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Vibrating hollow strap-on reviews

Average review rating:
[ 4 reviews ]
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Definitely a good workout for her. Not one of those gotta-have toys, but a good addition to the collection. Better to use it as a penis extension rather than using it when you can't get it up. You need an erection to better control it and make it a more natural feeling for both partners.

Overall, I would pass on this toy if given the choice again. Planning needs to go into using it and be sure you have a good lube and lots of it on hand.

OW and I really wanted this to work. I wouldn't classify her as a size queen, but she has experienced some heftiness before. It took a few weeks to work up the courage to try this. Since it didn't work out this time, I suspect it may be a while before she's going to tackle this again. My rating is based on the idea and purpose of this, not our actual experience. A tapered head would make this easier to take.

If you want to give your partner a big surprise the huge Vibrating Hollow Dildo is the way to go. Are you looking for that full feeling? Here's your chance.

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