Water-based lubricant

Woah, wait just a minute!!

Not Yet Gel works. It can lead to longer lasting sexual encounters with limited loss of sensation and without using a cock ring. If you are needing a good prolonging gel, this one is worth a try.
This really delays male orgasms and it is inexpensive!! Will also work for a toothache.
Can numb the clit, vagina or mouth and tongue.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
If you have ever been with someone that wishes they could last just a little bit longer, this is a good choice for you. It adds pleasure to both partners by prolonging ejaculation and can build confidence. This product is easy to use, very effective and does not require the use of a cock ring or other device that restricts blood flow and can be potentially dangerous.

This product contains 7.5% benzocaine. This is the same amount and ingredient that causes the pain relief/numbing effect in Baby Orajel. None of the other ingredients are listed on the packaging or online. Because of this, I suggest using it in a tiny amount first and not on a sensitive area to make sure there will not be a reaction. There is obviously red dye and flavoring used in it. The product is very red, and will be visible if you get it on your sheets but it has always washed out for me. The scent is very medicinal and cherry, like that of children's cough syrup.

When using this product there is an immediate numbing and cooling sensation from the active ingredient. It is best used applied in a small amount, and rubbed in thoroughly. The product will come out a little thick but it does thin out as it is rubbed in. After it is applied, it is recommended to wait about ten minutes or so before beginning sex. This is so the gel has time to work, so you get the maximum benefit of the product. In each tube there are about 6 to 10 uses, depending on how much you use each time. The normal sensations and feeling returns to the penis in no less than thirty minutes with every experience I have had with Not Yet gel.

This product worked for us. It decreased the sensation for my partner, but only slightly so it was still pleasurable for him. I would say this was best used for us when we were doing a lot of playing and he was likely to be aroused for longer periods of time. He did not feel completely "numb' ever when using this. Moisture on his penis made it feel cool. It will also numb the lips and tongue if the penis is licked or sucked after this is used. The effects are much stronger orally, than externally on the penis. After using the entire tube that it extended the median amount of time we were actually having intercourse by 7 to 10 minutes. There were times it extended it by only 4 or 5 minutes, and once or twice that it was over 15 extra minutes. Every time it was used, there was an extension over the normal length of time it takes for my partner to achieve orgasm.

When using this, make sure it is completely absorbed into the penis, or the excess it wiped away before penetration. It can cause numbing to the vagina and clitoris hindering the female partner from having orgasm. This is also important for anal sex, because if the anus was numbed there could be injury that is not immediately recognized. There is also some concern over the other ingredients that are not listed and if they pose a risk for yeast infections or not. Using a condom over the penis after this is applied, will even further enhance the use of this gel, and as always is safer!
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  • Contributor: Tuesday
    Did the gel numb you too? Or did it absorb in well enough? I've noticed that when I used benzocaine in my mouth that when it wears off the area is hypersensitive. Does that happen with this gel?
  • Contributor: Cinnamon Chambers
    The time it was not completely abosorbed into his penis I got numb too, too numb to cum. After that we have used a condom when he used the gel. It was not hypersensitive at all after it wore off in 30 min or so.
  • Contributor: Miss Cinnamon
    Thanks for the incredibly informative review! I wonder how prolonging gel is different from the numbing anal gels that were discontinued on this site? Or is it simply the use of benzocaine-based products as anal sex aids that is discouraged? Either way--great review!
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    I bought a gel like this on here. I skipped over this one because I thought it was too cheap to work! I bought the Karma Sutra brand one and it works great. but it sounds like if I had picked this one I could have saved a bit of money.
  • Contributor: Cinnamon Chambers
    I wouldnt know about anal gels, because we never purchased those to campare this too.

    I havbe tried the KamaSutra type of this and did not care for it at all.

  • Contributor: Free
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: dhig
    Thanks for reviewing
  • Contributor: sexyybitch
    Thanks for the informative review.
  • Contributor: |Scheibe|
    Thank you for the awesome review.
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    thank you for the review
  • Contributor: tinadice
  • Contributor: Darklyvan
    ty for the review
  • Contributor: tiggle biddies
    nice review
  • Contributor: its just me
    Thanks, I like it, just heard products like this numb you to much.
  • Contributor: MamaDivine
    Thank you for the review!
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