This Little Gem Opens Doors!

This toy is a fantastic introductory diamond in the rough that will deliver wonderful vibrations that both he and she can enjoy. It packs power you wouldn't imagine for a toy its size and, while it's true that once it dies you have to throw it away, they are cheap to replace even if you don't decide to upgrade to something a bit more complicated. This is a perfect toy for couples wanting to experiment with sex toys to enhance their mutual pleasure.
Inexpensive, powerful for it's size, pleasure for him and her
Toy has a shelf life and will last for 2-3 reasonably lengthy romps tops before needing to be tossed
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
We all started out a certain way. We'd walk sheepishly through the isles of our local adult toy store, scanning with the corners of our eyes( as though anyone there was really paying attention) and we'd pass judgement on what we would or wouldn't try. For us as women, vibrators are kind of second nature whether you go for the simple smooth vibe or the complicated multi-setting one. For men however, toys usually don't come into the picture. Well this simple little toy might change the minds of a few narrower-minded companions and open doors that will make them willingly step-in to act as a replacement for your favorite buzzing pal.

This ring is what I would call 'entry level.' It's very basic, slender, and small. For it's size it packs a surprising punch, but more on that in a moment. These rings come in small, sealed wrappers kind of of like a piece of candy. You tear the wrapper open and out pops yours-and-his new best friend. The ring is flexible enough that it can slide over your guy with little fuss, but it still grips tightly enough that there's little risk of it slipping off. You can just click the little switch on the side of the tiny little bullet and he's sold. The vibration is quite intense for a toy of it's size, and my husband personally guarantees that any man will feel it through and through, and I promise that during intercourse you will too, ladies. That's the appeal of this toy and those like it; it's not just intense for you. He will appreciate it as well. In addition, during deep penetration, the small bullet is a thrill just as much to your clit as it is inside of you.

The toy is designed as a first timer's toy to possibly peak your interest in its larger, more elaborate friends and is even marketed as a disposable item. Unless you intend to make your first C ring experience last for hours on end, you can likely get more than one use out of it. It's a thrill to feel you own partner inside you doing what previously you had only known an artificial novelty could accomplish. When the batteries inside of it die you'll have to sadly toss the whole toy into the trash, but the next time you swing by the store you'll either pick up a new one cheaper than dirt or perhaps take a bit more notice of similar toys that will blow your mind even more.
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Play party
  • Features
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  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • Genitals
    • Mutual stimulation
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    • First timers
    • Toy curious
This review was edited by
  • Ryuson Contributor: Ryuson
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 515
  • Graduated students: 17
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  • Contributor: married with children
    thanks for sharing. we tried this, and it was nothing special.
  • Contributor: deltalima
  • Contributor: TrenchcoatHunters
    Thanks for the review.
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