Woah Sallie! Almost too fast!

This toy is definitely worth the money you would spend on it. You will definitely get your moneys worth. However, the toy is almost too stimulating to the point of pain. As long as you keep in mind that slow and steady will win the race, this toy is really the way to go.
Stretchy, Stimulating, Always gets the job done
Ribbed, Almost stimulates too much
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
When I got my Wrap Around Sallie, it came in a fairly large box with a girl on the front, almost completely naked. Not that I minded as she was pretty attractive, but the box was rather over sized. Plus with the lady on the front, it could be pretty hard to explain what was in the box. The reason I bring this up is if you were in college or at home, this product would be pretty hard to slide under the radar if anyone saw the packaging. The toy itself is a bit racy with how it is shaped. It has the shape of a lady on top of the sleeve, and the entry is the shape of a vagina. However, if anyone has actually opened up the box and is looking at the toy, we are way past keeping the toy a secret.

I opened the package I received the toy in, and then opened up the box inside to find my Wrap Around Sallie. The toy was covered in a plastic bag, most likely to keep dust or dirt off of the material. Once I opened the bag, I found that the toy had a slight smell of the SoftTouch material. Although, it wasn't over powering, it was definitely there.

The toy itself is a tube with the shape of a naked woman on top of it. Honestly, it looked a bit cheesy at first, but the secretary and I have come to like the toy for its unusual appearance. The toy has a novelty appearance but definitely gets the job done. The inside of the toy is actually textured to replicate the inside of a vagina. The toy is made of a material called SoftTouch which is made of a mixture of PVC and silicone. The best way to clean the material is to use a mild soap and warm water. I bring it with me into the shower and make sure it's clean, then I pat it down with a nice dry cloth. The best way to maintain the material is to treat it with cornstarch in order to keep the material from getting sticky or staying damp. Unlike other toys like this, unfortunately it cannot be turned inside out to be cleaned. The lady on top of the toy and the general thickness of the toy make it impossible to turn the toy inside out. Although you can't turn it inside out, you can easily clean the inside by using your fingers to work some soapy water through the center of the toy because the toy is open ended. The toy should be stored in a cool, dark place and it should only be used with water based lubricants. The toy has a length of 5 1/2 inches and accommodates up to 4 inches. It has a 4 1/2" circumference. That stretches out to fit most guys even of bigger size. This was a big plus for me seeing as most toys like this are too small for me, and I break them quite easily.

Do not use this toy with anything but water based lube. Other lubes will actually damage the material. It will become soft and make the material more apt to failure. I have found that leaving lube of any kind on any toy will damage it over time. However, lube is definitely the way to go with this toy. The more the better, because if you don't, the ribbing can really chaff your body if it starts to dry out. Finally for safety, do not share this toy unless you are using a condom because of the material being so porous. Because of the material being porous even your best efforts may not completely sanitize the product.

My reason for calling this review "Whoah Sallie! Almost too much!" is that combined with the ribbing, the material, and a good lube, it really wasn't a question of if the toy was going to make me cum, it was how hard and how quickly. For the price, this toy really can't be beat. I wish I had gotten one in college. The toy feels awesome, but you really do have to be careful. I have found that the toy will actually over stimulate you to the point of putting you in slight pain if you use the toy to bring you all of the way through your orgasm (which if you are like me, can be fun sometimes!). I plan on giving it some time and testing it out a few more times to give you all a follow up. I'll see how the material holds up and if Sallie ends up hurting me now that I have a better idea of how to use her.
I have not been a huge fan of these types of toys. The reason being is that the real thing is honestly miles better than the toy. I had received a toy from another company years ago that really put a sour taste in my mouth because it broke so easily after I had used it. I believe the third time I had used it, it actually ripped under little stress and because of that, I disposed of the toy. The toy I had tested was also made of SoftTouch.

Now that I have stated that, I have to say that at this point, the toy has proven to be a lot of fun and miles better than the previous toy. The question isn't if I am going to have an orgasm, it is how hard and quick am I going to cum when I do. A toy like this really makes you learn your body and it helps you find your breaking point and learn how to control your arousal. This toy has met and exceeded any expectations I have had, and to be honest, just the fact that the toy has not broken on me has been one of my favorite points. Because of my girth, I was expecting that right away the toy would be too small and wouldn't stretch to accommodate my size. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the toy not only stretched considerably, but it also fit me comfortably. The toy did stretch to accommodate my size although it was tight. I did actually pop out of the other side of the toy but I didn't mind in the least bit because the material is so soft that it didn't hurt me at all.

The first time I used the Wrap Around Sallie the only problem I can say I had with it was that it made me cum so fast that I was shocked. So thinking that it was me, I went and used it again. I came just as fast finding that I would just simply have to use the toy slowly in order to really enjoy the orgasm.

My biggest complaint is that the ribbed interior actually seems to have hurt me to some degree. This toy is great to get you there, just make sure Sallie doesn't end up hurting you. I am not going to lie and say that the toy is completely the problem. I think it's entirely possible that I may not have used enough lube, but I will make a follow up to let you know if the toy had continued to bother me.
Follow-up commentary
Hi all! I thought since I have had some more time to play with my new toy I would give you all a follow up to my original review. As I have said in the review, I was sure that I was going to hate this toy. This toy has proven me wrong in every way. The best way I can put it to you is that Wrap around Sallie is the poor man's Fleshlight. I am to the point where even the smell of the material turns me on because of how easily it gets me off. I have found with a little bit more usage that the toy does need quite a bit of lube in order to not chafe me, but now that I am aware of that fact, I really don't have a complaint against the toy. I recently purchased a Fleshlight, but I honestly can't conceive of getting rid of this toy. It gives almost the same result of a Fleshlight, but it is easily hidden and discreet. Regardless of how you look at it, in some situations this is a huge advantage over the Fleshlight or other comparable toys. In the end Sallie will always be my girl! I still like it!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Masturbation
    • Solo
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Genitals
This review was edited by
  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Rank:
    7.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 580
  • Graduated students: 77
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Ms. Spice
    awesome review! i love the design
  • Contributor: The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary
    Thanks Mrs. Spice!
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Your best review yet! I hope you guys continue to explore
  • Contributor: The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary
    Thanks Lauren! We plan to!
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: Lindsey123
    Agree with LaUr3n
  • Contributor: arewehavingfun?
    Why do guys say that really quick O's are painful?
  • Contributor: The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary
    I wouldent say quick o's are painful but i would say that an o that you take your time getting to is much better. I was actually referring to the texture inside of the toy being too intense causing you to get off very quickly. I have found that the proper amount of lube and speed makes this toy really fun.
  • Contributor: mandaj
    great review i have been lookin to add this to our toy collection for some time now!!!!
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