fleshlight like it were a person instead of always using your hand, and with this you can try any position in the book you want! If you've never tried this or something similar, I highly recommend it.
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  • Contributor: joiedejouets
    Nice job!
  • Contributor: Herzer
    Thanks for the review and suggested use.
  • Contributor: Cindi025
    Great review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: bog
    Great review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: Trysexual
    Good job.
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    Thank you very much for your review
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